trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Depends on your perspective, mine dates back to the 60's, or thereabouts.

Our morals and work ethic were American, American as in the values that made us great to begin with.
We didn't have millions of people abusing our federal programs simply because they could, we respected law enforcement, the World looked to us as leaders, not followers, our Presidents words meant something.
Our children were for the most part being raised by two parents, Our borders were secure.

any other stupid questions?


You got some more slogans to spout?

Have you ever possessed a Critical Faculty?
post 3813

FBI investigation are not nothing

what does it have to do with Trump? goofy


I'd be ashamed of Obama for letting Russia hack the DNC server, being he was their poster boy.

look, I'm ashamed of Obama for a variety of reasons, the least of which are his lack of action on Russian meddling.

Didn't matter, Hillary was going to lose anyway

Roosevelt, Franklin D. - 3/04/33 - 4/12/45; Roosevelt speeches
Truman, Harry S. - *4/12/45 - 1/20/53
Eisenhower, Dwight D. - *1/20/53 - 1/20/61; Eisenhower speeches
Kennedy, John F. -* 1/20/61 - 11/22/63; Kennedy speeches
Johnson, Lyndon B. -* 11/22/63 - 1/20/69; Johnson speeches
Nixon, Richard M. -* 1/20/69 - 8/9/74; Nixon speeches

kennedy and johnson

I realize it's hard to argue with me, I get that a lot, so best advice is to come prepared, in the age of the internet that's really not that hard. I have forgotten more than you know.
Politics and American History is my thing, so before you leap, just educate yourself that's all I ask
what does it have to do with Trump? goofy


I'd be ashamed of Obama for letting Russia hack the DNC server, being he was their poster boy.

look, I'm ashamed of Obama for a variety of reasons, the least of which are his lack of action on Russian meddling.

Didn't matter, Hillary was going to lose anyway



here you are pretending then FBI investigation does not involve trump

you fox out facts
I realize it's hard to argue with me, I get that a lot, so best advice is to come prepared, in the age of the internet that's really not that hard. I have forgotten more than you know.
Politics and American History is my thing, so before you leap, just educate yourself that's all I ask

have that tattooed on your dick

you can read it while you piss

someday you may actaully believe it
I realize it's hard to argue with me, I get that a lot, so best advice is to come prepared, in the age of the internet that's really not that hard. I have forgotten more than you know.
Politics and American History is my thing, so before you leap, just educate yourself that's all I ask

Your go to source is're an idiot...
I just heard what I assume was trump's latest lie. I hesitate to say for sure it is the latest lie, because of the frequency with which he utters them. Bitch stood in front of the entire world and declared it was "only three or four" intelligence agencies that said Russia was behind the interference in our election. And that was part of his repeated attempts to diminish the actions of his master by saying some unnamed others were also in on it.

Not sure what to make of it, but that appears to have been correct. See the correction by AP, for instance.

It's a non-issue, as the charge Russia interfered is supported by the very agencies you'd expect to make such determination, FBI, CIA and NSA, and published by the DNI. All that's at issue is yet another screeching about the "Lügenpresse".
Depends on your perspective, mine dates back to the 60's, or thereabouts.

Our morals and work ethic were American, American as in the values that made us great to begin with.
We didn't have millions of people abusing our federal programs simply because they could, we respected law enforcement, the World looked to us as leaders, not followers, our Presidents words meant something.
Our children were for the most part being raised by two parents, Our borders were secure.

any other stupid questions?

You're forgetting the blacks demanding civil rights being beaten in the streets, segregation and bigots threatening and killing children and civil rights workers, the Vietnam War and the draft, and of course, the assassination of our president, his brother and Martin Luther King.
You're forgetting the blacks demanding civil rights being beaten in the streets, segregation and bigots threatening and killing children and civil rights workers, the Vietnam War and the draft, and of course, the assassination of our president, his brother and Martin Luther King.

You are not supposed to tug at the goof's blinkers, damnit!
What differences do you discern between Western and American standards?

Very little, as we are a Western society. Our experience has lacked certain experiences of broader Western society, such as imperial, Marxist, and fascist regimes. America was the only society to simultaneously hold the world's highest standard of living and to engage in a revolution; one which uniquely did not lead to a leftist slaughter of the citizenry. Things like that have shaped our character a bit differently.
Roosevelt, Franklin D. - 3/04/33 - 4/12/45; Roosevelt speeches
Truman, Harry S. - *4/12/45 - 1/20/53
Eisenhower, Dwight D. - *1/20/53 - 1/20/61; Eisenhower speeches
Kennedy, John F. -* 1/20/61 - 11/22/63; Kennedy speeches
Johnson, Lyndon B. -* 11/22/63 - 1/20/69; Johnson speeches
Nixon, Richard M. -* 1/20/69 - 8/9/74; Nixon speeches

kennedy and johnson


Kennedy and Johnson

shitty presidents
You're forgetting the blacks demanding civil rights being beaten in the streets, segregation and bigots threatening and killing children and civil rights workers, the Vietnam War and the draft, and of course, the assassination of our president, his brother and Martin Luther King.

As I stated, it is very hard to converse with uneducated people, it forces me to dumb down so that you understand, not sure why I bother other than sometimes you guys are the only conversation in town.
Where are the educated anyway, I know there must be a few liberals who can actually hold a conversation, anywhere?

But to your dumb post. just because some terrible things happened in the 50', 60,s or earlier back to slavery if you insist on your entire argument for everything being the race card (thanks Obama) , as a society we fix those things, which we have.
but you don't enter into another equally moral cesspool, letting grown men wearing dresses use the bathroom with our daughters, redefine marriage as it suits you, try and take away 2nd amendment rights, allow useless people to flood over the border and pillage our federal programs, commit crimes and offer them sanctuary for votes, allow tree huggers to dictate job loss through false narratives that somehow the planet is on fire, and that somehow us closing coal mines is going to remedy that. Or remove God from our day to day lives, A Christian nation needs Christ, start tearing down parts of our history, for better or worse because a bunch of whiny people are suddenly offended by reality, Allow terror to kill millions of innocent people across the planet because we don't have the resolve to confront it.

America is coming back with or without you, so sit back and enjoy the show