Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden.

Illegal immigrants are murdering and raping Americans. Biden is letting them stay in the United States when they can prey on innocent Americans.
Immigration crime is below the rate of regular American citizens. They are not criming at a faster rate than we do. Of course, take the criminal Trump out of the equation and it is closer.
I don't believe most American care about immigration. It is mostly right wingers who obsess about it.
Immigration crime is below the rate of regular American citizens. They are not criming at a faster rate than we do. Of course, take the criminal Trump out of the equation and it is closer.
lets look at ILLEGAL immigrant crime.....I know that's a word you Biden cunts don't want to use but it IS what we're talking have a lot of nerve referring to Trump's "crimes" when your fuck protects gang members who rape and murder 12 year olds.....
I don't believe most American care about immigration. It is mostly right wingers who obsess about it.
 That would be
a good question to ask Joe at the debate..." Do you believe that Americans don't care about immigration?So there's really no need to change anything you're doing?"
You are truly sad if you actually believe that.

 That would be
a good question to ask Joe at the debate..." Do you believe that Americans don't care about immigration?So there's really no need to change anything you're doing?"
They do and that is why they support what he just did. You're welcome

Biden with his intentionally open borders is directly responsible.

Biden has fought every attempt to close the borders.

This was not happening under Trump.
A lot was not happening under Trump...most particularly COMPETENT GOVERNANCE.

Trump and his supporters are not only a danger to America...but to the world in general.
No, I was trying to use an equivalent of what trump did to her but I assume he doesn't have a vagina. Do you think a man fingering a woman's vagina against her will is rape?
any violation which meets the definition of the crime in the relevant jurisdiction is sufficient to support a conviction.....that's why the definitions of crimes are important......of course when it comes to ex-presidents, NY and JPP lib'ruls we've seen that importance fades quickly........
Too little too late Joe... Just as many people pouring in as before if not more... They know it's now or never once President Trump puts the appropriate policies back in place...
any violation which meets the definition of the crime in the relevant jurisdiction is sufficient to support a conviction.....that's why the definitions of crimes are important......of course when it comes to ex-presidents, NY and JPP lib'ruls we've seen that importance fades quickly........
LOL you didn't answer the question because you know that is rape.