Trump just spent more time talking about the "unfair" treatment of Flynn

C'mon. Even you ardent Trump supporters see what is happening here!


Barr has nothing to do with Mueller -Mueller was a fake, fed by Comey to prosecute fake Russian collusion

Sure he does, he was the one who rushed in to make sure the final report was framed the way Trump wanted it presented, he was the one appointing special investigators to investigate that which had already been investigated, he was the one who unprecedentedly felt a need to reframe the IG report, and he is the one attempting to get those found guilty either off the hook or with reduced sentences.

Billy Barr is very much involved, as he has shown, he isn’t really an AG but rather Trump’s personal attorney
Than he has over the past month talking about Floyd or how the minority community in general has been treated in America.

Trump is the wrong President for ANY time - but he is particularly bad for THIS time.

He only cares about himself and nothing else. He is OBSESSED with optics, yet has little to no understanding of how fucked up he appears with his various Look-at-MEEEEE schemes.
Sure he does, he was the one who rushed in to make sure the final report was framed the way Trump wanted it presented,
Muellers report stands on it's own no matter how it was "framed" -when Rosenstein appointed Mueller because of Comey's histronics Lisa Page testified there was STILL no evidence of ANY 'Russian collusion' (conspiracy). got that ?
Not only was the Carter Page FISA faked,the Special Council was appointed 5 months after Trump was POTUS and there was STILL NO EVIDENCE of da Russians = fake Special Prosecutor

he was the one appointing special investigators to investigate that which had already been investigated,
The IG did a report that found massive iregularities, but was not a criminal investigation -Durham is looking for crimes based on documented malfeasance
e was the one who unprecedentedly felt a need to reframe the IG report,
and he is the one attempting to get those found guilty either off the hook or with reduced sentences.
whom do you refer to?

Billy Barr is very much involved, as he has shown, he isn’t really an AG but rather Trump’s personal attorney
he's involved in looking for crimes as any AG would do
It has been proven without a doubt that he lied under oath.

How can you Trump puppets possibly claim he is not guilty?

They don't care. Trump wins. Libs lose. If Trump declared nuclear war the body count would be irrelevant to the cult. They would only care that their Dear Leader was macho as opposed to the limp wristed libs. And a counterstrike that takes out a US city and kills millions? Well, it's all libs in those cities, so who cares. And I am not exaggerating. That would be the response.
They don't care. Trump wins. Libs lose. If Trump declared nuclear war the body count would be irrelevant to the cult. They would only care that their Dear Leader was macho as opposed to the limp wristed libs. And a counterstrike that takes out a US city and kills millions? Well, it's all libs in those cities, so who cares. And I am not exaggerating. That would be the response.
trash. TDS fantasy
Than he has over the past month talking about Floyd or how the minority community in general has been treated in America.

Trump is the wrong President for ANY time - but he is particularly bad for THIS time.

Trump has known for awhile that he will lose in November so he had decided to burn it all down.


He only cares about himself and nothing else. He is OBSESSED with optics, yet has little to no understanding of how fucked up he appears with his various Look-at-MEEEEE schemes.


Donald Trump told Robin and Howard Stern that woman look at a man's tie as a phallic symbol, when Robin asked him why he wears his ties so long.

So Donald Trump wears his tie down below his crotch to make women think he has a big one!

Everything this man does is calculated. What a phony and Histrionic!
Good for Trump.....this guy is a political wizard and this abuse of an American by the top of the justice system for clearly political aims is a great drum for Trump to beat.

Donald Trump told Robin and Howard Stern that woman look at a man's tie as a phallic symbol, when Robin asked him why he wears his ties so long.

So Donald Trump wears his tie down below his crotch to make women think he has a big one!

Everything this man does is calculated. What a phony and Histrionic!

You understand that the Left has for four years refused to believe that what Trump does is calculated, that he does what he does out of intention and skill, that this is why he wins so often.

You are off script, you should expect that this will cause you problems, lack of conformity is not allowed on the Modern Regressive Left.
You understand that the Left has for four years refused to believe that what Trump does is calculated, that he does what he does out of intention and skill, that this is why he wins so often.

You are off script, you should expect that this will cause you problems, lack of conformity is not allowed on the Modern Regressive Left.

You know I am right Hawk! Donald Trump has an inferiority complex. And WHY? Can you explain it? I can't.
Than he has over the past month talking about Floyd or how the minority community in general has been treated in America.

Trump is the wrong President for ANY time - but he is particularly bad for THIS time.

And the left has spent more time on a garage door pull..than the 106 black people shot in Chicigo including kids