Trump just spent more time talking about the "unfair" treatment of Flynn

So, any spike in case numbers—regardless of how long they occur *after* opening, is taken as evidence that lockdowns are an effective mitigation strategy?

No - but we should learn from states and countries that are getting better results...right?

Stop going straight to "lockdown." No one wants to shut down anymore. Why would you not support simple measures like masks and distancing, as well as testing, if these will help us avoid shutting down?
Are you seriously suggesting that Trump has the media in his corner lol?

Let me add CNN to the pro-Biden list.

trump has right-wing media in his corner but that's to be expected. Do you really think left-wing media is going to be in his corner after the way he bashes them, threatens them and calls them "fake news" or "treasonous?"
No - but we should learn from states and countries that are getting better results...right?

Stop going straight to "lockdown." No one wants to shut down anymore. Why would you not support simple measures like masks and distancing, as well as testing, if these will help us avoid shutting down?

Because I’m a lockdown skeptic.

I think opening 90% of the country in April wouldn’t have mattered significantly. And sure enough, the recent rise in case numbers suggests that I’m very likely right.

It almost can’t be related to opening up—because of time lag. Significant spikes should have occurred *within weeks* of opening up—next week is July and, finally, *some* hospitals are *warning* of possible future crisis conditions. Regionally.

If this were the flu that wouldn’t even be newsworthy.

Also, at least one hospital administrator claims part of the reason for the rush in ICU beds is due to delayed treatment: Related to shutdown of elective procedures.

I knew it was a matter of time before that started showing up. Case numbers and even hospitalizations aren’t as cut and dry as they appear.
Let me add CNN to the pro-Biden list.

trump has right-wing media in his corner but that's to be expected. Do you really think left-wing media is going to be in his corner after the way he bashes them, threatens them and calls them "fake news" or "treasonous?"

It’s up to them to shed the fake news bit.

I’ll grant that ‘treasonous’ has been overused. Hardly just by Trump.
Because I’m a lockdown skeptic.

I think opening 90% of the country in April wouldn’t have mattered significantly. And sure enough, the recent rise in case numbers suggests that I’m very likely right.

It almost can’t be related to opening up—because of time lag. Significant spikes should have occurred *within weeks* of opening up—next week is July and, finally, *some* hospitals are *warning* of possible future crisis conditions. Regionally.

If this were the flu that wouldn’t even be newsworthy.

Also, at least one hospital administrator claims part of the reason for the rush in ICU beds is due to delayed treatment: Related to shutdown of elective procedures.

I knew it was a matter of time before that started showing up. Case numbers and even hospitalizations aren’t as cut and dry as they appear.

Okay, well - take your time. Put your whole research paper together....make sure to use as much hindsight and "hunches" as possible.

Once you get all of your conclusions & recommendations together, please let us know so we can get a handle on how to contain this thing. Because right now, we're in a world of trouble.
So, any spike in case numbers—regardless of how long they occur *after* opening, is taken as evidence that lockdowns are an effective mitigation strategy?

I am going to do my best to describe the situation to you, but somehow I think you will intentionally not understand what I am saying. This is an important issue, that we should all come together on, but we won't.

Once you start ignoring social distancing and other preventive rules, cases will start growing exponentially, but somehow that does not bother some people at first. Lets say it doubles every week from a base level of 100. A week after opening up, some people are saying 200 cases is not that bad. Two weeks after opening up, 400 cases really does not seem like much. Three weeks after opening up, 800 cases is a slight problem, but not the end of the world.... Ten weeks after opening up, 100,000 cases is a disaster, but it is way after opening up, so can it really be blamed on opening up?

Yes, the exponential rise starts slow, but after a while becomes very scary. As long as R is greater than 1, we are going to have increasing numbers of cases, and increasing numbers of deaths.
If this were the flu that wouldn’t even be newsworthy.

It is almost unheard of for anyone to die directly from the flu, especially a relatively healthy person dying from the flu. Usually flu numbers are additional deaths, which is much higher. If you include "additional deaths" in the Covid-19 numbers, we may well end up 10 times higher.

There are a large number of Covid-19 patients in their 40s and 50s who will have weakened bodies from Covid-19, and will die sooner or later.