TRUMP MELTDOWN: "What happened to FOX? Wallace should be on FAKE NEWS. End of FOX" +

No, they don't. MSM CNN MSNBC and the networks are doing just fine: four times the amount of FOX viewing.

???.....that simply is not true......
Fox News was the top-rated basic cable network among total viewers for a fourth year in a row, with an average of 2.57 million in L+7. In second place was a news network on the other side of the deepening partisan fault line, MSNBC, with 1.80 million, according to Nielsen. CNN notched an average of 1 million.
Donald J. Trump


Really pathetic how @FoxNews is trying to be so politically correct by loading the airwaves with Democrats like Chris Van Hollen, the no name Senator from Maryland. He has been on forever playing up the Impeachment Hoax. Dems wouldn’t even give Fox their low ratings debates....


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Talk about upsetting the applecart. The left hates Trump so much....they are now lip locking with FOX NEWS. Since Trump came into power the democrats have flip flopped like a middle school cheer leader. The most recent examples? This thread...anything Trump likes...the left hates, anything Trump dislikes suddenly turns into the lefts soup du jour.

Lets count the flip flops since Trump came into power. 1. The left went from sleeping with Russia to hating mother Russia their nation of heritage. 2. The anti-war protesting left went from carrying signs with peace symbols on them to demanding that their president attack sovereign nations like TURKEY and IRAN with an all out German type blitz.

3. The left went from attacking the 1%ers to having 3 1%ers as their front runners for POTUS.

This is the most fun any constitutional conservative has ever had....its a great time to live in, history in the making....watching the collapse and implosion of the modern Democrat party, all because they are blinded by HATE. :bigthink:
You know that doesn't make any sense, right? Like if that was the case, there'd be little to no Leftists.

The truth is the media is owned and funded by big businesses, so of course they're not going to promote left-wing ideas.

Thank You for admitting liberalism is a losing idea. Big business is there to make a profit and will not back liberal media as no one is interested in hearing the moronic ideas the left comes up with.
Thank You for admitting liberalism is a losing idea. Big business is there to make a profit and will not back liberal media as no one is interested in hearing the moronic ideas the left comes up with.

Not quite. Liberalism is good for the working-class, but it costs the 1% money. The super rich want to keep the public ignorant of certain ideas that they see as a threat to their hold over wealth and power.
Not quite. Liberalism is good for the working-class, but it costs the 1% money. The super rich want to keep the public ignorant of certain ideas that they see as a threat to their hold over wealth and power.

So you say liberalism is
To each according to his needs. From each according to his ability.
Now where have I heard that before?
TRUMP MELTDOWN: "What happened to FOX? Wallace should be on FAKE NEWS. End of FOX"

Ironic from a hyper partisan clown who has several meltdowns a day over Trump. :laugh:

Trump declares that he likes air and that air is good! Centerleftfl's response:

To the right, real news only has one side all day long. If it is not backing Trump, no matter what he does, it should be gone. Wallace has actually asked the Repubs some real questions to get the facts out. That is so left. The right does not do that and that is what the rights here are saying. That is not permitted.

Trump declares that he likes air and that air is good! Nordberg's response:

No I am simply saying liberalism wants to punish the successful and reward the nonsuccessful in society the same as Karl Marx envisioned.
There are differences but the basic idea is the same.

That's Hitler Ate Sugar. It's saying that this thing is bad because a bad person did it. You might as well say that having a beard and speaking German are bad because Marx had a beard and spoke German.

And no, Liberalism isn't about punishing the successful, it's about realizing that we as a society need to work together. A person who doesn't drive pays taxes to have roads and bridges. Is that person being punished because they're being forced to pay for a service they don't use? Of course not. And while this person doesn't use the roads and bridges, they're still benefiting from the products of the people who do use these services.
That's Hitler Ate Sugar. It's saying that this thing is bad because a bad person did it. You might as well say that having a beard and speaking German are bad because Marx had a beard and spoke German.

And no, Liberalism isn't about punishing the successful, it's about realizing that we as a society need to work together. A person who doesn't drive pays taxes to have roads and bridges. Is that person being punished because they're being forced to pay for a service they don't use? Of course not. And while this person doesn't use the roads and bridges, they're still benefiting from the products of the people who do use these services.

That's Hitler Ate Sugar. It's saying that this thing is bad because a bad person did it. You might as well say that having a beard and speaking German are bad because Marx had a beard and spoke German.

Strawman argument. It has nothing to do with the person but everything to do with one's politics.

Liberalism isn't about punishing the successful,

If that were true then a liberals answer to everything is let the rich pay for it.

it's about realizing that we as a society need to work together

We see how willing the left is to work together. One reason this country has become as polarized as it is can be attributed to the lefts unending animosity and refusal to work with the duly elected president. It is one thing to dislike a president it is quite another to constantly attempt to make him fail. How many times have people demonstrated in the streets because their candidate lost? No sport the liberal idea of working together is You do it our way or else!

A person who doesn't drive pays taxes to have roads and bridges. Is that person being punished because they're being forced to pay for a service they don't use? Of course not. And while this person doesn't use the roads and bridges, they're still benefiting from the products of the people who do use these services.

Nice try but road and bridges are paid for by the taxes collected on vehicle, drivers license fees, gas taxes, tolls and other transportation taxes. The non user only pays for the products that he/she purchases that got to market using those roads and bridges, so they aren't benefitting at all they are paying their fair share.

I could go on but I think I got my point across.