Trump just spent more time talking about the "unfair" treatment of Flynn

It is not okay for anyone to lie under oath.

Flynn lied under oath.

That is a given.

Then he withdrew his plea because lying under duress doesn’t count.

So, just to be clear, Trump can call Pence and Wray into the Oval Office; plan a scheme in order to get Biden’s incoming National security adviser to ‘lie or admit’ even though Wray indicated the guys conversation was ‘legit’.

Send people to ‘have a talk with the guy’ and just lie or do whatever, up to and including editing/changing their notes [302] of their ‘talk’ to lie about Biden’s guy lying.

And you’d be ok with all this?
the ultimate dullard calling others stupid.
Hey Bozo. anytime a prosecution is dropped or found not guilty, that is a legal exoneration
Idiot -go back to Flynn lied -your level of cognition

YOU calling ANYONE like Trump calling ANYONE a liar.

Flynn lied under oath.

The only reason he is out right now is because Trump wanted him out...and his lap-dog Barr saw to it.

My guess is that Trump knows Flynn has something on him...and wants to keep that silent.

Lap-dogs is all Trump has...and he has plenty of those.

YOU are one of them.
Then he withdrew his plea because lying under duress doesn’t count.

So, just to be clear, Trump can call Pence and Wray into the Oval Office; plan a scheme in order to get Biden’s incoming National security adviser to ‘lie or admit’ even though Wray indicated the guys conversation was ‘legit’.

Send people to ‘have a talk with the guy’ and just lie or do whatever, up to and including editing/changing their notes [302] of their ‘talk’ to lie about Biden’s guy lying.

And you’d be ok with all this?

You are okay with what is actually happening. It is a travesty...but you are okay with it.

Now you want me to comment on a you can feel better about being a lap-dog.

Flynn lied under oath.

Several times. And on several matters.

He deserves some time inside.
You are okay with what is actually happening. It is a travesty...but you are okay with it.

Now you want me to comment on a you can feel better about being a lap-dog.

Flynn lied under oath.

Several times. And on several matters.

He deserves some time inside.

The Trump haters would be shitting nickels and you know it, Frank.
Meaning you have no answer for the fact that it has been proven beyond a doubt that he lied under you decided to babble?

HJ lied to the FBI, the courts and Trump fired him for lying to Pence. We know what Flynn is. Why does Trump like him? We know honesty is not high on Trump.s requirements.
HJ lied to the FBI, the courts and Trump fired him for lying to Pence. We know what Flynn is. Why does Trump like him? We know honesty is not high on Trump.s requirements.

Flynn probably has something on Trump...or Barr.

They are all scum.
Trump is definitely a unique politician lol.

I’ll let the lefties psychoanalyze him but his political skills are undeniable—and he’s a non-politician. You simply don’t smack down a well established Republican establishment then take on both the media AND the corrupt Clinton machine—and come out on top, without political skills.

And after all that they *still* underestimate him. This is election is in the bag they say.

Trump has had a degree of ‘adversity while in office’ that would rival Lincoln’s term. They started after him in January 1917 [see my sig] and never let up—and they never will as long as he’s in office. It will be one thing after the next until he’s gone.

Wait and see.

It seems to me that if he had "undeniable" political skills, he should have been able to raise his approval ratings after 3-1/2 years in office.
Also with all due respect, this is the type of comment delivered by people who don't have anything to back up their BS and didn't expect to be called out on it.

All anyone has to do is read your posts Christie. You are genuinely clueless. A good Democrat talking point foot soldier through.
Judge Sullivan is referring it to the entire appeals court. It is not done. Flynn is a fucking crook who is bordering treason. He should not get away with crimes because he is a Trump butt buddy. I hope the Court upholds Sullivan and recommends all the charges be considered.

I read about this, it's too soon for Flynn and the trumpers to take a victory lap.
I believe you are commenting now. See, this is what I mean.

It was a question that went unanswered so let me repeat it. Can you link to one single Obama rally, presser or speech where he spends most of the time airing his grievances, lying, and blaming others for his bad publicity? Live events, not editorials.
It was a question that went unanswered so let me repeat it. Can you link to one single Obama rally, presser or speech where he spends most of the time airing his grievances, lying, and blaming others for his bad publicity? Live events, not editorials.

I am sure I could. There were plenty by him and his flunkies. Is it worth it? No. He is a has been.
Too many people seeing to it that never happens lol.

He's really doing a fine job of it himself.

He really is failing at leadership right now. We have a pandemic, and he's doing a comedy routine on all of the names the virus has, and ignoring messaging on basic precautions. We have a race crisis, and he's dog-whistling on confederate statues and NFL players kneeling.

It's pathetic. If you think it's good leadership, you need a primer on good leadership.
He's really doing a fine job of it himself.

He really is failing at leadership right now. We have a pandemic, and he's doing a comedy routine on all of the names the virus has, and ignoring messaging on basic precautions. We have a race crisis, and he's dog-whistling on confederate statues and NFL players kneeling.

It's pathetic. If you think it's good leadership, you need a primer on good leadership.

He does seem to suck at handling Democrats crises.