trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

One of the ironies in the discussion of cultural merits is that there is no cultural so similar to "ours" in the world as the culture of the Middle East that Deplorables hate. Fear and self-loathing in Rightardia.

I don't know whether, as stated, that's true. That begins with talking about "culture" with our rightards to always include scare quotes, as they have very little grasp of what that actually is in the West - beginning with their usually brutal treatment of that culture's very foundation, the English language - and next to none regarding the Middle East.

Looking back into history, we watch "Western cultures" creating their wealth and developmental opportunities on the backs of brown and black peoples, by way of exploitation either directly or through "resource extraction", ranging from slavery to oil, and manipulating or enforcing conditions favorable to this exploitation and extraction "over there". So, in a way, what we created were mirror images of our predatory nature, from India to the Middle East to Africa, usually leaving utter destitution and tin pot dictators, not to mention ethnic and religious strife, in our wake, and to this day saddling many of them with the "resource curse". When the Britons started to take over India, the country accounted for 25% of the world's GDP. When the Britons were thrown out after WWII, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, mired in interminable strife, combined accounted for less than 1%. We taught them "civilization" good and hard.

Arguably, based on the immense wealth extracted from brown folks, "Western cultures" escaped their backwardness once they resolved, not without screeching resistance in the form of predicting doom and destruction, to grant woman self-determination, against Christian worthies at the forefront of the most indolent counter-revolutionaries, and to give lowly workers a seat at the table. At the time when the West underwent that transformation, the rest of the world was under the West's thumb, poor, oppressed, and destitute, and deprived of the ingenuity and civilizing influence of women, and neither the time, energy, and self-organization to make that transition.

Unsurprisingly, what our rightards set out to do most, knowingly or not, is to remove these two pillars of the West's standards, with nothing ranking higher on their list than making life as hard as possible for those "down there" - no health care, no food stamps, no union representation - and showing women their place - also down there - not least in the form of reduced or eliminated reproductive self-determination.

So, if we are to determine "backwardness" elsewhere, that's not what "Deplorables hate"; rather at its foundation it's exactly what constitutes every good rightard's wet dream.
I don't know whether, as stated, that's true. That begins with talking about "culture" with our rightards to always include scare quotes, as they have very little grasp of what that actually is in the West - beginning with their usually brutal treatment of that culture's very foundation, the English language - and next to none regarding the Middle East.

Looking back into history, we watch "Western cultures" creating their wealth and developmental opportunities on the backs of brown and black peoples, by way of exploitation either directly or through "resource extraction", ranging from slavery to oil, and manipulating or enforcing conditions favorable to this exploitation and extraction "over there". So, in a way, what we created were mirror images of our predatory nature, from India to the Middle East to Africa, usually leaving utter destitution and tin pot dictators, not to mention ethnic and religious strife, in our wake, and to this day saddling many of them with the "resource curse". When the Britons started to take over India, the country accounted for 25% of the world's GDP. When the Britons were thrown out after WWII, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, mired in interminable strife, combined accounted for less than 1%. We taught them "civilization" good and hard.

Arguably, based on the immense wealth extracted from brown folks, "Western cultures" escaped their backwardness once they resolved, not without screeching resistance in the form of predicting doom and destruction, to grant woman self-determination, against Christian worthies at the forefront of the most indolent counter-revolutionaries, and to give lowly workers a seat at the table. At the time when the West underwent that transformation, the rest of the world was under the West's thumb, poor, oppressed, and destitute, and deprived of the ingenuity and civilizing influence of women, and neither the time, energy, and self-organization to make that transition.

Unsurprisingly, what our rightards set out to do most, knowingly or not, is to remove these two pillars of the West's standards, with nothing ranking higher on their list than making life as hard as possible for those "down there" - no health care, no food stamps, no union representation - and showing women their place - also down there - not least in the form of reduced or eliminated reproductive self-determination.

So, if we are to determine "backwardness" elsewhere, that's not what "Deplorables hate"; rather at its foundation it's exactly what constitutes every good rightard's wet dream.

Should white Christian males pay reparations to non-whites for the centuries of oppression they inflicted on the brown/black peoples lol?
Should white Christian males pay reparations to non-whites for the centuries of oppression they inflicted on the brown/black peoples lol?
The British ran India with never more than 250, 000 soldiers and administrators at a time. This for a country of over 400 million in the 19th century.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
Once again Trump stays on message and is off to make some pretty serious world leaders aware of his intentions regarding some pretty important issues.

Having such a mess left by his predecessor to clean up on the world stage I continue to wonder why he even wanted this job to begin with.
For god and Country
Should white Christian males pay reparations to non-whites for the centuries of oppression they inflicted on the brown/black peoples lol?

As usual, astutely aware of the inanity of your comment, you attach your drooling giggle to signal that you don't wish to be mistaken for anything other than a giggling goof.

But then, why don't you walk a mile in "Their" shoes, bring your much-vaunted "cultural values" to bear, and answer the question yourself? Give it your best shot, and demonstrate that these "cultural values", in practice, amount to more than just "I've got mine, up yours!"
Once again Trump stays on message and is off to make some pretty serious world leaders aware of his intentions regarding some pretty important issues.

Having such a mess left by his predecessor to clean up on the world stage I continue to wonder why he even wanted this job to begin with.
For god and Country

Once again Trump stays on message and is off to make some pretty serious world leaders aware of his intentions regarding some pretty important issues.

Good heavens, child.....You're an imbecile....
The world leaders now know Trump is a doer, and they know, as I predicted, that Kim Jong is about to get a wake up call, much like the wake up call given to Asaad after he unleashed chemical weapons on civilians like he was told not to. This current trip is to relay his intentions regarding North Korea.

Trump was pretty clear when he told Kim Jong to not test missiles capable of reaching the US.
Dumping short range and long range missiles into the sea of Japan was one thing, NOW
this little maggot has crossed the line, bad bad move

Stay tuned and you heard it here first, There is a US Navy Fleet in the region about to rain down some hurt.
The world leaders now know Trump is a doer, and they know, as I predicted, that Kim Jong is about to get a wake up call, much like the wake up call given to Asaad after he unleashed chemical weapons on civilians like he was told not to. This current trip is to relay his intentions regarding North Korea.

Trump was pretty clear when he told Kim Jong to not test missiles capable of reaching the US.
Dumping short range and long range missiles into the sea of Japan was one thing, NOW
this little maggot has crossed the line, bad bad move

Stay tuned and you heard it here first, There is a US Navy Fleet in the region about to rain down some hurt.

Says another freaking war monger.
The world leaders now know Trump is a doer, and they know, as I predicted, that Kim Jong is about to get a wake up call, much like the wake up call given to Asaad after he unleashed chemical weapons on civilians like he was told not to. This current trip is to relay his intentions regarding North Korea.

Trump was pretty clear when he told Kim Jong to not test missiles capable of reaching the US.
Dumping short range and long range missiles into the sea of Japan was one thing, NOW
this little maggot has crossed the line, bad bad move

Stay tuned and you heard it here first, There is a US Navy Fleet in the region about to rain down some hurt.

If no shot is fired, will you do the right thing and choke on a tampon?