Trump just spent more time talking about the "unfair" treatment of Flynn

So was Jeffrey Dahmer. And Hitler. You get the idea. Individualism in and of itself has no positive qualities. Different is more often than not a bad thing. A society doesn’t function without conformity. Non conformity usually suggest a level of emotional insecurity and inability to function in social situations. You think it’s ‘cool’. Which means it’s just another way of conforming.
fascist thought. -dangerous impulses backed with ignorance -
America is designed for individuals with their unique character to be free to forge their own path
Than he has over the past month talking about Floyd or how the minority community in general has been treated in America.

Trump is the wrong President for ANY time - but he is particularly bad for THIS time.

Well, is anyone talking about Floyd any more lol?

The Floyd movement has been hijacked by Marxists and anarchists. They are a much bigger story than an isolated incident involving a white cop and a black man who may been killed by the cop; or, he may have simply expired while in the hands of the cops.

That trial is going to be interesting. Trust me on this.

Why shouldn’t Trump be talking about Flynn?
Trump sells his personal story as a brand, which few have the skills to do, especially few have the skills to do it as well as Trump has done it, he is very unusual...unusually good.

Trump is definitely a unique politician lol.

I’ll let the lefties psychoanalyze him but his political skills are undeniable—and he’s a non-politician. You simply don’t smack down a well established Republican establishment then take on both the media AND the corrupt Clinton machine—and come out on top, without political skills.

And after all that they *still* underestimate him. This is election is in the bag they say.

Trump has had a degree of ‘adversity while in office’ that would rival Lincoln’s term. They started after him in January 1917 [see my sig] and never let up—and they never will as long as he’s in office. It will be one thing after the next until he’s gone.

Wait and see.
Trump is definitely a unique politician lol.

I’ll let the lefties psychoanalyze him but his political skills are undeniable—and he’s a non-politician. You simply don’t smack down a well established Republican establishment then take on both the media AND the corrupt Clinton machine—and come out on top, without political skills.

And after all that they *still* underestimate him. This is election is in the bag they say.

Trump has had a degree of ‘adversity while in office’ that would rival Lincoln’s term. They started after him in January 1917 [see my sig] and never let up—and they never will as long as he’s in office. It will be one thing after the next until he’s gone.

Wait and see.

I dont need to see anymore, America is Fucked.

I feel good about what I did though, I did my part, I did better than most.
I dont need to see anymore, America is Fucked.

I feel good about what I did though, I did my part, I did better than most.

Meh, some days I think ‘this is it’ as far as the country goes.

Other days I’m more optimistic. It may be all of this will be seen as ‘necessary’—at some future point.
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I don’t think he’s good looking, I never have. I remember him in the 80’s. He reminds me of the guy who wants to be liked, tries way to hard to pass off an image, but doesn’t do it well, he doesn’t fit in and then is vengeful when you don’t like him because he’s just creepy.

I just meant that he had no reason earlier on in his life to be self-conscience about his looks.

Now that he is a fat ass old lazy bald guy with hair extensions, that is pretty normal for old farts like him. He still shouldn't be self-conscience about his looks. And since he is married, it's not like he has to sexually attract anyone else to himself anyway.

At his age, he should be thinking about aging gracefully and proudly instead of thinking he is still some kind of Rocking Buck!

The guy is just Histrionic to the very core of his personality and disposition, which is very odd, as only 1 out of every 4 Histrionics are men- which indicates the man may have some serious male/female hormonal issues going on as well. Something is out of wack. He is just not mentally stable!
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Trump is definitely a unique politician lol.

I’ll let the lefties psychoanalyze him but his political skills are undeniable—and he’s a non-politician. You simply don’t smack down a well established Republican establishment then take on both the media AND the corrupt Clinton machine—and come out on top, without political skills.

And after all that they *still* underestimate him. This is election is in the bag they say.

Trump has had a degree of ‘adversity while in office’ that would rival Lincoln’s term. They started after him in January 1917 [see my sig] and never let up—and they never will as long as he’s in office. It will be one thing after the next until he’s gone.

Wait and see.

Than he has over the past month talking about Floyd or how the minority community in general has been treated in America.

Trump is the wrong President for ANY time - but he is particularly bad for THIS time.

Only someone mentally unstable will continuously swim against the political tide!

The oncoming pandemic allowed him a chance to demonstrate true leadership and do all the right things to unite us and get the majority of Americans behind him- But instead he used the pandemic to divide us and turned the damn thing into a national healthcare and economic crisis and disaster for America. And that is what will end up being his legacy as president.

Donald Trump will go down in history as a MADMAN!
Meaning you have no answer for the fact that it has been proven beyond a doubt that he lied under you decided to babble?
Frank. get a clue.
the case is complex with 2 guilty pleas and then a null process when DoJ showed the prosecution withheld exculpatory evidence and had "no legitimate basis" which the release of Biden saying "Logan Act" on Flynn also shows/
Comey even said the Flynn phone calls "appeard legit".

You are like at a level of *duh*ness here
Frank. get a clue.
the case is complex with 2 guilty pleas and then a null process when DoJ showed the prosecution withheld exculpatory evidence and had "no legitimate basis" which the release of Biden saying "Logan Act" on Flynn also shows/
Comey even said the Flynn phone calls "appeard legit".

You are like at a level of *duh*ness here

No, Dukka...the level of "duh"ness here is on your part...and the level of denial on your part is beyond grasp.

The question of whether Flynn lied under oath is indisputable. That is what I said...and all that other bullshit is simply you wanting to divert from that.

Are you saying there is a question of whether or not Flynn lied under oath?
fascist thought. -dangerous impulses backed with ignorance -
America is designed for individuals with their unique character to be free to forge their own path

Not in the least. It's logic, son. You should try it some time. Name one trait that is inherent in individualism. One will do. America is NOT designed for individuals with their unique character to be free to forge their own path. Any more than any democracy is. We may put fewer constraints on individuals, but those constraints keep society from devolving into anarchy. I'm an individual that has decided I am going to kill and rob my neighbor to get start up money for my meth lab. As I expand, I'll seize some land to build a factory somewhere close to the water so I can dump the chemicals at low cost. I'll hire some kids to sell the drugs for me, and arm them with assault rifles and orders to kill anyone who tries to stop them.

How do you like my rugged individualism? You are out of your league kid. You want to actually discuss issues, I will chew you up and spit you out. Stick to trolling. It's your strong suit.
No, Dukka...the level of "duh"ness here is on your part...and the level of denial on your part is beyond grasp.

The question of whether Flynn lied under oath is indisputable. That is what I said...and all that other bullshit is simply you wanting to divert from that.

Are you saying there is a question of whether or not Flynn lied under oath?

Yes lol!

They couldn’t even decide which damn 302 they wanted to use for evidence.
Well, is anyone talking about Floyd any more lol?

The Floyd movement has been hijacked by Marxists and anarchists. They are a much bigger story than an isolated incident involving a white cop and a black man who may been killed by the cop; or, he may have simply expired while in the hands of the cops.

That trial is going to be interesting. Trust me on this.

Why shouldn’t Trump be talking about Flynn?

That's awesome.
No, Dukka...the level of "duh"ness here is on your part...and the level of denial on your part is beyond grasp.

The question of whether Flynn lied under oath is indisputable. That is what I said...and all that other bullshit is simply you wanting to divert from that.

Are you saying there is a question of whether or not Flynn lied under oath?
LMAO@Frank. your understanding of a trial ("other bullshit") is about on the level of 'see spot run'
Yes lol!

They couldn’t even decide which damn 302 they wanted to use for evidence.

You are being even denser than usual, Darth. Not an easy thing...but you are giving it your best.

The question is: Did Flynn lie under oath?

UNDER OATH, Flynn testified that he lied under oath.

Now...he either DID lie under oath as he swore he did...

...or he is lying under oath by saying that he did lie.

Either way...he is lying under oath.

That is irrefutable.

Get over you bullshit...engage your brain...and deal with the reality.

The 302's have absolutely nothing to do with whether Flynn lied under oath.