Trump is not a racist


I actually did but you missed it:


No, there is no 'basically' about it. It was your interpretation. I did not say what you claimed. Here's what I said:

To which you replied:

Now I am compelled to point out that there is no hidden part of the sentence I typed that - said - they *are* a race. You inferred it. And when you brought it up I explained:

Let's break that down.

Trump treats blacks differently because he is racist.
Trump hates Mulsims and Latinos because he is also a xenophobe.

And all of that is possible without Muslims and Latinos being races, which I never claimed they are.

Now I have a question for you.

Why are you bombarding the conversation with the same large picture which forces everybody to scroll, scroll, scroll, down, down, down, and often not even including a comment? Do you think everyone appreciates having to scroll past the same thing over and over?

Tell ya what. That is so annoying I am going to put an end to it if you don't. This could go either way and I will accept each possibility.

Tell me you did not intend to be annoying and that you'll stop; or it's off to the growing Ignore List with you.

I am going to ask you honestly right now.

Are you interested in having intellectual political discussions? [I intend to be here a long time]

Or would you rather spam the Topic with the same thing over and over... [and be excommunicated]

You are naturally free to do whichever you please. But you can't have both.

USFREEDOM is a racist. He thinks he can be cute and support racists and their agenda without using the overt slurs others here toss about. He refrains from that vile behavior but his beliefs are every bit as vile as the up front racists He will tell you all day long that he can not be a racist because the people he is, at times, openly bigoted against are not a "race". Like a child playing word games. We all know that a racist is just a subset of ethnic bigot. The two are so often associated with the same slimy people there is no need to differentiate.
USFREEDOM tips his hand every time I ask him to call out someone like CFM as a racist, and of course, being of like mind, he will never say a disparaging word against his fellow racists. he will change the subject , dance around the question , or flat out stonewall.
You are dealing with a tacit, slippery racist so typical among JPP republicans.
He likes to think he is keeping up a facade of a fair minded individual, but in fact he fools no one.
We all know that a racist is just a subset of ethnic bigot. The two are so often associated with the same slimy people there is no need to differentiate.

There is indeed, absolutely, a need to differentiate. Especially when discussing politics.

A racist believes his race is superior to another, and racism absolutely MUST involve race. Notice that you say "race" when you say
"racism"? This thread requests evidence of racism, which MUST involve race, and somebody who believes that his is superior.
All posts on this thread that substitute Mexicans or Muslims for a race have been posted in place of evidence of racism, since none can be found. Lefties are attempting to remove race from racism, in order to make their posts appear to be evidence of racism.
Trump consent decree.

Not dismissed. Not allegations.

Here is a little goodie from your consent decree

It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order.
Last edited:

I actually did but you missed it:


No, there is no 'basically' about it. It was your interpretation. I did not say what you claimed. Here's what I said:

To which you replied:

Now I am compelled to point out that there is no hidden part of the sentence I typed that - said - they *are* a race. You inferred it. And when you brought it up I explained:

Let's break that down.

1. Trump treats blacks differently because he is racist.
Trump hates Mulsims and Latinos because he is also a xenophobe.

And all of that is possible without Muslims and Latinos being races, which I never claimed they are.

Now I have a question for you.

2. Why are you bombarding the conversation with the same large picture which forces everybody to scroll, scroll, scroll, down, down, down, and often not even including a comment? Do you think everyone appreciates having to scroll past the same thing over and over?

3. Tell ya what. That is so annoying I am going to put an end to it if you don't. This could go either way and I will accept each possibility.

4. Tell me you did not intend to be annoying and that you'll stop; or it's off to the growing Ignore List with you.

I am going to ask you honestly right now.

5. Are you interested in having intellectual political discussions? [I intend to be here a long time]

6. Or would you rather spam the Topic with the same thing over and over... [and be excommunicated]

7. You are naturally free to do whichever you please. But you can't have both.

1. Like I said, nice word salad; but doesn't deter from the fact that you failed to make yourself clear, in your original post, were you spoke of racism and then inserted Muslims and Latinos.

2. It seems appropriate.

3. This should be interesting, so GO FOR IT. :D

4. OH-NOOZ, the ignore list. :eek2:

5. Continuing to repeat the same opinion, is not a discussion and that's all liberals like you are doing.

6. So now you're a Catholic Priest?? :palm:

7. Then the consensus that you're retarded, must carry weight. :good4u:
Trump consent decree

It lists all the hoops Donnie had to jump through due to his racist behavior.

It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order.
USFREEDOM is a racist. He thinks he can be cute and support racists and their agenda without using the overt slurs others here toss about. He refrains from that vile behavior but his beliefs are every bit as vile as the up front racists He will tell you all day long that he can not be a racist because the people he is, at times, openly bigoted against are not a "race". Like a child playing word games. We all know that a racist is just a subset of ethnic bigot. The two are so often associated with the same slimy people there is no need to differentiate.
USFREEDOM tips his hand every time I ask him to call out someone like CFM as a racist, and of course, being of like mind, he will never say a disparaging word against his fellow racists. he will change the subject , dance around the question , or flat out stonewall.
You are dealing with a tacit, slippery racist so typical among JPP republicans.
He likes to think he is keeping up a facade of a fair minded individual, but in fact he fools no one.

While it's apparent that you put a lot of time and effort into this post, you still haven't denounced your brother Buckly for his racist comments and it's becoming apparent that you secretly support his beliefs and are just hoping you can hide behind your diversion.
Trump consent decree

Listing all the hoops Dustbin Donnie had to jump through as a result of his racist actions.

It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order.
While it's apparent that you put a lot of time and effort into this post, you still haven't denounced your brother Buckly for his racist comments and it's becoming apparent that you secretly support his beliefs and are just hoping you can hide behind your diversion.

If that is all you can come up with, you really ought to consider ending yourself.
Trump consent decree

Listing all the hoops Dustbin Donnie had to jump through as a result of his racist actions.

It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order.