trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I just heard what I assume was trump's latest lie. I hesitate to say for sure it is the latest lie, because of the frequency with which he utters them. Bitch stood in front of the entire world and declared it was "only three or four" intelligence agencies that said Russia was behind the interference in our election. And that was part of his repeated attempts to diminish the actions of his master by saying some unnamed others were also in on it.

so you don't read much? That's ok Jr. Ignorance is bliss

and for the record, do you often call people bitche$ on line that would mush your little pin head into sawdust if you did it to their face?

rhetorical, don't bother
...tell us all that YEAR that the donnald wants to go back to when we were GREAT ?

I don't believe he ever said or inferred we should go back to anything but rather that we should get off our duffs, shake off the Doubting Thomas malaise, and be great ... again.

That you would twist so noble an idea is typical of those still so butt-hurt over Shrillary's epic defeat they can't sit down. So sad.
so you don't read much? That's ok Jr. Ignorance is bliss

and for the record, do you often call people bitche$ on line that would mush your little pin head into sawdust if you did it to their face?

rhetorical, don't bother

The guy you are addressing spent time in Japan studying judo......and he's not "little" might want to rein in that mouth before it gets smacked right off your face.
I don't believe he ever said or inferred we should go back to anything but rather that we should get off our duffs, shake off the Doubting Thomas malaise, and be great ... again.

That you would twist so noble an idea is typical of those still so butt-hurt over Shrillary's epic defeat they can't sit down. So sad.

make us great AGAIN

so its either go back to when?

or we were never great

which is it liar
I don't believe he ever said or inferred we should go back to anything but rather that we should get off our duffs, shake off the Doubting Thomas malaise, and be great ... again.

That you would twist so noble an idea is typical of those still so butt-hurt over Shrillary's epic defeat they can't sit down. So sad.

When was the last time the US was "great"?
I just heard what I assume was trump's latest lie. I hesitate to say for sure it is the latest lie, because of the frequency with which he utters them. Bitch stood in front of the entire world and declared it was "only three or four" intelligence agencies that said Russia was behind the interference in our election. And that was part of his repeated attempts to diminish the actions of his master by saying some unnamed others were also in on it.
and I am still looking for a liberal to tell me what Russia interfering in our election has to do with Trump anyway?

yea ok, classy chick.
Do your children talk like that too, or grandchildren I should say

I don't take offense when insulted by someone whos wardrobe is Walmart


big internets warrior trying to intimidate old ladies on the internets


women are allowed to use any words

In dont recall you complaining when the assdrips on this site made a thread about my clit and banned me from it

You cant kill people through the internets asshole

and you cant control me in any way

I can say anything I want and use any words I want

so fuck you very much penis slurpper
The guy you are addressing spent time in Japan studying judo......and he's not "little" might want to rein in that mouth before it gets smacked right off your face.
Stop spouting bullshit ffs. Desh is a sixty year old aging hippy from California.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
and I am still looking for a liberal to tell me what Russia interfering in our election has to do with Trump anyway?


you have been given the evidence

you fox it right out of the gate

You ignore FBI investigations and pretend they are not real

you pretend they are chripping crickettes
When was the last time the US was "great"?

Depends on your perspective, mine dates back to the 60's, or thereabouts.

Our morals and work ethic were American, American as in the values that made us great to begin with.
We didn't have millions of people abusing our federal programs simply because they could, we respected law enforcement, the World looked to us as leaders, not followers, our Presidents words meant something.
Our children were for the most part being raised by two parents, Our borders were secure.

any other stupid questions?
you have been given the evidence

you fox it right out of the gate

You ignore FBI investigations and pretend they are not real

you pretend they are chripping crickettes

still didn't answer my question, what does the meddling have to do with Trump, shouldn't it be Obama and the lack of security at the DNC that angers you?

Depends on your perspective, mine dates back to the 60's, or thereabouts.

Our morals and work ethic were American, American as in the values that made us great to begin with.
We didn't have millions of people abusing our federal programs simply because they could, we respected law enforcement, the World looked to us as leaders, not followers, our Presidents words meant something.
Our children were for the most part being raised by two parents, Our borders were secure.

any other stupid questions?

and that was then ended by the reality that the boom generation SAW THE LIES they hand been handed as to how the world was.


war mongering

womans enslavement to your FAKE image