Trump LOSES IT over EMPTY SEATS at AWFUL Atlanta Speech


Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered.
Sadly there are some fundie Xtian churches in America that still espouse the idea that "the Jews killed Jesus."
Trump pays people to attend his rallies. It was 75 bucks before, you had to wear trump red and take photos to prove you were there. Trump is selling lies and illusions. A full house, or one you can make look full is a requirement. The con requires making people think they are joining a new successful movement. So he finds an arena he can fill and sends out free tickets. They are free anyway, but the ticket makes you more likely to attend. Then Trump can say it was jammed, whether it was or not. Trump plays his followers like children.
Remember when some progressives pranked him and snapped up a good lot of the tickets, then didn't show up? Good times, good times. lol
That's true... And you won't see a positive comment or thread about her canned speeches...
Trump gives the same crazy ,weird speech wherever he goes. In the debate, all he did was give a stupid rally speech. Fact-checkers get a lot of work when Trump talks. Of course, you miss his lies and what terrible ideas he has. You are so conned.
Poor sad dumbass pEarl. How we will point and laugh next November when, once again, your flaming Nazi gas bag smashes to Earth in flames.

Do have a lovely night, pEarl, and try not to put your head in your oven again. Ciao!
And poor sad other Trumpers, when things had been going swimmingly. So things can change again. The one way polls could make a U turn. Trump could start appealing to normal people. J.D. Vance could become America's sweetheart... Sounds like a plan.
And poor sad other Trumpers, when things had been going swimmingly. So things can change again. The one way polls could make a U turn. Trump could start appealing to normal people. J.D. Vance could become America's sweetheart... Sounds like a plan.
Heels Up Harris has had no press conferences where she will have to answer some inconvenient questions, Marty.

Like, “Biden is sharp as a tack” and why did she lie to the American people and why she colluded with the media to cover up Slow Joe’s cognitive decline.

And many more questions from the many videos of her that the Republicans are airing daily,

Why is she hiding, Marty?
Trump gives the same crazy ,weird speech wherever he goes. In the debate, all he did was give a stupid rally speech. Fact-checkers get a lot of work when Trump talks. Of course, you miss his lies and what terrible ideas he has. You are so conned.
Ok... still much much better than Kam...
Heels Up Harris has had no press conferences where she will have to answer some inconvenient questions, Marty.

Like, “Biden is sharp as a tack” and why did she lie to the American people and why she colluded with the media to cover up Slow Joe’s cognitive decline.

And many more questions from the many videos of her that the Republicans are airing daily,

Why is she hiding, Marty?
Is it because she is a lying whore?

Asking for a friend.
JFYI There were no empty seats unless you take a picture 6 hours before or 6 hours after like they always do.

The playbook is not picking up first downs any more.
I remember when it wasn't safe for Jews to travel in the south, the hotbed of xtian fundyism
Horse mierda.

I was in high school and college in Nashville and the Jewish students stayed to themselves and we respected their privacy.

You are a useful idiot who votes for the far left Democratic antisemites in Congress who refused to support a resolution to condemn the terrorist group, Hamas.

Biden/Harris denied Israel the weapons needed to defeat Hamas.

Useful idiot indeed.
????.....I watched that rally......there were no empty seats.......people were standing outside......the OP is lying out of his ass.......
It's a timing photo, the leftist media cabal tries to convince you that a picture taken before the event was taken during the event. They do this relatively often. Often enough that the leftists know they are lied to but want to believe so badly they repost it anyway.
Instead of dumping Joe and running Kamala, the Democrats should run the water boy.

He received as many primary votes as Heels Up Harris did.
It's a timing photo, the leftist media cabal tries to convince you that a picture taken before the event was taken during the event. They do this relatively often. Often enough that the leftists know they are lied to but want to believe so badly they repost it anyway.
I'm not saying that it wouldn't be an effective ploy, but in this instance you have it backwards:

From the NY Times:

If Trump had looked up from his teleprompter at any point during the second half of his 90-minute speech, he would have seen his own supporters slipping out of their bright-blue seats, headed for the exits. Slowly but surely, across every stand and in every section, they streamed out. Stage left, a man in a star-spangled cowboy hat sidled down his row at the halfway mark. Two men holding signs bearing Trump’s mug shot tiptoed up their aisle a minute later. A young woman led her family away just as Trump started to falsely tell them that “Kamala Harris let in the savage monster who murdered Laken Riley.”

This happens at every rally, to a degree. And it is more a factor of the time commitment involved than any sort of discontent with his message. Supporters show up, get their photos for Facebook of the man in the arena and, at some point during his discursive stemwinders, decide that they’ve heard enough and that it’s time to go eat.

Still, an hour into his speech, the Atlanta crowd had emptied out more than usual. (Like Madonna, he often keeps his crowds waiting for an hour or more past the scheduled start time, which doesn’t help the situation.) Large splotches of blue had blossomed across the upper stands, and people on the floor had started to sneak away, too.
He said the school administration denied any more people admittance into the building.

Not that there weren't overflow crowds to fill those seats, you fucking moron!

Okay, I grow weary of the stupid and dishonesty now.

Where's those empty seats in the 360 degree pan here, faggot?

The Harris account LIED is what happened.
And we can trust Trump because he's never ever told a lie before.

You are one gullible GOP shill.