trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

As I stated, it is very hard to converse with uneducated people, it forces me to dumb down so that you understand, not sure why I bother other than sometimes you guys are the only conversation in town.
Where are the educated anyway, I know there must be a few liberals who can actually hold a conversation, anywhere?

But to your dumb post. just because some terrible things happened in the 50', 60,s or earlier back to slavery if you insist on your entire argument for everything being the race card (thanks Obama) , as a society we fix those things, which we have.
but you don't enter into another equally moral cesspool, letting grown men wearing dresses use the bathroom with our daughters, redefine marriage as it suits you, try and take away 2nd amendment rights, allow useless people to flood over the border and pillage our federal programs, commit crimes and offer them sanctuary for votes, allow tree huggers to dictate job loss through false narratives that somehow the planet is on fire, and that somehow us closing coal mines is going to remedy that. Or remove God from our day to day lives, A Christian nation needs Christ, start tearing down parts of our history, for better or worse because a bunch of whiny people are suddenly offended by reality, Allow terror to kill millions of innocent people across the planet because we don't have the resolve to confront it.

America is coming back with or without you, so sit back and enjoy the show

Oh just stuff your "Christian Nation" crap. You won't find Christ in our Constitution. We have no official religion, on the contrary, we have freedom of religion or no religion.
so you don't read much? That's ok Jr. Ignorance is bliss

and for the record, do you often call people bitche$ on line that would mush your little pin head into sawdust if you did it to their face?

rhetorical, don't bother

"Bitch"? I was calling trump a bitch. Why not? He is Putin's bitch. That said, ...

Listen, bitch, if you had a measurable IQ, you wouldn't deep throat everything Faux Gnus and the rest of rightard media waves in front of your gaping jaws. More on that in a minute.

Secondly, I don't take tough guy advice from a tranny boxer. Not that it matters here, but I am bigger than average and did tournament judo for ten years. I taught judo at Arizona State University. You can be sure that someone with my mouth has been in his share of real fights, especially having spent more than a little time in redneck bars in rural Arizona.

Now, as to your simple-minded parrotry of what you are told you think. It took me awhile to get to the bottom of this latest example of dishonesty from Faux Gnus. I had to wade through pages of rightard websites that have sprung up to make a buck off of those who need their prejudices spoonfed back to them. There is a veritable frenzy over the NYTs (and AP) supposed retraction of the idea that 17 intelligence agencies endorsed the notion that Russia hacked our election. They are taking advantage of suckers like you.

The NYTs and AP retracted the notion that 17 agencies created the hacking story. THAT was done by three or four agencies. I know, prolly "deep staters" right? However, 17 agencies DID ENDORSE the idea that Russians hacked the election. You can find the original source, not rightard spin, in the first sentence of their statement here:

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations.

Now, assuming you will not accept heretical facts, here's a rightard source that uses small words for its target audience, I give you back up for what I say here from an approved wing of the Deplorable Ministry of Information:

This rag chooses to focus on the major revelation that not all of the members of the USIC developed the story of the Russian hacking; it concedes the fact that they all endorsed it. They spin that some of them did not endorse "AT THAT TIME" the idea that it was done to help trump, and later try to spin doubt that it could have been all 17, but ultimately they cannot dispute that all 17 agencies (if you count the overriding agency) do endorse the fact Russia meddled in our election.

If it's any consolation to you, you can, however, tell yourself that you are about as smart as the president of the United States.
I realize it's hard to argue with me, I get that a lot, so best advice is to come prepared, in the age of the internet that's really not that hard. I have forgotten more than you know.
Politics and American History is my thing, so before you leap, just educate yourself that's all I ask

What is it with your herd and self-fellatio?

And, squawking rightard chauvinism does not make History your "thing," MightyMouth. Would you like to share your opinion on the Quantification Movement in History? Perhaps square your parrotry of Faux Gnus with what you learned in Historiography?
Not sure what to make of it, but that appears to have been correct. See the correction by AP, for instance.

It's a non-issue, as the charge Russia interfered is supported by the very agencies you'd expect to make such determination, FBI, CIA and NSA, and published by the DNI. All that's at issue is yet another screeching about the "Lügenpresse".

The supposed AP and NYT's retractions are rightard media distorting what the retractions were about, as I explained a bit above.
Very little, as we are a Western society. Our experience has lacked certain experiences of broader Western society, such as imperial, Marxist, and fascist regimes. America was the only society to simultaneously hold the world's highest standard of living and to engage in a revolution; one which uniquely did not lead to a leftist slaughter of the citizenry. Things like that have shaped our character a bit differently.

Anybody here speak gibberish? I caught something about early America having the world's highest standard of living - it didn't-but things only got dumber from there. No American imperialism?

Oh, the colonies did have a high standard of living, among the highest, but that is a bit misleading. There was great disparity of wealth and income, with most wealth being in the hands of those loyal to Britain.

And, as long as I'm on the topic of rightard History, I gotta vent here some. Look, Deplorables, I realize you are mentally handicapped. Still, History never did anything to you. Hell, it doesn't look like you've even met each other. There is no cause for you to abuse it, as you have. Stop it!
As I stated, it is very hard to converse with uneducated people, it forces me to dumb down so that you understand, not sure why I bother other than sometimes you guys are the only conversation in town.
Where are the educated anyway, I know there must be a few liberals who can actually hold a conversation, anywhere?

But to your dumb post. just because some terrible things happened in the 50', 60,s or earlier back to slavery if you insist on your entire argument for everything being the race card (thanks Obama) , as a society we fix those things, which we have.
but you don't enter into another equally moral cesspool, letting grown men wearing dresses use the bathroom with our daughters, redefine marriage as it suits you, try and take away 2nd amendment rights, allow useless people to flood over the border and pillage our federal programs, commit crimes and offer them sanctuary for votes, allow tree huggers to dictate job loss through false narratives that somehow the planet is on fire, and that somehow us closing coal mines is going to remedy that. Or remove God from our day to day lives, A Christian nation needs Christ, start tearing down parts of our history, for better or worse because a bunch of whiny people are suddenly offended by reality, Allow terror to kill millions of innocent people across the planet because we don't have the resolve to confront it.

America is coming back with or without you, so sit back and enjoy the show

Because the one thing this place needed was yet another Deplorable crybaby serenading us with yet another hysterical wailing rendition of how badly they are victimized by bully liberals who are also snowflakes.
sweet ass stuff

yes motown killed

I was music starved as a kid

my mom only listened to country

Im sorry but otis was and still is awesome to me

I also loved cab calloway

you could see him on talk shows and the like

Thank you johnny carson

Cab was the man! I saw him on some community access show in Miami in the early 70s.
Okay, back later, probably. I am off to divest myself of my assets in the evil Wells Fargo company. I am a liberal of principle. Also, another bank is giving me $500 bucks to switch. As it is one of the largest banks in the world, I'm sure it is much more morally pure than is evil Wells Fargo.
Okay, back later, probably. I am off to divest myself of my assets in the evil Wells Fargo company. I am a liberal of principle. Also, another bank is giving me $500 bucks to switch. As it is one of the largest banks in the world, I'm sure it is much more morally pure than is evil Wells Fargo.

You Reagan capitalist you...
Because the one thing this place needed was yet another Deplorable crybaby serenading us with yet another hysterical wailing rendition of how badly they are victimized by bully liberals who are also snowflakes.

The bizarre part is he doesn't realize how much of this nonsense has come from people profiting from getting pinheads to believe this shit. The russians taking advantage of it was an obvious opportunity as well. We just were supposed to think Americans couldn't be so stupid...So many anyway.
As I stated, it is very hard to converse with uneducated people, it forces me to dumb down so that you understand, not sure why I bother other than sometimes you guys are the only conversation in town.
Where are the educated anyway, I know there must be a few liberals who can actually hold a conversation, anywhere?

But to your dumb post. just because some terrible things happened in the 50', 60,s or earlier back to slavery if you insist on your entire argument for everything being the race card (thanks Obama) , as a society we fix those things, which we have.
but you don't enter into another equally moral cesspool, letting grown men wearing dresses use the bathroom with our daughters, redefine marriage as it suits you, try and take away 2nd amendment rights, allow useless people to flood over the border and pillage our federal programs, commit crimes and offer them sanctuary for votes, allow tree huggers to dictate job loss through false narratives that somehow the planet is on fire, and that somehow us closing coal mines is going to remedy that. Or remove God from our day to day lives, A Christian nation needs Christ, start tearing down parts of our history, for better or worse because a bunch of whiny people are suddenly offended by reality, Allow terror to kill millions of innocent people across the planet because we don't have the resolve to confront it.

America is coming back with or without you, so sit back and enjoy the show

Fundy ignoramus talks about "reality"...

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Frank Smathers


In August of 1969, I was going through A.I.T. - advanced infantry training, at "Tigerland," Ft. Polk, Louisiana. When I got there, I met another draftee, one of the best people I've ever met in my life, Robert Emmet Cain. Incredibly funny and entertaining, and like me, a Nixon draftee opposed to the war. On the 15th of August, we were out in the untamed wilderness that surrounds Ft. Polk, learning to dig fox holes. No matter how deep Robert and I dug, it was never deep enough for the first sergeant. As we were shoveling dirt, one of the guys came over to our foxhole and told us that 500,000 people had converged in Woodstock, and that the greatest bands of the time, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, CS&N, Santana, etc. were putting on a 3 day show.

At that moment, we considered the possibility of going AWOL, finding our way out of the Louisiana boonies, and hitching to New York before the show was over. We decided that it couldn’t be done. Instead, we got ripped that night and watched fighter jets simulate an aerial bombardment with various incendiary bombs and tracer shells. We saw "the bombers - riding shotgun in the sky, turning into butterflies, above our nation."

When we completed A.I.T., Cain and I got orders to go from Ft. Polk to Ft. Carson, Colorado. We were there for a few months and then Cain got orders to go to Vietnam. He gave away all his army gear and told me he’d be going home to New York to say goodbye to his mom and then he’d slip across the border to Canada. For months I never heard anything. Then, one day at mail call, I got a letter from my mom. In the envelope was an obituary for my friend Robert, who had been killed. May 20, 1970, in Thua Thien, Vietnam.

I was shocked and angry. That whole G. D. war wasn't worth the loss of one soldier's life. I walked out of my job in the supply room and went down the street to the local base theater. I sat there and watched a movie that had just come out called Woodstock - 3 days of peace and love. Today I think that it was too bad George Bush and Dick Cheney didn't go to Woodstock or Vietnam. If they had, over 4500 soldiers like Robert would not have lost their lives in another useless war - Iraq.

Robert was killed about one month after he arrived in Vietnam. He was ordered to run up a hill and take out a machine gun nest. He made it half way up before he was shot in the chest. He didn't die from the gunshot but he was bleeding profusely. They called in a medivac chopper but the chopper couldn't land in the dense fog that had set in. Robert bled to death in the jungle for no reason. He was not a heroic courageous champion of freedom, he was just a kid and an incredible soul who had been talked out of going to Canada by his family.

Three lessons learned from all this.
1) If we don't accept the lessons of history, we are doomed to repeat them.
2) Digging foxholes is practice for digging graves.
3) “Make love - not war” is much more than a slogan.

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I just heard what I assume was trump's latest lie. I hesitate to say for sure it is the latest lie, because of the frequency with which he utters them. Bitch stood in front of the entire world and declared it was "only three or four" intelligence agencies that said Russia was behind the interference in our election. And that was part of his repeated attempts to diminish the actions of his master by saying some unnamed others were also in on it.

Why is the Russian narrative so important to you?
Originally Posted by RickyTavy
I just heard what I assume was trump's latest lie. I hesitate to say for sure it is the latest lie, because of the frequency with which he utters them. Bitch stood in front of the entire world and declared it was "only three or four" intelligence agencies that said Russia was behind the interference in our election. And that was part of his repeated attempts to diminish the actions of his master by saying some unnamed others were also in on it.
the New York Times and Associated Press posted corrections last week walking back the widely reported claim that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election with the goal of helping Donald Trump.

Rather, the assessment involved information collected by the FBI, CIA and NSA, and was then published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all the intelligence agencies.

The Associated Press published a "clarification" on June 30 about four different stories stating all 17 intelligence agencies agreed the Russians interfered in the election in order to help Trump. Instead, it acknowledged, not all those agencies were involved in that assessment:

In stories published April 6, June 2, June 26 and June 29, The Associated Press reported that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump. That assessment was based on information collected by three agencies – the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency – and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all U.S. intelligence agencies. Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment.
the New York Times and Associated Press posted corrections last week walking back the widely reported claim that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election with the goal of helping Donald Trump.

Rather, the assessment involved information collected by the FBI, CIA and NSA, and was then published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all the intelligence agencies.

The Associated Press published a "clarification" on June 30 about four different stories stating all 17 intelligence agencies agreed the Russians interfered in the election in order to help Trump. Instead, it acknowledged, not all those agencies were involved in that assessment:

In stories published April 6, June 2, June 26 and June 29, The Associated Press reported that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump. That assessment was based on information collected by three agencies – the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency – and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all U.S. intelligence agencies. Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment.

It was a lie and the lemmings swallowed it.
I love the fact that it was "just" the NSA, FBI and CIA is a big win for the Trump side.

CIA only moderately confident..DNI Clapper wrote it up as a unanimous assessment.

Then there is the fact the FBI never looked at the DNC server.
There is also some very questionable malware that led to "Russian State Actors"