Trump is now PRO VETERANS??? nuts are so cult, that facts mean nothing to you people are nothing but oxygen theives....LOL​

:lolup: Going full triggered retard.


stop....or the millions that died of Covid because this bitch was too macho to allow anybody but Trump handle the brother died because of TRUMP and I pray to the GODS he rots in hell someday and he will!! as will his supporters who support his madness.

:lolup: This is what severe TDS looks like.

According to this chart, Biden had more even with the benefit of a vaccine for his entire term. Total Deaths so far 1,123,836. Deaths during Trump Presidency: 402,269

For the math challenged dopes on the left voting for Democrats, that means that Biden exceeded Trumps count by 721,567. Moron.

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stop....not just getting desperate, but become unhinged and pathetic....the mere idea of Trump suddenly giving a fuck about anybody but himself, is laughable!!

Projection. Nothing says moron louder than an unhinged whiny, triggered loon claiming it's others who are.

Trump didn't take a salary while President. Trumps net worth dropped by millions while President. Trump is a billionaire who didn't need to do anything but enjoy his wealth. Instead, he chose to do what he believed to make the country great again.

Unlike the current grifter who never created a single job and has been feeding at the Government trough his whole life. Or, contrasted with the Clintons and the Obama's who entered office with almost nothing and left millionaires.

I wish you had a brain. Really I do.

Trump Flashes ‘Unusual’ Thumbs Up and Smile at Graves of Fallen Marines​

Donald Trump was photographed smiling and giving an awkward thumbs up Monday at the graves of fallen Marines in Arlington National Cemetery.

The former president’s demeanor was criticized online as many were puzzled—and others outright offended—that he’d give his signature smirk and hand gesture at such a sensitive site.
More irony from a dotard who is voting for an antisemite who hates Jews. You give new meaning to the term, stupid.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me a thousand times, and I must be MAGA.
It takes a serious fool to vote for a Jew and America hating uber leftist like Komrade Kamala.

Of course, you being a fool, are too stupid to even comprehend you are the fool. ;)
Trump not only called them Basement dwellers and stupid, but has told them right out that he doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and their money.
He has also said he loves stupid people and we can see he has a LOT of them in his flock .
The MAGAS are sooooo stupid they don't read or even listen to what Trump has been saying in his speeches ,
and he has said he wants to take away peoples Constitutional rights , he did that when he told them he wants the government to do everything they can to shut down the left leaning MSM outlets, and when he said take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
well when is later?
who decides when later comes? Trump?
and isn't later like tomorrow?
it never comes.
and that IS taking peoples First AND second Amendment rights away.
and as I have asked the right wingers what are you going to do when Trump is done taking Constitutional rights away from the left leaning people of the USA and starts coming after theirs?
They have to watch out what they wish for because after they get it and it gets turned on THEM it is too late to go back.
Have a nice day
Lie, lame and incredibly stupid.
got....first off you ass whipe, those Vaccines had been in the works long long before Trump slimed his way along. That's why it didn't take long for mass distribution...a VACCINE MIND YOU THAT BOTH OBAMA AND FAUSI HAD IN THE WORKS DUE TO THE VARIOUS STRAINS OF EBOLI, BIRD AND OTHER VARIANTS THAT CAME TO THIS COUNTRY. Lastly, the coward himself got the Vaccine when his ass got Covid and then went out of his way to discourage the nation to get the vaccine. That misinformation, caused my brother to die that year along with millions of other.....SO FUCK YOU, FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK THE BULLSHIT OF HIS EXPEDITING THE VACCINE!!View attachment 30383

stop...One must understand, Trump voters are about the NOW, the moment...these brain dead cult zombies see someone who is all about them, ie white folk and a few stupid negro's....who grants wishes at every rally, where blacks are afraid to attend....LOL​

I am NOT going to do all the work for you I have posted them on here MANY of times.
go look up some of his speeches , YOU apparently never bothered to actually listen OR read just what he has been saying
all of it in right there in his speeches
I remember him saying only awesome stuff.