Trump just spent more time talking about the "unfair" treatment of Flynn

LMAO@Frank. your understanding of a trial ("other bullshit") is about on the level of 'see spot run'

I'd love to say, "Nice attempt at avoiding the question, Dukkha"...but I can't. It actually was a pathetic attempt.

So here is the question again: "Are you saying there is a question of whether or not Flynn lied under oath?"

C'mon. Give it another try. Worst that can happen is that we laugh at you.
re-writing a 302 6 months later is inherently inaccurate.
Thats why they are composed in the days or so after a interview

Yup. And putting tomatoes or bananas in the refrigerator is a no-no.

But none of those things have anything to do with the question.

Are you saying there is a question of whether or not Flynn lied under oath?

I apologize for picking on these two. They are short in the brain department. Normally I do not pick on stupid people...but they are begging for it.

Like I said, I apologize for doing it.
You are being even denser than usual, Darth. Not an easy thing...but you are giving it your best.

The question is: Did Flynn lie under oath?

UNDER OATH, Flynn testified that he lied under oath.

Now...he either DID lie under oath as he swore he did...

...or he is lying under oath by saying that he did lie.

Either way...he is lying under oath.

That is irrefutable.

Get over you bullshit...engage your brain...and deal with the reality.

The 302's have absolutely nothing to do with whether Flynn lied under oath.

Even if the 302 was a lie?
Gen. Flynn has been totally exonerated...forever.

Now he gets to sue.

You assholes have a first-grader notion of what "exoneration" is.

But you should be excused for that.

You are not a particularly bright lot.
You assholes have a first-grader notion of what "exoneration" is.

But you should be excused for that.

You are not a particularly bright lot.
the ultimate dullard calling others stupid.
Hey Bozo. anytime a prosecution is dropped or found not guilty, that is a legal exoneration
Idiot -go back to Flynn lied -your level of cognition
Judge Sullivan is referring it to the entire appeals court. It is not done. Flynn is a fucking crook who is bordering treason. He should not get away with crimes because he is a Trump butt buddy. I hope the Court upholds Sullivan and recommends all the charges be considered.
Judge Sullivan is referring it to the entire appeals court. It is not done. Flynn is a fucking crook who is bordering treason. He should not get away with crimes because he is a Trump butt buddy. I hope the Court upholds Sullivan and recommends all the charges be considered.
Me, too, the Trumpublicans suffer from premature elation.
Gen. Flynn has been totally exonerated...forever. Now he gets to sue.

Individuals have qualified immunity, so he would have to sue the USA. It would be a tough case to make, because he plead guilty. Maybe trump could order the Justice Department not to defend the taxpayers, but that begins to look like a bribe to keep silent.
Gen. Flynn has been totally exonerated...forever. Now he gets to sue.

Individuals have qualified immunity, so he would have to sue the USA. It would be a tough case to make, because he plead guilty. Maybe trump could order the Justice Department not to defend the taxpayers, but that begins to look like a bribe to keep silent.