Trump is not a racist


I said what I said and I literally meant exactly what I said. If you want to read something into it, that's your bag, but I'll not be held responsible for your interpretations.

I was a bit surprised that you actually said something because mostly you have been self-moderating the Topic, posting the same large picture as a reply, and saying absolutely nothing, forcing others to scroll, scroll, scroll, down, down, down to get to anything meaningful. That is not received well. And I see there is a rule which addresses that:

Rule 13: "No Self-Moderation of the Board. Definition: making a thread unreadable through using extra large fonts or other means to block usage of a thread/forum. Rules will be enforced by the Administration or by Staff Members... Let's be adult here...."

So now I have to wonder.

Are we going to enjoy a mutual respect with each other and have intellectual discussions or are you going to play shallow games I have no interest in?

You see, I have no interest in talking to people who think they can control the Topics for their own purposes.

I'm already close to placing you on permanent Ignore just because I don't like the monotonous way you post.

I want to talk to people I can respect and whom respect me. And have interesting discussions.

I can't really expect you to change to meet my requirements, so I am now wondering if I am wasting my time talking to you or if there is hope for civil discourse with you which includes mutual respect between us. Our minds may be able to help one another have a better understanding of the world. We could become better informed by chatting in the way I described. But if you're just interested in winning little semantics games in your own mind, that's not my thing.

So what's it gonna be?

Are we on the same level?

Or should we just go our own ways...

While that was a nice word salad, you still haven't explained why you brought Muslims and Latinos into a conversation regarding racism.

Plus it's not my interpretation of what you said; because it's basically what you said, that was in error.

If you want to be better understood, make better presentations.
Tons have been proffered. Your bias just will not accept it. Trump is a low level at least 2nd generation racist and bigot. It fits with the respect he pays to women, none.

Hello Evmetro,

There is nothing to see except an attempt at stereotyping. Do liberals duck and dodge? Of COURSE they do! Do conservatives duck and dodge? Yup! Ducking and dodging is done on both sides. It is highly misleading and slanted to talk exclusively about how liberals do something which conservatives also do.

I'll tell you something else. It is a HUGE mistake to think that just because somebody shares some of your views that they will share them all. Or that their reasons for supporting those things are the same as yours.

There are good people and bad people on both sides. Some will argue merit and avoid playing games. Others get nasty. Others only want to talk about one another. It all happens on both sides.

And none of that changes the widely held perception, mine included, that President Trump is a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, a demagogue, a chickenhawk, a cheat, probably a money launderer, a foe of law and order, a liar, and a bully.

You can play musical goal posts all you like, reject whatever has been presented, claim whatever you want, tis naught but spinning of the wheels and going precisely nowhere.

His most recent racism was the Central Park 5 and 5 years of birtherism. Well other than a wall that manages to magically pick out brown people. Trump may not be a racist, although his KKK father makes you wonder. But his actions, statements and policies are badly racist. But he may be conning haters, like the many on this board. He knew he needed them to have a chance.

Trump consent decree

Lists all the hoops they had to jump through because of their racusr behavior.

It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order


President Donald Trump referred to immigrants from Haiti and African nations as coming from “shithole countries,” according to a report by The Washington Post on Thursday.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to the publication and others who attended the meeting. He later suggested that the U.S. should bring in more immigrants from countries like Norway.

He later added, “Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out,” .
President Donald Trump referred to immigrants from Haiti and African nations as coming from “shithole countries,” according to a report by The Washington Post on Thursday.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to the publication and others who attended the meeting. He later suggested that the U.S. should bring in more immigrants from countries like Norway.

He later added, “Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out,” .

What race are you talking about?
President Donald Trump referred to immigrants from Haiti and African nations as coming from “shithole countries,” according to a report by The Washington Post on Thursday.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to the publication and others who attended the meeting. He later suggested that the U.S. should bring in more immigrants from countries like Norway.

He later added, “Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out,” .



While that was a nice word salad, you still haven't explained why you brought Muslims and Latinos into a conversation regarding racism.

I actually did but you missed it:

Xenophobia and racism often go hand in hand.


Plus it's not my interpretation of what you said; because it's basically what you said, ...

No, there is no 'basically' about it. It was your interpretation. I did not say what you claimed. Here's what I said:

The reality is Trump, the racist, is a racist. And it's not just blacks. He hates Muslims and Latinos, too.

To which you replied:

When did Muslims and / or Latinos become a race??

Now I am compelled to point out that there is no hidden part of the sentence I typed that - said - they *are* a race. You inferred it. And when you brought it up I explained:

Xenophobia and racism often go hand in hand.

Let's break that down.

Trump treats blacks differently because he is racist.
Trump hates Mulsims and Latinos because he is also a xenophobe.

And all of that is possible without Muslims and Latinos being races, which I never claimed they are.

Now I have a question for you.

Why are you bombarding the conversation with the same large picture which forces everybody to scroll, scroll, scroll, down, down, down, and often not even including a comment? Do you think everyone appreciates having to scroll past the same thing over and over?

Tell ya what. That is so annoying I am going to put an end to it if you don't. This could go either way and I will accept each possibility.

Tell me you did not intend to be annoying and that you'll stop; or it's off to the growing Ignore List with you.

I am going to ask you honestly right now.

Are you interested in having intellectual political discussions? [I intend to be here a long time]

Or would you rather spam the Topic with the same thing over and over... [and be excommunicated]

You are naturally free to do whichever you please. But you can't have both.
Hello evmetro,

OK, I've had enough of this.

This Topic is a merry-go-round.

Surely I can find a more interesting conversation elsewhere.


No problem. Usually when a lefty loses a debate, they feel compelled to call me a racist or a liar, and if they were beat badly enough, they also notify me that I am now on ignore. You are welcome to do any or all of the lefty things to let me know just how much it sucks to lose.

I often wonder why lefties can't just come out and say that they are unable to find any evidence. They could still hate Trump, and they could still have faith in what the MSM sold them on as far as Trump being a racist. It really is ok to believe Trump is a racist, even without a shred of evidence, just as it is ok for a bible thumper to believe in his God without having evidence. Why not just come out and be honest?
No problem. Usually when a lefty loses a debate, they feel compelled to call me a racist or a liar, and if they were beat badly enough, they also notify me that I am now on ignore. You are welcome to do any or all of the lefty things to let me know just how much it sucks to lose.

I often wonder why lefties can't just come out and say that they are unable to find any evidence. They could still hate Trump, and they could still have faith in what the MSM sold them on as far as Trump being a racist. It really is ok to believe Trump is a racist, even without a shred of evidence, just as it is ok for a bible thumper to believe in his God without having evidence. Why not just come out and be honest?

Trump consent decree
Trump consent decree.

Not dismissed. Not allegations. Pure fact.

Here is a little goodie from your consent decree

It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order.