Trump is not a racist

Hello Evmetro,

There is plenty of evidence contained in the accusations. Is it proof? Why does there have to be proof for people to believe? Humans believe in plenty of things without having it proved. There is never going to be a court case requiring proof that President Trump is a racist.

That won't stop the majority of the world from believing it.

Hello Evmetro,

There is plenty of evidence contained in the accusations.

Please wrap quotes around the evidence contained in those accusations and post it here. Nobody has been able to post anything more than accusations, allegations, propaganda compilations, and dismissed or dropped cases. Hopefully you will be the first to be able to isolate and post the evidence.

Is it proof?

That is what this thread is about.

Why does there have to be proof for people to believe?

There does not need to be proof of anything for a person to have faith in something. That's what faith is, but that is not what this thread is about.

Humans believe in plenty of things without having it proved. There is never going to be a court case requiring proof that President Trump is a racist.

Indeed, many humans have faith in many things. I am glad to see that you have the common sense to admit that there are no court cases that prove Trump to be a racist. You have been able to separate from the dogma of your ideology, which means you are much more of an independent thinker than the typical lefty.

That won't stop the majority of the world from believing it.

The only people who have faith that Trump is a racist are those who have limited their consumption of media to what the MSM has to offer. The MSM is the best sales force on the planet.
Hello and greetings Taichiliberal,

Thanks for your marvelous post.

Three out of four African Americans think Trump is a racist.

Unfortunately, it does not matter how many people think Trump is a racist, as far as being evidence that Trump is in fact a racist. I would like to read more about your stats here though, got a link?
Please wrap quotes around the evidence contained in those accusations and post it here. Nobody has been able to post anything more than accusations, allegations, propaganda compilations, and dismissed or dropped cases. Hopefully you will be the first to be able to isolate and post the evidence.

That is what this thread is about.

There does not need to be proof of anything for a person to have faith in something. That's what faith is, but that is not what this thread is about.

Indeed, many humans have faith in many things. I am glad to see that you have the common sense to admit that there are no court cases that prove Trump to be a racist. You have been able to separate from the dogma of your ideology, which means you are much more of an independent thinker than the typical lefty.

The only people who have faith that Trump is a racist are those who have limited their consumption of media to what the MSM has to offer. The MSM is the best sales force on the planet.

No media here.

Trump consent decree
Hello evmetro,

Unfortunately, it does not matter how many people think Trump is a racist, as far as being evidence that Trump is in fact a racist. I would like to read more about your stats here though, got a link?

The evidence has been presented over and over. You have prejudged it to not be evidence and refused to accept it. I'm not playing your game any more. It's boring.

You have this contention that since it has not been proven that President Trump is a racist therefore he is not. I am now spilling the beans on this little ploy. It is not possible to prove that somebody is a racist. You are placing an impossible condition on the contention that President Trump is a racist just so you can claim it isn't so.

Your premise is false because it is possible for somebody to be a racist and not be proved a racist. One by one you dismiss each bit of circumstantial evidence but you fail to consider that when all of them are put together the only explanation is racism.

You have failed to convince anyone who believes Trump is a racist otherwise. But you are doing a good job of convincing yourself it is OK to give him a free pass on this.
Hello evmetro,

The evidence has been presented over and over. You have prejudged it to not be evidence and refused to accept it. I'm not playing your game any more. It's boring.

You have this contention that since it has not been proven that President Trump is a racist therefore he is not. I am now spilling the beans on this little ploy. It is not possible to prove that somebody is a racist. You are placing an impossible condition on the contention that President Trump is a racist just so you can claim it isn't so.

Your premise is false because it is possible for somebody to be a racist and not be proved a racist. One by one you dismiss each bit of circumstantial evidence but you fail to consider that when all of them are put together the only explanation is racism.

You have failed to convince anyone who believes Trump is a racist otherwise. But you are doing a good job of convincing yourself it is OK to give him a free pass on this.

Hello evmetro,

The evidence has been presented over and over. You have prejudged it to not be evidence and refused to accept it. I'm not playing your game any more. It's boring.

You have this contention that since it has not been proven that President Trump is a racist therefore he is not. I am now spilling the beans on this little ploy. It is not possible to prove that somebody is a racist. You are placing an impossible condition on the contention that President Trump is a racist just so you can claim it isn't so.

Your premise is false because it is possible for somebody to be a racist and not be proved a racist. One by one you dismiss each bit of circumstantial evidence but you fail to consider that when all of them are put together the only explanation is racism.

You have failed to convince anyone who believes Trump is a racist otherwise. But you are doing a good job of convincing yourself it is OK to give him a free pass on this.

I understand your need to tow the party line, I am not surprised to see that this would be the inevitable outcome of discussing it with you. Here is a fun trivial fact to research in the consent decree: In which specific way did Trump admit a violation, as per the wording of the consent decree?

You are quite correct that we can not actually know if somebody is a racist or not if they do not want it to be known. Even if one COULD prove Trump discriminated against another race, discrimination is not the same thing as racism. Whites can discriminate against whites, blacks can discriminate against blacks.
I understand your need to tow the party line, I am not surprised to see that this would be the inevitable outcome of discussing it with you.

Fantasy. A diversion. (and you are going downhill) The reality is Trump, the racist, is a racist. And it's not just blacks. He hates Muslims and Latinos, too.

Even if one COULD prove Trump discriminated against another race, discrimination is not the same thing as racism. Whites can discriminate against whites, blacks can discriminate against blacks.

Now you're just saying anything to try to prop up what you want to believe.
The reality is Trump, the racist, is a racist.

Got a link to some evidence of this? Not a link to a propaganda compilation or allegations, not accusations, and not dropped or dismissed cases. Even if you compile every piece of non evidence into one post, it won't be evidence. repeating the same allegations does not make them spontaneously turn into evidence either. Produce some evidence.
Got a link to some evidence of this? Not a link to a propaganda compilation or allegations, not accusations, and not dropped or dismissed cases. Even if you compile every piece of non evidence into one post, it won't be evidence. repeating the same allegations does not make them spontaneously turn into evidence either. Produce some evidence.

Trump consent decree.

Not dismissed. Not allegations. Pure fact.
Fantasy. A diversion. (and you are going downhill) The reality is Trump, the racist, is a racist. And it's not just blacks. He hates Muslims and Latinos, too.

Now you're just saying anything to try to prop up what you want to believe.

When did Muslims and / or Latinos become a race??
