Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden.

But you have been saying BIDEN LET THEM IN!

SO which way is it?
Yes, Biden let them in. He returned to 'catch and release' rather than catch and incarcerate. Biden has instructed the CPB to basically take any reason for a request for asylum and allow it, rather than reduce those to ones that are truly justified while rejecting the rest out-of-hand.

Biden is flying and bussing illegals all over the country too. No previous administration did that on the scale Biden is.

Or, this poorly done opinion article by Snopes that pretty much says Biden is flying in hundreds of thousands of illegals...

As an example from that article this is claimed:

  • Such a program could affect U.S. politics by altering voter demographics. (False)
Illegals do alter US politics by altering voter demographics. They are counted in the US census and as such their numbers and presence can and have changed the allocation of seats in the House of Representatives, as well as districting and local political apportionments. So, the writers for Snopes are clearly wrong on this item they presented.


Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile​

He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden. It’s false, and here’s how Biden should respond.​

You can’t say you weren’t warned: At the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, Donald Trump plans to highlight a handful of horrific murders—allegedly by undocumented migrants—and blame them on President Biden. We know this because Trump told us so right on his Truth Social feed.

“We have a new Biden Migrant Killing—it’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault,” Trump seethed, referring to the horrible death of a 12-year-old Texas girl. “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake debate on Thursday. Let him explain why he has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into our Country illegally!”

And why wouldn't he?

Biden is why these people are dead. He opened the border and let killers, rapists, and drug lords waltz in.
She's just a lying gold digging low-life cunt looking for free money.
Prove it!
Yes, Biden let them in. He returned to 'catch and release' rather than catch and incarcerate. Biden has instructed the CPB to basically take any reason for a request for asylum and allow it, rather than reduce those to ones that are truly justified while rejecting the rest out-of-hand.

Biden is flying and bussing illegals all over the country too. No previous administration did that on the scale Biden is.

Or, this poorly done opinion article by Snopes that pretty much says Biden is flying in hundreds of thousands of illegals...

As an example from that article this is claimed:

  • Such a program could affect U.S. politics by altering voter demographics. (False)
Illegals do alter US politics by altering voter demographics. They are counted in the US census and as such their numbers and presence can and have changed the allocation of seats in the House of Representatives, as well as districting and local political apportionments. So, the writers for Snopes are clearly wrong on this item they presented.

In the meantime at Camp David, the "prep" continues, with a full blown movie studio kind of set up in an airplane hanger...
They've got special staffers (at least a dirty dozen, they say) digging up special Trump moments and then feeding them to Joe...hoping that he can find a way to trigger the President...
No policy talk...just "memorizing" ways to attack...
I hope whatever they give him to keep him awake makes him shout like at the SOTU...if he starts screaming angrily at an empty room, that's going to be special...
This is going to be so entertaining...
In the meantime at Camp David, the "prep" continues, with a full blown movie studio kind of set up in an airplane hanger...
They've got special staffers (at least a dirty dozen, they say) digging up special Trump moments and then feeding them to Joe...hoping that he can find a way to trigger the President...
No policy talk...just "memorizing" ways to attack...
I hope whatever they give him to keep him awake makes him shout like at the SOTU...if he starts screaming angrily at an empty room, that's going to be special...
This is going to be so entertaining...
Dopaminergic drugs can speed up Biden like he was sped up at the SOTU address. The thing is dopaminergic drugs don't help the memory. And Biden was reading off a teleprompter at SOTU address. He will not have a teleprompter at the debate. So watch for lapses in memory.
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Dopaminergic drugs can speed up Biden like he was sped up at the SOTU address. The thing is dopaminergic drugs don't help the memory. And Biden was reading off a teleprompter at SOTU address. He will not have a teleprompter at the debate. So watch for lapses in memory.
And no notes... I've never seen him speak for more than a minute or two without notes...