Trump is now PRO VETERANS???

and it is okay with you he is giving a thumbs up over somebody's grave as if saying he thinks it is great they died?
Trump is a scumbag POS for doing that.
Have a nice day
That's not what he's doing.. The families are very happy that he is there... What they're unhappy about is that Joe doesn't recognize their families at all...

stop..All of a sudden, Donald Trump is now Pro vets....View attachment 30341stop...these stupid white trash cans are allowing photo ops at the graves of their loved ones who served. I challenge this pathetic family to come up with just one, one photo while President, this monster showed any family the grace of his presense, especially those of color?? This man refused his time to serve, is on record for calling our soldiers suckers, and refused time and time again to show homage to our militiary and our fallen soldiers WHILE IN OFFICE....STOP LETTING THIS MONSTER USE YOU WHITE AMERICA FOR PHOTO OPS, HAVE SOME DAME RESPECT FOR YOUR DEAD LOVED ONES!!​

and you people are trying to murder service members with retarded bad wars.
That's not what he's doing.. The families are very happy that he is there... What they're unhappy about is that Joe doesn't recognize their families at all...
IF YOU say so. sure looks like he is disrespecting them.
Trump has NO respect for the dead OR anybody else.
Trump is just using another stupid MAGA to advance himself.
Trump is ONLY out for Trump and we see just how LOW he will stoop.
Have a nice day
IF YOU say so. sure looks like he is disrespecting them.
Trump has NO respect for the dead OR anybody else.
Trump is just using another stupid MAGA to advance himself.
Trump is ONLY out for Trump and we see just how LOW he will stoop.
Have a nice day
It does
Not look like he is disrespecting them... I think it's very sad that you feel That ceremony was disrespectful... What's totally disrespectful is ignoring the precious members of the military for 3 years when you're responsible for their death... And checking your watch as flag draped coffins pass by...
It does
Not look like he is disrespecting them... I think it's very sad that you feel That ceremony was disrespectful... What's totally disrespectful is ignoring the precious members of the military for 3 years when you're responsible for their death...
anybody that uses dead people to advance his agenda is a real low life POS
do you mean his actions or the lies you make up about him........because your lies speak volumes as well......
what lies???
He used dead people to advance his campaign, and for his own benefit, he IS a LOW LIFE POS.
Trump doesn't give a shit about them as HE has said he doesn't give a shit about anybody he just wants their vote and their money .
Heck how stupid are YOU he has come right out and told you he doesn't give a shit about you when are you dumb MAGA mother fuckers going to wake up?
anybody that uses dead people to advance his agenda is a real low life POS
That's why Toxic TOP loves her some #TRE45ON. Remember when he used the murdered college girl, Laken Riley, to drum up more bigotry and xenophobia? Toxic has used her murder for the same purpose.

MAGATs don't respect or honor veterans; they just use them to demonstrate how patriotic they pretend to be. But when it comes time to stand up to defend a vet, they're back under their rocks. Just look at all the attacks on Tim Walz's service record.
I have the right to post on here as you do
and YOU really make some real stupid post.
why don't YOU " SHUT THE FUCK UP" ?
Nah, I'm good booster.

Instead of embarrassing yourself more and more why don't you get some crayons and head over to the kiddie table and play with the special ed children?

There are adults here talking who are tired of your tantrums.

Run along now junior
are you referring to the wreaths placed with the families of the 13 people that Biden/HarmUs killed in Afghanistan?........obviously you are an idiot......
NO I am referring to his giving the thumbs up thing stupid.
and blame Biden all you want , MAYBE YOU should go back and read the so called agreement he signed, with an entity we do not recognize as it states in that agreement 5 or 6 times.
the Agreement that gave the Taliban EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years.
the agreement with no real withdrawal plan in it, the one he kept putting off the withdrawal date in because he knew it was a mess, Trump was soooo stupid that he trusted the Taliban to keep their part and protect our and our allies Troops and help get them out safe.
What other President in the History of the USA has EVER trusted an enemy we had been fighting against for YEARS to help get our troops out safe?
YEP the " AGREEMENT " Trump signed was a real fuck up
read it and learn something and stop running you big mouth off
Nah, I'm good booster.

Instead of embarrassing yourself more and more why don't you get some crayons and head over to the kiddie table and play with the special ed children?

There are adults here talking who are tired of your tantrums.

Run along now junior
it is more like YOU NEED those CRAYONS.
FUCK YOU you low life POS