Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden.

And no notes... I've never seen him speak for more than a minute or two without notes...
Did you see Trump talk without notes, he’s bonkers! Sharks, electrocution by batteries! He’s a babbling moron. Too much water, but not enough for your faucets, he can’t afford bacon, but Melanie has a $33,000 purse, he’s crazy!
Did you see Trump talk without notes, he’s bonkers! Sharks, electrocution by batteries! He’s a babbling moron. Too much water, but not enough for your faucets, he can’t afford bacon, but Melanie has a $33,000 purse, he’s crazy!
Did you see Trump talk without notes, he’s bonkers! Sharks, electrocution by batteries! He’s a babbling moron. Too much water, but not enough for your faucets, he can’t afford bacon, but Melanie has a $33,000 purse, he’s crazy!
Pocket change for Melania.
I want a picture of this purse!!...never mind...pretty Birkin...;)and nice wedding band...very visible....:)
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A bold Fascist lie.
How is the truth a "lie," comrade?

And the only fascists here are you and your fellow collectivist totalitarians.

Joe Biden opened the Southern Border, all of the fentanyl, rapes and murders, and particularly the human trafficking (the reason he opened it) are on him.

There are more slaves in the USA today than there were in 1860 - thanks to Joe Biden and his human trafficking efforts with the cartels. You democrats never got over Republicans making you give up your slaves - now you've brought slavery back.
Yes, Biden let them in. He returned to 'catch and release' rather than catch and incarcerate. Biden has instructed the CPB to basically take any reason for a request for asylum and allow it, rather than reduce those to ones that are truly justified while rejecting the rest out-of-hand.

Biden is flying and bussing illegals all over the country too. No previous administration did that on the scale Biden is.

Or, this poorly done opinion article by Snopes that pretty much says Biden is flying in hundreds of thousands of illegals...

As an example from that article this is claimed:

  • Such a program could affect U.S. politics by altering voter demographics. (False)
Illegals do alter US politics by altering voter demographics. They are counted in the US census and as such their numbers and presence can and have changed the allocation of seats in the House of Representatives, as well as districting and local political apportionments. So, the writers for Snopes are clearly wrong on this item they presented.

Indeed but I doubt that the far left Democratic Socialist loons will understand it.
How is the truth a "lie," comrade?

And the only fascists here are you and your fellow collectivist totalitarians.

Joe Biden opened the Southern Border, all of the fentanyl, rapes and murders, and particularly the human trafficking (the reason he opened it) are on him.

There are more slaves in the USA today than there were in 1860 - thanks to Joe Biden and his human trafficking efforts with the cartels. You democrats never got over Republicans making you give up your slaves - now you've brought slavery back.
One hundred percent correct.
Sister E J's no surprise any Democrat believes her...

democrats don't care if it's true or not. If it damages an enemy of the party, they support it. Concepts such as "truth, lies, morality, honor, and integrity" don't exist for the Communists. There is only the party. That which furthers the goals of the party is good, all else is bad.

No way Quid Pro will take a drug test - they no doubt already have him on amphetamines of some sort.
Dopaminergic drugs can speed up Biden like he was sped up at the SOTU address. The thing is dopaminergic drugs don't help the memory. And Biden was reading off a teleprompter at SOTU address. He will not have a teleprompter at the debate. So watch for lapses in memory.

They'll figure out a way to get him an earbud or other device to feed him answers.

This is too important to the Communists to let slow Joe fuck it up.