"Trump is out of money": Republicans fear Trump will drain RNC funds to pay his own l


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"Trump is out of money": Republicans fear Trump will drain RNC funds to pay his own l

I thought Trump was a billionaire and he should be paying his own legal fees too?!!

A crop of senior GOP officials fear that Donald Trump's effort to pack the Republican National Committee with his preferred picks could give way to the former president using the RNC to cover his legal bills — again. Their worries come on the heels of Trump's endorsements earlier this week of his daughter-in-law, among other allies, to assume leadership roles at the committee.

"While those endorsements have been well-received by many committee members — who note that it is customary for a presidential candidate to put his imprint on the party’s main campaign apparatus — others fear a potential misallocation of party resources," Politico reports.

Henry Barbour, a Mississippi committee member, told the outlet that he thinks “most RNC members will go along” with Trump's committee lineup "unless there is a play to use RNC funds for President Trump’s legal bills.” Another member who has been critical of the former president, Oscar Brock, told Politico that the RNC's recently passed budget did not allot any money for Trump's legal fees. Brock did recognize, however, the potential for the committee to reconfigure its financial plan to do so upon request, which the Tennessee committeeman said he'd be against. “I don’t think it’s appropriate for the committee to pay the legal bills for things done outside the work of the committee,” Brock told Politico.



The Trumpys are just rubes to fleece. He has taken money from the party to pay his legal bills. The Repub party is hurting for money and Trump is trying to install his daughter-in-law in place of Rona Romney. That is not to help the party, he does not care about the party. They serve him. He needs to have his lawyers paid until he does not need them anymore.
Trump's sneakers do not exist. If you buy them, they will ship in 5 to 6 months. Maybe. There are no refunds. Just give 400 bucks to Trump and shutup.
Trump's sneakers do not exist. If you buy them, they will ship in 5 to 6 months. Maybe. There are no refunds. Just give 400 bucks to Trump and shutup.

And even if they ever do make them and deliver them, you can bet they are the cheapest 'made in China' shoes possible and anyone who wears them will be laughed at, and anyone who saves them, thinking they will have resale value will be Trump NFT'd. Just like only Trump made money from his NFT's and all the buyers were fleeced with a near instant plummet in value, so too will these shoes follow.

Magat's really make my signature more real, every day.
trump is going to take money for his own legal problems. trump is going to take money for himself. trump's family is going to take money for themselves. trump's "advisors" are going to take money. And on and on.

The question is how much money will be left after they have taken what they take?

Because Biden's campaign is going to spend their money on defeating trump. You see how a non-corrupt candidate spends their campaign funds?
The Trumpys are just rubes to fleece. He has taken money from the party to pay his legal bills. The Repub party is hurting for money and Trump is trying to install his daughter-in-law in place of Rona Romney. That is not to help the party, he does not care about the party. They serve him. He needs to have his lawyers paid until he does not need them anymore.

Trump does not use anything but his own money to pay for his legal bills.
Whether trump needs to take money for his legal bills is debatable. But it is an absolute fact that he is taking money for his legal bills.
Yup. Trump's own PAC filings with the FEC declare what he rakes in thru various political PAC and then funnels to pay his legal bills.

Lawyers, Trump and money: Ex-president spends millions in donor cash on attorneys as legal woes grow

... Donald Trump’s political fundraising machine is raking in donations at a prodigious pace, but he’s spending tens of millions of dollars he’s bringing in to pay attorneys to deal with the escalating costs of the various criminal cases he is contending with as he moves further into the 2024 presidential campaign...

...The massive amount of money going to lawyers also amplifies the urgency Trump is feeling to raise money both for the campaign and his legal defense, which is unfolding on multiple fronts.

Trump’s Save America political action committee has paid nearly $37 million to more than 60 law firms and individual attorneys since January 2022, Federal Election Commission records show. That amounts to more than half of the PAC’s total expenditures, according to an Associated Press analysis of campaign finance filings, and represents a staggering sum compared to other political organizations.

During the first half of 2023, Save America spent more on legal-related costs, over $20 million, than any other political committee that discloses to the FEC — more than the Republican National Committee, Democratic National Committee and National Republican Senatorial Committee spent during that period combined....

The bulk of the Trump PAC money went to law firms that have defended Trump against a series of criminal charges or in civil lawsuits. Other attorneys paid with the contributions worked on behalf of Trump’s businesses, his children, former White House aides and employees of the ex-president....

Trump leadership PAC racked up $4.8 million in new legal bills
Legal costs have dogged Trump, and Tuesday’s filings with the Federal Election Commission show they continue.

Former President Donald Trump’s leadership PAC spent another $2.9 million on legal expenses in January, underscoring how his legal woes continue to suck up resources in an election year.

The group, Save America, also reported $1.8 million in new debts for legal fees owed to several firms. It been the primary vehicle for paying Trump’s legal fees, to the tune of more than $50 million last year. In a campaign finance filing Tuesday, Save America said it had received another $5 million from MAGA Inc. The pro-Trump super PAC sent $42 million to Save America last year to help cover legal costs.

The latest refund helped fund the $2.9 million in legal spending by Save America. That amount was less than the PAC devoted to legal fees in past months but still accounted for most of its spending. The leadership PAC was left with $6.3 million in the bank at the end of January....

BUt we should all join with Magats and support this and let them live in denial, of everything Trump they simply do not want to hear or believe, as this will hurt all Republicans in swing districts the most as they often require on the RNC and other PACS to help fund the tough races there and they are being out raised by Dems currently by increasing margins.
Yup. Trump's own PAC filings with the FEC declare what he rakes in thru various political PAC and then funnels to pay his legal bills.

The facts are the facts... I do not know why the alt right spends so much time denying them.
The facts are the facts... I do not know why the alt right spends so much time denying them.

When a person denies an obvious truth, it is a coping mechanism as they KNOW that if they believe the 'thing' was done, then it will diminish their view of the person or thing.

So when Magats, like the above, deny Trump is taking donation money to fund his legal bills, pay for Melania's Hair and Personal care, or pay to give him his desired a new and upgraded personal Jet, it is them realizing they would like Trump LESS and thus they must stick their fingers in their ears and say 'nah, nah, nah not listening'.

Always remember Trump ran on being 'so rich he did not need and would not take any money', as that was 'a Swamp thing to do' and the Magats were MOST excited by that. A truly independent new breed of politician who did not NEED and WANT anyone else's money. And the reality is Trump, is the swampiest of all swamp creatures in American election history. He has wanted, solicited, begged and conned more money from people than any politician that has existed.

Magats do not realize that what they are advertising is that they too believe the actions Trump is taking are abhorrent and wrong, but whereas we say it, they just deny he does it.
There are many examples of the above ^^^ such as Magats (like Terry) who would find it illegal and repulsive to accept that if a person gets a property valuation of $x for a barren piece of land they own, and that person then takes their computer and printer and instead creates their own valuation of $10X, by lying and saying the barren property has 2500 homes already build and paid for on it and they seek Financing against that value, ...they try to spin and argue that is just like haggling over the value of the barren land where two people can agree to disagree and there is nothing illegal in that.

The reality is the Magats (like Terry) KNOW that is documents fraud, and something that is and should be prosecuted but if they acknowledge it they understand they are admitting then Trump was rightly prosecuted. So instead they are desperate to spin and lie that there is nothing wrong with putting in documents the 2500 fully funded homes that do not exist. That it is legal and normal to do that.
When a person denies an obvious truth, it is a coping mechanism as they KNOW that if they believe the 'thing' was done, then it will diminish their view of the person or thing.

So when Magats, like the above, deny Trump is taking donation money to fund his legal bills, pay for Melania's Hair and Personal care, or pay to give him his desired a new and upgraded personal Jet, it is them realizing they would like Trump LESS and thus they must stick their fingers in their ears and say 'nah, nah, nah not listening'.

Always remember Trump ran on being 'so rich he did not need and would not take any money', as that was 'a Swamp thing to do' and the Magats were MOST excited by that. A truly independent new breed of politician who did not NEED and WANT anyone else's money. And the reality is Trump, is the swampiest of all swamp creatures in American election history. He has wanted, solicited, begged and conned more money from people than any politician that has existed.

Magats do not realize that what they are advertising is that they too believe the actions Trump is taking are abhorrent and wrong, but whereas we say it, they just deny he does it.

trump stole $7 from a charity to pay for his son's Boy Scout membership. trump steals even when he does not have to. he enjoys stealing. Stealing makes trump think he is better than us.
trump stole $7 from a charity to pay for his son's Boy Scout membership. trump steals even when he does not have to. he enjoys stealing. Stealing makes trump think he is better than us.

Trump believes if you find a sucker and part them from their money, or if can take advantage of someone by not paying them and you DO NOT do it, then you are the sucker.

If Trump was as rich as Elon, he would still stiff someone for $50 if he knew they had no way to force him to pay.

It is the ethos he lives his life by and always has. He was known in NY, first and foremost, as someone who would get young hungry entrepreneurs with small construction businesses, on to his projects, with the promise of big pay, if they worked over time and broke their backs to meet his deadlines, and then offering them $0.40 on the dollar at the end of the work, or telling them to sue, knowing many of them, not being paid by him, would not have the funds to sue.

Much like the lawyers who work with him now, who find out he will not pay the majority of billings, that they provide at closing to him, which then requires him to always find another law firm, Trump simply cannot help himself. He sees unpaid bills, as suckers waiting to be fleeced.
Trump believes if you find a sucker and part them from their money, or if can take advantage of someone by not paying them and you DO NOT do it, then you are the sucker.

If Trump was as rich as Elon, he would still stiff someone for $50 if he knew they had no way to force him to pay.

It is the ethos he lives his life by and always has. He was known in NY, first and foremost, as someone who would get young hungry entrepreneurs with small construction businesses, on to his projects, with the promise of big pay, if they worked over time and broke their backs to meet his deadlines, and then offering them $0.40 on the dollar at the end of the work, or telling them to sue, knowing many of them, not being paid by him, would not have the funds to sue.

Much like the lawyers who work with him now, who find out he will not pay the majority of billings, that they provide at closing to him, which then requires him to always find another law firm, Trump simply cannot help himself. He sees unpaid bills, as suckers waiting to be fleeced.

trump will steal, because that is what he does. And that is why it is important never to do business with trump, or put him in a position of trust over your assets.
trump will steal, because that is what he does. And that is why it is important never to do business with trump, or put him in a position of trust over your assets.

That is why, I kind of hope, Elon Musk loans Trump the money to pay his $500MM in bonds for E JEan and Lettisha James cases. even though Elon has come out and said he will not be giving any money to either the "Trump Campaign' or 'Biden Campaign', that does not mean he will not give a Trump personal loan and thus avoid all campaign finance disclosures.

It will be hilarious, when Trump loses both appeals and is forced to pay the actual money across, and he defaults, and they collect on the bonds Elon posted, and he ends up eating Trumps debt.

It will be even more hilarious when Trump loses the numerous Jan6th suits all greenlit against him, as the Capital Police/Swalwell one is likely to be awarded hundred of millions as well, in damages. So Trump will go back to Elon saying 'you must now cover this one too, to ensure i do not go broke or you lose your prior loans'.

Trump will have Elon on the hook and milk him like a stuck cow, over and over again, and I will laugh.

And even better that once all the bonds are posted there is no issues for E Jean and Lettisha to collect when the Appeals are done. The court just issues them their checks.

More funny