Trump LOSES IT over EMPTY SEATS at AWFUL Atlanta Speech

Announcement. On December 6, 2017, President Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and stated that the American embassy would be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Trump is a Christian.
Take a hike , toxic bitch.
Go fuck your garbage disposal with your one-inch noodle, nasty old impotent loser.
Íadrecyou really moon's doppelganger? He hates Jews too.
"Doppelganger," lol

I spend at least an hour almost every morning refuting Mooney's toxic posts about Israeli atrocities.

I never see the useful idiot engaging.
Take a hike toxic bitch.
Poor sad dumbass pEarl. How we will point and laugh next November when, once again, your flaming Nazi gas bag smashes to Earth in flames.

Do have a lovely night, pEarl, and try not to put your head in your oven again. Ciao!
Poor sad dumbass pEarl. How we will point and laugh next November when, once again, your flaming Nazi gas bag smashes to Earth in flames.

Do have a lovely night, pEarl, and try not to put your head in your oven again. Ciao!
Take a hike, toxic bitch.
Yes, I speak Spanish too. How multi-lingual are you?

Jou ma naai vir viskoppe daar by die docks
Fluent in Spanish and conversant in Italian.

Me cago en tu madre puta.

Cago addosso a tua madre puttana.
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Oh lovely, another thread showing how much our JPP MAGAT Reichwingers really do love them some Jews... but only the invisible imaginary ones in Jerusalem. Not the American ones who talk back. :laugh:

And oh look! pEarl is fingering me! :rofl2:

Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered.
For the useful idiot:

"Cotton: Biden Administration is Delaying Arms Shipments to Israel to Undermine Our Ally

Contact: Caroline Tabler or Patrick McCann (202) 224-2353
June 20, 2024

Cotton: Biden Administration is Delaying Arms Shipments to Israel to Undermine Our Ally

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today sent a letter to President Joe Biden, criticizing the Biden administration for withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel as it continues to battle Hamas. Senator Cotton requested the administration provide a complete list of all weapons and ammunition Israel has requested, as well as explanations for the delays.

In part, Senator Cotton wrote:

“Your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war. As you are aware, the Arms Export Control Act requires the administration to notify Congress before sending weapons to a foreign country. Your administration has manipulated this requirement by withholding this formal notification to Congress of approved weapons sales, including F-15s, tactical vehicles, 120-mm mortars, 120-mm tank rounds, joint direct attack munitions, and small diameter bombs. Your administration can then claim that the weapons are ‘in process’ while never delivering them.”

Take a hike, pendejo.
The easiest way to explain why antisemitism is still with us is to blame religion. Scholars agree that what we call antisemitism today has its historical origins in a strain of anti-Jewish thought that grew out of early Christianity. The Gospels describe the Jews as complicit in the Roman crucifixion of Jesus. Paul’s theology was read to depict the Jews as having been replaced or superseded as God’s special favorites by the community of Christian believers. By failing to become Christians, Jews implicitly challenged the narrative of inevitable Christian triumph. For well over a thousand years, Jews in Christian Europe were subject to systemic, institutionalized oppression. Historical antisemitism took the form of discrimination, expulsion, and massacre.

Now you right wing goyim care about Jews 🤮

And we know why with your Looney tunes end times fantasies of the christer death cult

Speaking as a Jew, I don't see a hair of a difference between Christian nationalists and radicle Muslims. You're both death cults, obsessed with the afterlife. You both spread your faith at the point of a sword, at the end of a lash. You've both borrowed your ethics from the Jews (a good thing) without adding a single original concept to the mix (so who needs you?), and now claim you thought of it first. You're still struggling with moral issues we resolved satisfactorily centuries ago. You're both obsessed with receiving respect . You both react viciously when thwarted and you're both terrified at being laughed at. Both Christianity and Islam are cargo cults, religions built out of sticks and vines.
Trump pays people to attend his rallies. It was 75 bucks before, you had to wear trump red and take photos to prove you were there. Trump is selling lies and illusions. A full house, or one you can make look full is a requirement. The con requires making people think they are joining a new successful movement. So he finds an arena he can fill and sends out free tickets. They are free anyway, but the ticket makes you more likely to attend. Then Trump can say it was jammed, whether it was or not. Trump plays his followers like children.