TRUMP MELTDOWN: "What happened to FOX? Wallace should be on FAKE NEWS. End of FOX" +

Trump's ego is now so full of itself he has determined he doesn't need Fox anymore.

Maybe he's figured out it's the other way around.

Fox needs him, so he is in a position to tell Fox what to do, where to get off.
Trump's ego is now so full of itself he has determined he doesn't need Fox anymore.

Maybe he's figured out it's the other way around.

Fox needs him, so he is in a position to tell Fox what to do, where to get off.
He watches the crazier channel now, OANN
OAN is one of the few cable outlets that is totally fair and balanced. They are patriotic and air great videos that explain the Constitution and quote our past great Americans.

And...Trump loves them.
Strawman argument. It has nothing to do with the person but everything to do with one's politics.

So why did you bring up Marx? I'll answer that for you. You brought him up to say that Liberalism is the same as Marxism. Liberals care about the working-class, but you know who else cared about the working-class? KARL MARX! Therefore, Liberalism is Marxism. That was your "Hitler Ate Sugar" argument.

If that were true then a liberals answer to everything is let the rich pay for it.


Nobody is saying people shouldn't still have jobs or that everything should be paid for by the rich.

We see how willing the left is to work together. One reason this country has become as polarized as it is can be attributed to the lefts unending animosity and refusal to work with the duly elected president.

Bullshit. That's what happened when Obama was president and Republicans not only refused to work with him, but openly bragged about how their plan was to not let Obama get anything done. Obama wasn't even a Leftist, he was a Centrist. But the Republicans have become so far right, that even a Centrist is impossible to treat decently.
Another reason the country has become so polarized is because of Fox News and Trump. Conservatives went from disagreeing with Liberals to treating Liberals like the enemy. And yes, some Liberals do that to Conservatives too, but those people are fringe on the Left. On the Right, they're the norm. There is no left-wing version of Trump because most Liberals would never support such a hateful sociopath who demonizes ANYONE who criticizes him.

Nice try but road and bridges are paid for by the taxes collected on vehicle, drivers license fees, gas taxes, tolls and other transportation taxes. The non user only pays for the products that he/she purchases that got to market using those roads and bridges, so they aren't benefitting at all they are paying their fair share.

Nope. Even if you don't own a car or use public transportation, you're still paying for the roads.
So why did you bring up Marx? I'll answer that for you. You brought him up to say that Liberalism is the same as Marxism. Liberals care about the working-class, but you know who else cared about the working-class? KARL MARX! Therefore, Liberalism is Marxism. That was your "Hitler Ate Sugar" argument.


Nobody is saying people shouldn't still have jobs or that everything should be paid for by the rich.

Bullshit. That's what happened when Obama was president and Republicans not only refused to work with him, but openly bragged about how their plan was to not let Obama get anything done. Obama wasn't even a Leftist, he was a Centrist. But the Republicans have become so far right, that even a Centrist is impossible to treat decently.
Another reason the country has become so polarized is because of Fox News and Trump. Conservatives went from disagreeing with Liberals to treating Liberals like the enemy. And yes, some Liberals do that to Conservatives too, but those people are fringe on the Left. On the Right, they're the norm. There is no left-wing version of Trump because most Liberals would never support such a hateful sociopath who demonizes ANYONE who criticizes him.

Nope. Even if you don't own a car or use public transportation, you're still paying for the roads.

Regurgitating the standard liberal crap we have heard about how bad Obama was is and will always be hog wash. At to the rest of your answer Same shit different topic.
OAN is one of the few cable outlets that is totally fair and balanced. They are patriotic and air great videos that explain the Constitution and quote our past great Americans.

And...Trump loves them.

Come on Mr. Earl. You don't need to sink to the right-wing depths about such an iffy source.


[h=2]RIGHT BIAS[/h] These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Overall, we rate One America News Far right biased based on story selection that consistently favors the Right and Mixed for factual reporting due to promotion of conspiracies, lack of sourcing and a few failed fact checks. OANN is one failed fact check away from moving to the Questionable Source list.