Trump is not a racist

Plenty of evidence provided. You just refuse to accept that facts because protecting Trump is your job.You eschew debate and simply disnmiss any and all that proves you wrong. It is getting old.

Lefties eventually gave up trying to pass off allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda as evidence, and they began asserting that they already posted evidence somewhere earlier in the thread in a secret location. They now assert that evidence has already been posted, but they absolutely will not copy and paste the evidence from its mystery location over to this thread, and they most certainly will not disclose what the evidence was that they supposedly already posted.

The reason why lefties cannot post anything better than allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda, is because that is all that is available. The reason why lefties will not post what evidence they supposedly posted at an earlier time is because they did not actually post actual evidence. They posted allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda, but not real evidence.
I suspect that Cohen who worked with Trump for over ten years has some real insight about Daffy. He flat out calls him a racist, That is quite convincing, even more than a guy who creates a thread and refuses any and all countering evudence to Trump's obvious bigotry. Cohen wins.
I suspect that Cohen who worked with Trump for over ten years has some real insight about Daffy. He flat out calls him a racist, That is quite convincing, even more than a guy who creates a thread and refuses any and all countering evudence to Trump's obvious bigotry. Cohen wins.

Produce evidence trump is a racist.
Produce evidence trump is a racist.
Have complied many times. But we know how you play this game. I suspect Cohen who worked directly with Trump for over a decade may know even more than you pretend to know. But he does not have to go through your obstacle course to show it.
Have complied many times.

Lefties eventually gave up trying to pass off allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda as evidence, and they began asserting that they already posted evidence somewhere earlier in the thread in a secret location. They now assert that evidence has already been posted, but they absolutely will not copy and paste the evidence from its mystery location over to this thread, and they most certainly will not disclose what the evidence was that they supposedly already posted.

The reason why lefties cannot post anything better than allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda, is because that is all that is available. The reason why lefties will not post what evidence they supposedly posted at an earlier time is because they did not actually post actual evidence. They posted allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda, but not real evidence.
Have complied many times.

It is interesting how you post this as if you were oblivious to having been called out so many times for not being able to show whatever evidence it is that you claim to have posted. Do you really think anybody believes that you actually posted evidence that is not an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, gish gallop, or propaganda? What do you get out of lying like this?
Fascinating that you have been given tons of proof that your love and president is a terrible bigot. Sad that you have such little trouble lying about what and who he is. Case proved. Trump is a bigot.
Fascinating that you have been given tons of proof that your love and president is a terrible bigot. Sad that you have such little trouble lying about what and who he is. Case proved. Trump is a bigot.

I can't find the "Trump is a bigot" thread yet...
You never stop lying about Trump, Do you? You are only convincing yourself. Also that you will be utterly dishonest to maintain the message. It is a message, not a thread. You assume the power of moderator and simply wave away all the absolute evidence provided. We know what you are and who you work for. Your lying gets old.
You never stop lying about Trump, Do you? You are only convincing yourself. Also that you will be utterly dishonest to maintain the message. It is a message, not a thread. You assume the power of moderator and simply wave away all the absolute evidence provided. We know what you are and who you work for. Your lying gets old.

Naturally, this "absolute evidence provided" is hidden away in a secret location, and there is some good reason why it cannot be posted here for the world to see.

Naturally, you post this without mentioning post 1487:

It is interesting how you post this as if you were oblivious to having been called out so many times for not being able to show whatever evidence it is that you claim to have posted. Do you really think anybody believes that you actually posted evidence that is not an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, gish gallop, or propaganda? What do you get out of lying like this?

Naturally, you post this without answering up to post 1486:

Lefties eventually gave up trying to pass off allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda as evidence, and they began asserting that they already posted evidence somewhere earlier in the thread in a secret location. They now assert that evidence has already been posted, but they absolutely will not copy and paste the evidence from its mystery location over to this thread, and they most certainly will not disclose what the evidence was that they supposedly already posted.

The reason why lefties cannot post anything better than allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda, is because that is all that is available. The reason why lefties will not post what evidence they supposedly posted at an earlier time is because they did not actually post actual evidence. They posted allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda, but not real evidence.

I think it is obvious why you refuse to post the secret evidence.
Evidence provided that any honest person would accept. You are playing a political game. It is shameful.

Naturally, this "evidence provided" is hidden away in a secret location, and there is some good reason why it cannot be posted here for the world to see.

Naturally, you post this without mentioning post 1487:

It is interesting how you post this as if you were oblivious to having been called out so many times for not being able to show whatever evidence it is that you claim to have posted. Do you really think anybody believes that you actually posted evidence that is not an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, gish gallop, or propaganda? What do you get out of lying like this?

Naturally, you post this without answering up to post 1486:

Lefties eventually gave up trying to pass off allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda as evidence, and they began asserting that they already posted evidence somewhere earlier in the thread in a secret location. They now assert that evidence has already been posted, but they absolutely will not copy and paste the evidence from its mystery location over to this thread, and they most certainly will not disclose what the evidence was that they supposedly already posted.

The reason why lefties cannot post anything better than allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda, is because that is all that is available. The reason why lefties will not post what evidence they supposedly posted at an earlier time is because they did not actually post actual evidence. They posted allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, and propaganda, but not real evidence.

I think it is obvious why you refuse to post the secret evidence.
Naturally, this "evidence provided" is hidden away in a secret location, and there is some good reason why it cannot be posted here for the world to see.

Naturally, you post this without mentioning post 1487:

Naturally, you post this without answering up to post 1486:

I think it is obvious why you refuse to post the secret evidence.

Yeah, you would lie about it again. Almost every pundit and reporter outside your right wing bubble knows Trump is racist. The difference they are not working backward like you do. You have a plan to protect and cover up for daffy. So you assume the idea , as ridiculous as it seems, that Trump is not a racist.. Then when people provide you with evidence , you have to manufacure some crap ass excuses why it just isn't so. But they are not honest. The evidence is clear and irrefutable. So lie some more. It suits you.