Trump is not a racist

1441 posts, and over a year and a half. Not a shred of evidence has been posted that has evidence that Trump is a racist. No evidence has been presented that is not allegations, accusations, propaganda, dismissed cases, or gish gallop. Lefties still have "faith" that Trump is a racist, but they do not have anything more than this faith.
This is one of the most satisfying things that a lefty can post. I work very hard to top the the list of most resented righties, and am always delighted when I reach the top of some lefty's shitlist. The standard death scream that I hear from lefties who have lost a debate usually calls me a racist and/or bye bye or ignore. I prefer to be called a racist AND be told good bye, but either makes my day. You may not be able to post a shred of evidence that Trump is a racist, but you made my day anyway.

Of course trump isn't a racist. The KKK and Nazi party say so - and we know these VERY FINE PEOPLE aren't racists.
Trump is clearly and obviously a racist. All these posts made that clear.

I have heard many people describe their faith in God this way. They say God is clearly and obviously there, and that there is evidence of him everywhere. You are free to have faith that Trump is anything you want him to be.
The 2 guys that attacked the actor for being gay, said "this is MAGA territory". It is so obvious that Trump has sanctioned hate and racism. Trump is a racist small minded hater who uses others like him.
The 2 guys that attacked the actor for being gay, said "this is MAGA territory". It is so obvious that Trump has sanctioned hate and racism. Trump is a racist small minded hater who uses others like him.

Oh, this is absolutely nuts. You are presenting a notion that allegations against somebody who Trump does not even know as evidence that Trump is a racist. First you wanted to present allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, and propaganda about Trump himself as evidence, now you have moved onto submitting allegations against somebody Trump doesn't even know. You are off your rocker.
So 1457 posts, and still no evidence has been posted that proves Trump to be a racist. It's almost time for another lefty to post some allegations, dismissed cases, accusations, emotional assertions, gish gallop, or propaganda to this thread. Either that, or another lefty to claim that he has already posted actual evidence somewhere on this thread but that he has good reason to not tell us exactly what or where exactly it was.
So 1457 posts, and still no evidence has been posted that proves Trump to be a racist. It's almost time for another lefty to post some allegations, dismissed cases, accusations, emotional assertions, gish gallop, or propaganda to this thread. Either that, or another lefty to claim that he has already posted actual evidence somewhere on this thread but that he has good reason to not tell us exactly what or where exactly it was.

He called Nazis "very fine people".

That makes him a racist.
All those posts proving over and over that Mr. Birther is a bigot and Legion denying the facts. It gets old. Honesty is an alien concept to rightys, and proof is just to be lied about. Any thinking person knows Trump is a bigot and it was proven beyond a doubt.
All those posts proving over and over that Mr. Birther is a bigot and Legion denying the facts. It gets old. Honesty is an alien concept to rightys, and proof is just to be lied about. Any thinking person knows Trump is a bigot and it was proven beyond a doubt.

Wrong thread. This thread is not requesting evidence of bigotry, it is requesting evidence of racism.