trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

That's an interesting spin on it.

The reality is Poland rejects the immigration insanity that's infected much of Western Europe. Also, after their experience with communist USSR, it would be counterintuitive of them to embrace socialism---particularly, as it's dictated from Brussels.

In that light, it makes total sense for them to welcome Trump.

Good point! It's all about the spin these days and for some, expressing their hate for Trump. He could solve all the world's probs today and the same hateful bunnies would be here tomorrow pitchin' their bitchin'.
pretty much a bunch of liberals

Monty phython

why is it that cons are not funny?

stunted souls

Gerg struck out quite a bit as a child while playing T-Ball.

His comedic abilities are a testament to that dark point in his pampered life.
Perhaps it would have helped their culture had they discovered capitalism. Or the automobile. Or mass production. Or electricity. Or penicillin. Or computer technology. Or smart phones. Or etc.
Many cultures have done very well indeed by their own lights, thank you very much, without any of those things.

For that matter, in your original query,

What's your excuse for so many Muslim cultures being backwards, by western standards?

you might want to reflect on the qualifier I have put in bold. Because in general, their standards are not our standards, or at least not entirely so.

Perhaps rendering your search for an "excuse" meaningless.
That's an interesting spin on it.

The reality is Poland rejects the immigration insanity that's infected much of Western Europe. Also, after their experience with communist USSR, it would be counterintuitive of them to embrace socialism---particularly, as it's dictated from Brussels.

In that light, it makes total sense for them to welcome Trump.

you find yourself struggling under the yokes of the FCC, FTC, USPTO, FDA, DOT, FHA and USDA?
By the way. Something interesting I discovered in the past year, in two completely different books:

Both these authors present quite a bit of evidence, including quotes from Benjamin Franklin, to the effect that in the 17th and 18th centuries at least, whenever Caucasians joined American Indian societies, for whatever reason--as captives in war, as orphaned children, whatever--after a few years in such societies, long enough to become a member of the tribe, they lost all interest in rejoining white society. If dragged back by family members, they would repeatedly run away, attempting to return to their adoptive tribe.

Whereas, Indians who were similarly taken into the society of the European settlers, for whatever reason, showed no interest in staying, and would find a way to make it back to their Amerindian community.

As Junger puts it: "It may say something about human nature that a surprising number of Americans--mostly men--wound up joining Indian society rather than staying in their own. They emulated Indians, married them, were adopted by them, and on some occasions even fought alongside them. And the opposite almost never happened: Indians almost never ran away to join white society. Emigration always seemed to go from the civilized to the tribal, and it left Western thinkers flummoxed about how to explain such an apparent rejection of their society."

The two authors have different explanations for this. But wifey is calling me to come watch the news. bbl
One of the ironies in the discussion of cultural merits is that there is no cultural so similar to "ours" in the world as the culture of the Middle East that Deplorables hate. Fear and self-loathing in Rightardia.
Hobby Lobby, the private Oklahoma company that won a landmark Supreme Court case by pleading that its business was run according to rigorously moral Christian principles, has been caught importing millions of dollars worth of smuggled Iraqi antiquities.
That’s according to the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, N.Y., which said Wednesday that it had extracted a settlement of $3 million from the company and forced it to forfeit thousands of artifacts.

A dealer based in the United Arab Emirates shipped packages containing the artifacts to three different corporate addresses in Oklahoma City. Five shipments that were intercepted by federal customs officials bore shipping labels that falsely declared that the artifacts' country of origin was Turkey.

AP story in LAT
George Yancy: Given our “post-truth” political moment and the growing authoritarianism we are witnessing under President Trump, what public role do you think professional philosophy might play in critically addressing this situation?

Noam Chomsky: We have to be a little cautious about not trying to kill a gnat with an atom bomb. The performances are so utterly absurd regarding the “post-truth” moment that the proper response might best be ridicule. For example, Stephen Colbert’s recent comment is apropos: When the Republican legislature of North Carolina responded to a scientific study predicting a threatening rise in sea level by barring state and local agencies from developing regulations or planning documents to address the problem, Colbert responded: “This is a brilliant solution. If your science gives you a result that you don’t like, pass a law saying the result is illegal. Problem solved.”

Quite generally, that’s how the Trump administration deals with a truly existential threat to survival of organized human life: ban regulations and even research and discussion of environmental threats and race to the precipice as quickly as possible (in the interests of short-term profit and power).

Continue reading the main story

Many cultures have done very well indeed by their own lights, thank you very much, without any of those things.

For that matter, in your original query,

you might want to reflect on the qualifier I have put in bold. Because in general, their standards are not our standards, or at least not entirely so.

Perhaps rendering your search for an "excuse" meaningless.

Western standards are the highest and best of standards; in America, the only standards which matter.


‘We need to prepare for the migration development in Italy…’

An angry Italy summoned Austria’s ambassador after the government in Vienna announced it was ready to re-introduce border controls and deploy troops and armored vehicles along the border to block any migrant influx out of Italy. Austrian Defence Minister Hans Peter Doskozil told Kronen Zeitung daily that troops could go to the Brenner Pass and that four Pandur armoured personnel carriers had been sent to the Tyrol region with 750 troops were on standby.

Austria moves to halt any jihadist invasion from Italy.