Trump is now PRO VETERANS???

There's no backlash ... I didn't hear a word of complaining from the parents., families.... And others who respect the memory of these young people who should still be here...
Who are you kidding, you know nothing about the military or have ever been to a national cemetery or know how not to act. No surprise as none of yours ever served , even in WWII

He is giving a thumbs up for their service to this country. The soldier's family seem to approve.
No, they don't. They are looking at the camera. Trump does not know how to act. He listens to nobody and his disdain for the soldiers is a constant. A thumbs up is rude.
Trump not only called them Basement dwellers and stupid, but has told them right out that he doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and their money.
He has also said he loves stupid people and we can see he has a LOT of them in his flock .
The MAGAS are sooooo stupid they don't read or even listen to what Trump has been saying in his speeches ,
and he has said he wants to take away peoples Constitutional rights , he did that when he told them he wants the government to do everything they can to shut down the left leaning MSM outlets, and when he said take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
well when is later?
who decides when later comes? Trump?
and isn't later like tomorrow?
it never comes.
and that IS taking peoples First AND second Amendment rights away.
and as I have asked the right wingers what are you going to do when Trump is done taking Constitutional rights away from the left leaning people of the USA and starts coming after theirs?
They have to watch out what they wish for because after they get it and it gets turned on THEM it is too late to go back.
Have a nice day
You need medication. It can't make you smart but it might make you quiet.

There are some stupid motherfuckers here and you are in the running for top spot.

Were you delivered with tongs?
You need medication. It can't make you smart but it might make you quiet.

There are some stupid motherfuckers here and you are in the running for top spot.

Were you delivered with tongs?
Boy are YOU one stupid Mother fucker WAY, WAY above me on that list, talking about being number one, you have NEVER even been near Number one in anything else you have ever done in your life so I see why you work hard at being the stupidest person on the web. but really you do NOT have to work hard at it is come to you naturally .

can't you read?
do you need hearing aids?
haven't you even bothered to LISTEN to OR read any of Trumps speeches?
Trump HAS come right out , over and over again and called all you stupid assholes " Basement dwellers" and stupid and that he LOVES STUPID people he has told you he DOES NOT give a fuck about you ALL HE WANTS is YOUR VOTE and your MONEY and you assholes keep backing him and giving him your food stamp money , what do you do at the end of the month when all your food stamp money is gone go out and beg?
do you have a little monkey you take with you when you are out there with your plastic cup?
yes Trump has told all you right wing morons he doesn't care about you all he wants is your vote and your last dime.
Trump is ONLY out for TRUMP and you are too stupid to even realize he has told you that right out.
Have a nice day asshole.
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Boy are YOU one stupid Mother fucker WAY, WAY above me on that list, talking about being number one, you have NEVER even been near Number one in anything else you have ever done in your life so I see why you work hard at being the stupidest person on the web. but really you do NOT have to work hard at it is come to you naturally .

can't you read?
do you need hearing aids?
haven't you even bothered to LISTEN to OR read any of Trumps speeches?
Trump HAS come right out , over and over again and called all you stupid assholes " Basement dwellers" and stupid and that he LOVES STUPID people he has told you he DOES NOT give a fuck about you ALL HE WANTS is YOUR VOTE and your MONEY and you assholes keep backing him and giving him your food stamp money , what do you do at the end of the month when all your food stamp money is gone go out and beg?
do you have a little monkey you take with you when you are out there with your plastic cup?
yes Trump has told all you right wing morons he doesn't care about you all he wants is your vote and your last dime.
Trump is ONLY out for TRUMP and you are too stupid to even realize he has told you that right out.
Have a nice day asshole.
Take a breath booster before you throw a clot
giving the thumbs up in a cemetery is just disrespectful ,
it is like he is saying great this person died.
Trump is an asshole
Look at the picture... they're celebrating and honoring the Memory of their families.... Much as people would do at a coming home/homecoming ceremony...
Look at the picture... they're celebrating and honoring the Memory of their families.... Much as people would do at a going home ceremony...
and it is okay with you he is giving a thumbs up over somebody's grave as if saying he thinks it is great they died?
Trump is a scumbag POS for doing that.
Have a nice day