Trump lies about his assets

And found what the property would have been worth if trump had been allowed to build condos, like he claimed. That is not helping his case, because it is just proving that his lies were material.

Based on zoning, prices can change by 100 times. trump promised that mar-a-lardo could be converted into condos, if his social club failed. It could not be. It has one legal use, and that is as a social club. If it burned down, and he could not rebuild the country club, it would be a worthless park.

They are only material if somebody lost actual money as a result. That is, Trump defaulted on a loan, or something like that. You last sentence is completely irrelevant.
How many times has trump defaulted on loans and declared bankruptcy?

Are those part of this case? In a civil fraud case the standard is proving someone took a loss monetarily and that the person the case is against knowingly lied to create that loss. If there is no loss, there is no case, lies or otherwise. You can't sue somebody for lying to you an those lies had no negative economic effect on you. Worse for the case, New York can't sue for lies that took place in Florida...
Are those part of this case? In a civil fraud case the standard is proving someone took a loss monetarily and that the person the case is against knowingly lied to create that loss. If there is no loss, there is no case, lies or otherwise. You can't sue somebody for lying to you an those lies had no negative economic effect on you. Worse for the case, New York can't sue for lies that took place in Florida...

Your kind is always spewing that no one lost any money due to Trumps overstating the value of his properties. Is a bankruptcy or 5 sufficient to show investors and banks lost money because of trump?
Your kind is always spewing that no one lost any money due to Trumps overstating the value of his properties. Is a bankruptcy or 5 sufficient to show investors and banks lost money because of trump?

That goes for anyone. No loss, no case. Even fucking Judge Judy would tell you that. You just want Trump guilty. The law doesn't matter to you. For you, it isn't about justice, it's about revenge.
That goes for anyone. No loss, no case. Even fucking Judge Judy would tell you that. You just want Trump guilty. The law doesn't matter to you. For you, it isn't about justice, it's about revenge.

Like you know shit about the law? What law school did you attend, my dear.
Like you know shit about the law? What law school did you attend, my dear.

Irrelevant appeal to authority.

Law is a simple liberal art. It isn't hard to grasp or lawyers couldn't do it...

There are four elements in a civil fraud case that must be proven:

1. A false representation was made by the defendant.
2. The defendant had some knowledge of the false representation, through recklessness or knowledge.
3. The false representation caused the plaintiff to act.
4. The plaintiff’s action resulted in an injury or loss.’s action resulted in an injury or loss.
Well, that judge didn't. $18 million for Mar-a-Lago? That's ridiculous! ....

It is NOT ridiculous as that is what Trump, himself argued it was worth.

The Judge DID NOT make any assessment, or canvass to determine value. The Judge USED the CLAIMED VALUE by Trump on both the high and low end and the Tax Assessed Value Trump argues was TOO HIGH because, he Trump had committed contractually to certain conditions that FOREVER lowered the value of that land.


What Trump argued was a few things such as:

- he had contracted away all future development rights and thus no future buyer could sell the property to speculative land developers who want to convert it to higher end uses
- this inability to convert means the property's value is based on a multiple of its earnings potential as a resort and Mara A Lago does not generate very big earnings (cited ~$5M/yr)
- other

And then on the high end to get loans, Trump argued that based on speculative redevelopment prospects (that which he FOREVER contracted away) this property, if you looked at comparable properties, was worth over 2000X the value.


Terry are you capable of comprehending the above or does it go over you head?
It is NOT ridiculous as that is what Trump, himself argued it was worth.

The Judge DID NOT make any assessment, or canvass to determine value. The Judge USED the CLAIMED VALUE by Trump on both the high and low end and the Tax Assessed Value Trump argues was TOO HIGH because, he Trump had committed contractually to certain conditions that FOREVER lowered the value of that land.

What Trump argued was a few things such as:

- he had contracted away all future development rights and thus no future buyer could sell the property to speculative land developers who want to convert it to higher end uses
- this inability to convert means the property's value is based on a multiple of its earnings potential as a resort and Mara A Lago does not generate very big earnings (cited ~$5M/yr)
- other

And then on the high end to get loans, Trump argued that based on speculative redevelopment prospects (that which he FOREVER contracted away) this property, if you looked at comparable properties, was worth over 2000X the value.


Terry are you capable of comprehending the above or does it go over you head?

Not if there is no one who can show a loss because of it. You just aren't grasping this. Who was economically harmed by Trump's actions? Even more to the point, who in the state of New York was harmed economically by Trump's actions in Florida?
The first thing you learn about real estate is zoning and land use documents can make a huge difference in values. Permission to build a house on a piece of property can literally multiple its value by ten times, and can literally multiple its taxes also by ten times.

What trump did was lie about what he could do with mar-a-lardo. he claimed he could subdivide it into condos, which would have made it as valuable as he claimed. The reality was he was getting lower taxes, but will never be allowed to subdivide it. So look at other properties that were allowed to be subdivided all you want, the bank sure did, they have no bearing on the value of his property which cannot be subdivided.

You never heard of land use documents or zoning regulations. You are not much of a real estate lawyer then.

PostModernIdiot, has admitted he was a slumlord lawyer.

And that area of law, is known generally as the one area of law, where lawyers who are completely incompetent can make a decent living.

That is because ~95% of you cases are collections and evictions that are uncontested, and the filings are all done by para legals, who are far more capable then the slumlord lawyer who is only required for his signature and appearance in court.

You now join a long line of people, myself included, who have had to educate PmP on the law, even in his claimed area of practice.

You have to understand that despite his claimed decades of practice he really does not know these things, and he really has never heard of someone contracted for 'land use' in a purchase, as Trump did.

What he does, is google our claims, learns and then pretends he did not say or mean what he said prior. You will see him do that with you soon. he will claim to understand that 'land use' can be contractually documented.

Much of what you just said is right but stop trying to defend the judge. $18 million for Mar-A-Lago? No. It is worth way more than that.
^^^Above is another person who is acknowledging PmP does not know what he is talking about, in real estate law.
It is a business that generates income beyond $18 million per year AND it has two ocean fronts. $18 Million? You should be calling for that judges head.

See my post above. this is not a judge generated valuation. This is not like a case where Trump is fighting the Tax Assessor and both parties are doing their OWN competing valuations (which did happen above).

This is a case where the judge did not attempt to determine any valuation and simply used Trumps OWN CLAIMS on both ends. So if the $18M is too low Trump SHOULD NOT HAVE argued it was too high and then turned around the next day and argued it was worth 2000X more to get loans.
Not if there is no one who can show a loss because of it. You just aren't grasping this. Who was economically harmed by Trump's actions? Even more to the point, who in the state of New York was harmed economically by Trump's actions in Florida?

Terry get the fuck off Fox News and other right derp media.

There is no concept in law NONE, that says, as long as you repay a fraud then you cannot be charged with doing it when it is the State systems that are the victim.

That is a complete fabrication and lie right derp media has been pushing and you bought it.

if you go out and tell everyone you are from a wealthy family of very successful restauranteurs and famous chefs, and you are putting in $5MM of your own money to launch a new restaurant chain, and you are giving them the chance to invest $5M beside you, and they do, but nothing you said it true, including you putting in any money.

Even if your restaurant chain succeeds and you pay them back you are STILL GUILTY of fraud and would be found liable if charged.

You need to STOP watching right derp media and then speaking on the law as if you know what you are speaking about, as you say some of the most provable stupid things on this forum.
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And Terry the question as to who is harmed and why States do not have Fraud laws that say 'as long as you repay the person the Fraud does not count' is answered in the 2008 mortgage fraud crisis.

In 2007 and prior those fraudulent generated mortgages had not yet collapsed because of ever rising home values. People were lying in filing NINJA mortgages and other mortgages that if the proper info was put in would have never got written because, the system was not losing money and was getting paid.

If your position was true and this fraud was discovered in 2007 or earlier the gov't would not be able to do anything about as 'everyone was getting paid' and at best they could only go after borrowers who failed to pay.

That is NOT the purpose of STATE LAWS in this area, which protect the SYSTEM from embedded fraud, even if no specific victim has yet to emerge as allowing such fraud to only be prosecuted once victims are presented is a systemic risk.

Bernie Madoff had no victims until he did. He was not innocent of fraud the day before his first default payment, as no one could find a victim to that point, and then guilty of fraud the day after the first default, as now they have a victim.

The fraud OCCURS TERRY at the origination point of the fraud and not when the first victim appears. Get off right derp media.
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Irrelevant appeal to authority.

Law is a simple liberal art. It isn't hard to grasp or lawyers couldn't do it...

There are four elements in a civil fraud case that must be proven:

1. A false representation was made by the defendant.
2. The defendant had some knowledge of the false representation, through recklessness or knowledge.
3. The false representation caused the plaintiff to act.
4. The plaintiff’s action resulted in an injury or loss.’s action resulted in an injury or loss.

You my dear aren't bright enough to have written this, or posted the link. So who did it for you?
Anything more that it is worth is based on the ability to subdivide it into condos, which does not exist. trump lied and said he had rights he did not have to inflate the price. We can go around in circles about this forever, but the facts are just plain against trump on this.

Much like they are against trump on the size of his NYC condo. He doubled the floor space. That is just a fact.

Now the question is were these lies material or not. Most would agree that a lie that changes the value by several times is material.

You are making shit up again. The market value of any real estate is sold as is. The assessed value is often radically different than the market value.
Assets are not generally taxed in the United States, with the major exception of real estate. It is difficult to lie much about your real estate, and I certainly have never lied about my real estate. I have also been honest about my income, because my income comes from reputable companies. If I were ever caught lying about any of this, I would lose my bonding, and my job... Which I actually want to lose, but just not in that way.

Seriously, these are games someone like myself simply does not want to play.

No games here.

Just your lies.
trump lied and claimed that mar-a-lardo could be subdivided into condos. It cannot. That is a huge effect on the value of the real estate. That is just a fact, and if the lie was material, it becomes a crime.

By the way, if he could subdivide it into condos, the taxes would be many times higher. If he can prove that he told the banks the truth, he is on the hook for tax fraud, and will go to prison for even longer.

Stop making shit up.