Trump is now PRO VETERANS???

Trump not only called them Basement dwellers and stupid, but has told them right out that he doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and their money.
He has also said he loves stupid people and we can see he has a LOT of them in his flock .
The MAGAS are sooooo stupid they don't read or even listen to what Trump has been saying in his speeches ,
and he has said he wants to take away peoples Constitutional rights , he did that when he told them he wants the government to do everything they can to shut down the left leaning MSM outlets, and when he said take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
well when is later?
who decides when later comes? Trump?
and isn't later like tomorrow?
it never comes.
and that IS taking peoples First AND second Amendment rights away.
and as I have asked the right wingers what are you going to do when Trump is done taking Constitutional rights away from the left leaning people of the USA and starts coming after theirs?
They have to watch out what they wish for because after they get it and it gets turned on THEM it is too late to go back.
Have a nice day
gotta link?
That's why Toxic TOP loves her some #TRE45ON. Remember when he used the murdered college girl, Laken Riley, to drum up more bigotry and xenophobia? Toxic has used her murder for the same purpose.

MAGATs don't respect or honor veterans; they just use them to demonstrate how patriotic they pretend to be. But when it comes time to stand up to defend a vet, they're back under their rocks. Just look at all the attacks on Tim Walz's service record.
and as I said MOST of them haven't bothered to even read the Agreement Trump signed with the Taliban.
IF they did they would see he gave them EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years and then expected them to PROTECT our troops so we could get out of there.
How stupid can you be not only to do all that but believe that they would keep their part of the agreement ?
IF and that is a BIG IF, they ever read it they would see it was unworkable right from the start.
and in signing that agreement Trump basically said all of our Troops that died there and got arms and legs blown off died and got injured FOR NOTHING.
and as I have said before IF the people that were in that war and fought for our country ever read that stupid Agreement they sure should be really pissed off at Trump and never vote for him.
isn't giving aid and comfort to our enemies TREASON?
If you read that agreement that IS JUST what Trump did.
that is just what he did , Trump should be put up on Treason charges.
even if he made that decision when he was in office as President and he will say it was a Presidential decision, even Presidents can NOT excused from Treason.
Have a nice day
Of course he doesn't.

All he has is a bad attitude and a low IQ. Along with debilitating TDS

A sad individual indeed.
Low IQ my ass.
over 360 Collage credits .
2 degrees and I need an internship and one more course for 2 more degrees.
Have a nice day you FUCKING MORON
Low IQ my ass.
over 360 Collage credits .
2 degrees and I need an internship and one more course for 2 more degrees.
Have a nice day you FUCKING MORON
Educated does not equal intelligent. And you are certainly proof of this if indeed you have all these college credits.

Even the retards are getting educated at public schools now.

Now please get back to shutting the fuck up ok? Daddy says.
and as I said MOST of them haven't bothered to even read the Agreement Trump signed with the Taliban.
IF they did they would see he gave them EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years and then expected them to PROTECT our troops so we could get out of there.
How stupid can you be not only to do all that but believe that they would keep their part of the agreement ?
IF and that is a BIG IF, they ever read it they would see it was unworkable right from the start.
and in signing that agreement Trump basically said all of our Troops that died there and got arms and legs blown off died and got injured FOR NOTHING.
and as I have said before IF the people that were in that war and fought for our country ever read that stupid Agreement they sure should be really pissed off at Trump and never vote for him.
isn't giving aid and comfort to our enemies TREASON?
If you read that agreement that IS JUST what Trump did.
that is just what he did , Trump should be put up on Treason charges.
even if he made that decision when he was in office as President and he will say it was a Presidential decision, even Presidents can NOT excused from Treason.
Have a nice day
here I will make it easy for you morons to read it and see just how Trump gave them EVERYTHING they were fighting for for 20 years.
I know you won't but here it is.
Part two tells what the Taliban was suppose to do and didn't
as I said how stupid was Trump to even think the people you have been fighting for 20 years would actually PROTECT the people they have been fighting?
Read it and learn something
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anybody that uses dead people to advance his agenda is a real low life POS didn't use dead people to advance his agenda....
He didn't....Joe sacrificed those kids to advance his, though... But that didn't work out too well did it? For him but especially not for those 13 precious members who trusted him...
Low IQ my ass.
over 360 Collage credits .
2 degrees and I need an internship and one more course for 2 more degrees.
Have a nice day you FUCKING MORON
Isn't that wretched access? What's the plan though, mega degree man? i'm curious...
He didn't....Joe sacrificed those kids to advance his, though... But that didn't work out too well did it? For him but especially not for those 13 precious members who trusted him...

Isn't that wretched access? What's the plan though, mega degree man? i'm curious...
Poor whore. Stop twerking for his attention and go bake another penis cake. Scoot! :laugh:
He didn't....Joe sacrificed those kids to advance his, though... But that didn't work out too well did it? For him but especially not for those 13 precious members who trusted him...

Isn't that wretched access? What's the plan though, mega degree man? i'm curious...
already retired for 20 years am not going back
No need to.
have a nice day

stop..All of a sudden, Donald Trump is now Pro vets....View attachment 30341stop...these stupid white trash cans are allowing photo ops at the graves of their loved ones who served. I challenge this pathetic family to come up with just one, one photo while President, this monster showed any family the grace of his presense, especially those of color?? This man refused his time to serve, is on record for calling our soldiers suckers, and refused time and time again to show homage to our militiary and our fallen soldiers WHILE IN OFFICE....STOP LETTING THIS MONSTER USE YOU WHITE AMERICA FOR PHOTO OPS, HAVE SOME DAME RESPECT FOR YOUR DEAD LOVED ONES!!​

When has Trump not been? By the way, while he was honoring those murdered thanks to Biden/Harris clown show in Afghanistan, Harris was hiding and Biden was vacationing.

Classy don't you think? Oh wait, you're a leftist. Leftists don't think, they parrot and emote while crying a lot.
63 Americans were killed in Afghanistan under the Trump administration, 13 were killed under the Biden administration while leaving Afghanistan.
That is a moronic claim. As if the number of troops being killed on foreign soil is an indicator of military support.

The reason more were killed during Trumps Presidency was due to the FACT that he inherited that war and it lasted his entire Presidency. Biden, with his embarrassing massively failed pullout didn't have that history.
So Trump is now pro vet and pro reproductive right all of a sudden.
How is that all-of-a-sudden? You leftist liars just make shit up don't you?

This is how Biden shows his support:
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stop...LISTEN, you nuts can ignore the facts all you want. But Trump is on record calling supporters like you "basement dwellers", on record calling those that serve after he refused, as suckers, on record hating on those that saved the lives of those on Capital Hill Jan 6, on record direspecting our country every time he opens his fuckin mouth, on record praising our enemies, on record hating our wounded soldiers, on record disrespecting our gold star families, on record dissin our medal of honor and on and on and on....again, you nuts, you fools can ignore FACTS, BUT THE REST OF US WILL NOT AND NEVER WILL FORGET.....stop being a stupid disgusting supporter of this hating racist bitch!!

Those are all proven lies you brain dead leftist dumbass. :palm:

stop....Thank you for this, yet another reason, NEWS FLASH, the old man is OUT and and the none watch wearing Harris is in!! Adjust your attacks and get with the real world like the rest of us...Biden is history and thank you sir for your service, but bye motherfukcer, bye

Your frantic and desperate lie filled flailing has been noted.