Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden.

All true. I don't honestly think the debate will change anyone's minds at this point.
Yah. Not many, but maybe a few. There are still some folks who aren't online all day, like we are, getting news in real-time, debating/discussing politics, etc There are probably some who watch the evening news, read their local paper and actually put SOME importance on the debates.

Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile​

He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden. It’s false, and here’s how Biden should respond.​

You can’t say you weren’t warned: At the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, Donald Trump plans to highlight a handful of horrific murders—allegedly by undocumented migrants—and blame them on President Biden. We know this because Trump told us so right on his Truth Social feed.

“We have a new Biden Migrant Killing—it’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault,” Trump seethed, referring to the horrible death of a 12-year-old Texas girl. “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake debate on Thursday. Let him explain why he has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into our Country illegally!”
what is false about it? many 12 year olds need to get raped and murdered by illegals protected by Biden before you realize his guilt?.....six?.....a dozen?......fifty?......
The same truth applies, idiot, or can’t you read?

Immigrants, legal or not, have lower crime rates than the rest of the population.

You Trumpfuckers just hate that fact.

only if you ignore the crimes that illegals commit, like they do in the Demmycrat sanctuary pieces of dog shit don't give a fuck about raped and murdered 12 year olds........
Hey Earl, if someone penetrated your ass with their fingers against your that rape?
She is just a once hot crazy old broad that has rape fantasies. She said she thinks rape is sexy. Who gets raped in a crowded department store and does not call out. Trump was one of these most eligible bachelors at the time and she clearly fantasized about him. She also claimed she was raped in a glass elevator by another multi millionaire. she is clearly disturbed.bvcv
She is just a once hot crazy old broad that has rape fantasies. She said she thinks rape is sexy. Who gets raped in a crowded department store and does not call out. Trump was one of these most eligible bachelors at the time and she clearly fantasized about him. She also claimed she was raped in a glass elevator by another multi millionaire. she is clearly disturbed.bvcv
Are you blaming the rape victim for not responding to the rape as you feel she should have? She was in shock. wtf is wrong with you?
what is false about it? many 12 year olds need to get raped and murdered by illegals protected by Biden before you realize his guilt?.....six?.....a dozen?......fifty?......
Magas are protecting trump the rapist. How many women need to get sexually assaulted / raped before you care?
Nah, let's not pretend, you will never care. You will attempt to make him president.
only if you ignore the crimes that illegals commit, like they do in the Demmycrat sanctuary pieces of dog shit don't give a fuck about raped and murdered 12 year olds........
^Stupid fuck doesn’t understand simple English and continues down the path of ignorance.


Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile​

He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden. It’s false, and here’s how Biden should respond.​

You can’t say you weren’t warned: At the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, Donald Trump plans to highlight a handful of horrific murders—allegedly by undocumented migrants—and blame them on President Biden. We know this because Trump told us so right on his Truth Social feed.

“We have a new Biden Migrant Killing—it’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault,” Trump seethed, referring to the horrible death of a 12-year-old Texas girl. “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake debate on Thursday. Let him explain why he has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into our Country illegally!”
Biden's response.....

No he didn't LET in illegals . His EO were designed to prevent illegals from getting in. That is why Biden erased Trump's EOs. Biden actually paroled some of the murders into the country like the guy that killed Laken Riley. And the guys that strangled the 12 year old in Houston. Now if you know of a illegal that Trump paroled into the US that murdered someone provide a link or STFU.
Trump may not have let in illegals, BUT THEY CAME IN ANYWAY by the hundreds of thousands during his tenure by just climbing over the FUCKING USELESS Wall he said would keep them out..

So, stop the lying and pointing your finger at Biden!

Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile​

He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden. It’s false, and here’s how Biden should respond.​

You can’t say you weren’t warned: At the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, Donald Trump plans to highlight a handful of horrific murders—allegedly by undocumented migrants—and blame them on President Biden. We know this because Trump told us so right on his Truth Social feed.

“We have a new Biden Migrant Killing—it’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault,” Trump seethed, referring to the horrible death of a 12-year-old Texas girl. “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake debate on Thursday. Let him explain why he has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into our Country illegally!”
Makes sense - Trump's been scapegoating brown people since he descended the escalator in 2015. It's his goto that gives his nazi base their hate-boners.
So Trump is going to place blame where blame is due. I'm SHOCKED.
Yep. You and your nazi base rejected the once in a lifetime immigration deal, not because there were issues with the bill, but for fear it would help Biden politically. The maga cult could give a shit about solving problems or governing.

The politics that have killed this deal in 2024 are clear. If Republicans pass legislation that improves the border chaos that’s plagued President Biden’s presidency, they ease a political albatross around his neck in the middle of a presidential campaign. But just as most Republicans look back at 2006, 2007, 2013 and 2018 as missed chances to improve our border policies, we surely will look back at this 2024 bill as the biggest whiff.


The same truth applies, idiot, or can’t you read?

Immigrants, legal or not, have lower crime rates than the rest of the population.

You Trumpfuckers just hate that fact.
No, we hate the fact that Biden opened the borders, cancelling what Trump had in place limiting them coming in, dickhead.
Me? I'd seal them tight and anyone caught crossing illegally, well....
No, we hate the fact that Biden opened the borders, cancelling what Trump had in place limiting them coming in, dickhead.
Me? I'd seal them tight and anyone caught crossing illegally, well....
Just another right wing talking point lie.

No such thing as “open borders” no matter how many fucking times you idiots repeat it.

The other lie is the one I just exposed. That illegals are responsible for some massive crime wave. They’re not, no matter how many times you idiots repeat it.
Yep. You and your nazi base rejected the once in a lifetime immigration deal, not because there were issues with the bill, but for fear it would help Biden politically. The maga cult could give a shit about solving problems or governing.


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Any deal that lets in millions is no deal at all. We will put a better deal like HR2 that the Democrats killed in the Senate. We will have the House and the Senate after November and the White House. HR 2 will get passed then. Till then see below. :laugh:


Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile​

He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden. It’s false, and here’s how Biden should respond.​

You can’t say you weren’t warned: At the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, Donald Trump plans to highlight a handful of horrific murders—allegedly by undocumented migrants—and blame them on President Biden. We know this because Trump told us so right on his Truth Social feed.

“We have a new Biden Migrant Killing—it’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault,” Trump seethed, referring to the horrible death of a 12-year-old Texas girl. “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake debate on Thursday. Let him explain why he has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into our Country illegally!”
Biden is guilty of migrant killings.
Immigrants commit crimes at a lower level than the American citizenry. They lower the crime rate. They are there for economic opportunities that their countries do not have. Have some crazies made the trek? Sure. That in no way says anything about Biden.
its also wrong to lower the wages of all working Americans of all races by glutting the labor pool with too much immigration, even if it's legal.

Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile​

He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden. It’s false, and here’s how Biden should respond.​

You can’t say you weren’t warned: At the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, Donald Trump plans to highlight a handful of horrific murders—allegedly by undocumented migrants—and blame them on President Biden. We know this because Trump told us so right on his Truth Social feed.

“We have a new Biden Migrant Killing—it’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault,” Trump seethed, referring to the horrible death of a 12-year-old Texas girl. “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake debate on Thursday. Let him explain why he has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into our Country illegally!”

So you don't think that two plus two equals four?

The border is in crisis because of Biden's actions. The blood of Americans at the hands of illegals is absolutely on Biden's hands.

I'm sure if that show was on the other foot, shrill, lying leftist assholes would be blaming Trump. Oh wait, they did.