trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Does Biddle have every bit of insight, evidence, information that has contributed to the IC's assessment?
If not, why is that even marginally relevant?
because it's all we have, and if you can impeach the public info ( and recall DNI was confident enough on the entire matter to write a non-Classified assessment)
you bring into question the entire matter..based on innate deep state Russiaphobia,and Brennan's hostility to Trump, and this convenient "cutout" character

He just takes on published information by private cyber-security firms. There may be some relevant points, but mostly it looks like gainsaying and point-scoring to me. Moreover, what these corporations are saying in no way reflects on the IC's assessment, your attempts at implying it does notwithstanding. So, from his limited information, Biddle concludes it isn't enough to indict Putin. That would be a finding that is about as helpful and interesting as, "The moon is far away."
The private security firms did the technical analysis.
what they relied on, and their conclusion HAD to be the basis for the IC 's intelligence analysis.
That's a really big point,not "point scoring" as it brings the entire IC assessment into question based on where they got their hacking analysis
Look, Greenwald was, sadly, over the last years turning into a nutcase, probably easy enough to explain biographically. Since he broke the Snowden story, he may be a target of U.S. intelligence. Still, I like he's looking into the U.S. government's shenanigans, and is debating them with vigor. To take what he's saying as gospel is ill-advised.
Greenwald didn't write that piece. here's the author's bona fides

Sam Biddle is a reporter based in Brooklyn, focusing on malfeasance and misused power in technology. While working at Gizmodo and Gawker, he covered stories ranging from vast corporate data breaches and celebrity hackers to trafficked webcam models and Facebook privacy. As the editor of Valleywag, he provided a critical, adversarial view of the startup economy and Silicon Valley culture. His work has also appeared in GQ, Vice, and The Awl.
Any of you Deplorables see any problem with trump going into a meeting with KGB-trained leader, after trump threw his own intelligence agencies under the bus? Any of you lickspittle groupies got enough self-awareness left to see the phoniness in your professed love for America in supporting this disrespecting of those who serve and have served presidents of both parties without ever having their honor or integrity so assaulted before? Are you really so far around the bend in your obsequious lust for fascism?
Read RJB Bosworth's biography of Il Duce.

I gave you Benny's philosophy in his own words. Also, I'm pretty sure they touched on Mussolini once or twice in the hundred or so credit-hours of History classes I took in college. Might have read a book or two about him.
Any of you Deplorables see any problem with trump going into a meeting with KGB-trained leader, after trump threw his own intelligence agencies under the bus? Any of you lickspittle groupies got enough self-awareness left to see the phoniness in your professed love for America in supporting this disrespecting of those who serve and have served presidents of both parties without ever having their honor or integrity so assaulted before? Are you really so far around the bend in your obsequious lust for fascism?

Just have him take HRC's Russian reset button. That solved all the problems before right?
As I stated, it is very hard to converse with uneducated people, it forces me to dumb down so that you understand, not sure why I bother other than sometimes you guys are the only conversation in town.
Where are the educated anyway, I know there must be a few liberals who can actually hold a conversation, anywhere?

But to your dumb post. just because some terrible things happened in the 50', 60,s or earlier back to slavery if you insist on your entire argument for everything being the race card (thanks Obama) , as a society we fix those things, which we have.
but you don't enter into another equally moral cesspool, letting grown men wearing dresses use the bathroom with our daughters, redefine marriage as it suits you, try and take away 2nd amendment rights, allow useless people to flood over the border and pillage our federal programs, commit crimes and offer them sanctuary for votes, allow tree huggers to dictate job loss through false narratives that somehow the planet is on fire, and that somehow us closing coal mines is going to remedy that. Or remove God from our day to day lives, A Christian nation needs Christ, start tearing down parts of our history, for better or worse because a bunch of whiny people are suddenly offended by reality, Allow terror to kill millions of innocent people across the planet because we don't have the resolve to confront it.

America is coming back with or without you, so sit back and enjoy the show


are you insane
For a supposed critical piece skeptical of Russian involvement, after having read all of anatta's intercept artical, every word, I am more convinced, not less, that Russia did it.

Imagine if I actually had the Intel!
Hi, eve. Both fucking idiots (JFK and LBJ) started or accelerated​, respectively, the US involvement in the VN war?

its the time he said trump was talking about when we were great.

tell me what years you think of when you think of WHEN America was great
because it's all we have, and if you can impeach the public info ( and recall DNI was confident enough on the entire matter to write a non-Classified assessment)
you bring into question the entire matter

That isn't what you said, when I impeached your source on the Nuland tape. You stamped your feet and tantrum-ed, "Is so! Is so! Is so!"

based on innate deep state Russiaphobia,and Brennan's hostility to Trump, and this convenient "cutout"

Oh right, you're a conspiracy theorist. You get to dismiss everything you don't like as part of the conspiracy and as proof the conspiracy exists. Are the "deep staters" connected to the Illuminati? Masons? Elks Club?
Because I am a reasonably patriotic American and not a goose-stepping Deplorable, and so having a president who is a dumbass bitch of a fascist dictator and maybe our greatest rival bothers me. Actually, if trump were not Putin's bitch and helping Putin with his agenda, I would have said China is our greatest rival, but ...

Better question is why doesn't it bother you?

Several reasons.

One is, even assuming Russia meddled in the election, that doesn't mean it affected the outcome. I realize there are millions of butt hurt liberals that really, really, want that to be true, but their wishing doesn't make it so.

It's a pretty fantastic claim, if you think about it. Jeb!, Rubio, several other contenders along with the republican establishment couldn't affect the primaries and bend it to their will. But Putin did in the general election by defeating Hillary with cyber shenanigans?

Really lol? You have to be pretty gullible to buy that one.

Secondly, the evidence isn't all that great. It would be better if they would look at the fricking server, but the DNC didn't want anyone but their own paid contractors [Crowdstrike] to look at it. To the non-gullible, that seems a tad sketchy.

Thirdly, it's hardly a secret the left will do ANYTHING to get Trump out of office. Mad Maxine Watters [Mad Max, get it lol?] advocates invoking mental instability as a means to impeach Trump. Let that irony settle in.

The Russian theory is first and foremost, a means for the left to subvert democracy and overturn an election. It's patently obvious; and, they are guilty of the very thing they accuse Vladie Boy of.

Bloody hypocrites.
Any of you Deplorables see any problem with trump going into a meeting with KGB-trained leader, after trump threw his own intelligence agencies under the bus? Any of you lickspittle groupies got enough self-awareness left to see the phoniness in your professed love for America in supporting this disrespecting of those who serve and have served presidents of both parties without ever having their honor or integrity so assaulted before? Are you really so far around the bend in your obsequious lust for fascism?

some of these posters are not Americans

they do get a few rubles for it though
Several reasons.

One is, even assuming Russia meddled in the election, that doesn't mean it affected the outcome. I realize there are millions of butt hurt liberals that really, really, want that to be true, but their wishing doesn't make it so.

It's a pretty fantastic claim, if you think about it. Jeb!, Rubio, several other contenders along with the republican establishment couldn't affect the primaries and bend it to their will. But Putin did in the general election by defeating Hillary with cyber shenanigans?

Really lol? You have to be pretty gullible to buy that one.

Secondly, the evidence isn't all that great. It would be better if they would look at the fricking server, but the DNC didn't want anyone but their own paid contractors [Crowdstrike] to look at it. To the non-gullible, that seems a tad sketchy.

Thirdly, it's hardly a secret the left will do ANYTHING to get Trump out of office. Mad Maxine Watters [Mad Max, get it lol?] advocates invoking mental instability as a means to impeach Trump. Let that irony settle in.

The Russian theory is first and foremost, a means for the left to subvert democracy and overturn an election. It's patently obvious; and, they are guilty of the very thing they accuse Vladie Boy of.

Bloody hypocrites.

dear fucking idiot

the russians did it

you have to hate our entire intel system to deny that
Ah, I understand, you're not a liar. You just mindlessly regurgitate the lies fed to you by those who tell you what to think. Which, again, falls nicely in line with your paranoid fantasies about the "deep state". As I said, "A Nutter".

Of course, amongst illiterates, reading isn't that well developed, and so big words may not be understood, and tiny words might be missed, quite understandable:

Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election

We assess with high confidence that Russian
President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence
campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential
, the consistent goals of which were to
undermine public faith in the US democratic
process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her
electability and potential presidency. We further
assess Putin and the Russian Government
developed a clear preference for President-elect
Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that
Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the
Russian influence campaign then focused on
undermining her expected presidency.

We also assess Putin and the Russian
Government aspired to help President-elect
Trump’s election chances when possible by
discrediting Secretary Clinton
and publicly
contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three
agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and
FBI have high confidence in this judgment;
NSA has moderate confidence.

You know, A Nutter, get a grip. I mean it.

buzz off .
you publish the same old same old (2x now like it's gospel) and are still clueless that the unanimity of the 3 INTEL agencies wasn't there ..why does it matter?

One week after a joint FBI/DHS report was released, supposedly meant to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Russia intervened in the US presidential election, and thus served as a diplomatic basis for Obama's expulsion of 35 diplomats, yet which merely confirmed that a Ukrainian piece of malware which could be purchased by anyone, was responsible for spoofing various email accounts including that of the DNC and John Podesta, moments ago US intelligence agencies released a more "authoritative", 25-page report, titled "Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections", and which not surprisingly only serves to validate the media narrative, by concluding that Russian President Vladimir Putin 'ordered' an effort to influence U.S. presidential election.
What proof is there? Sadly, again, none. However, as the intelligence agencies state, "We have high confidence in these judgments"... (just like they had high confidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.)

And while the report is severely lacking in any evidence, it is rich in judgments
At this point a quick detour, because the intel agencies responsible for drafting the report then explain how "confident" they are: "CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence."

What do these distinctions mean?

High confidence generally indicates judgments based on high-quality information, and/or the nature of the issue makes it possible to render a solid judgment. However, high confidence judgments still carry a risk of being wrong.
Moderate confidence generally means credibly sourced and plausible information, but not of sufficient quality or corroboration to warrant a higher level of confidence.

In other words, while not carrying the infamous DHS disclaimer according to which last week's entire joint FBI/DHS report is likely garbage, the US intel agencies admit they may well be "wrong."
^points by points
FACTS dont have experation dates

they deserve repeating

never tire of the facts

Unless of course you prefer lies
What differences do you discern between Western and American standards?
Very little, as we are a Western society. Our experience has lacked certain experiences of broader Western society, such as imperial, Marxist, and fascist regimes. America was the only society to simultaneously hold the world's highest standard of living and to engage in a revolution; one which uniquely did not lead to a leftist slaughter of the citizenry. Things like that have shaped our character a bit differently.

So. Very little differences and shaped quite differently.

Thanks for that, cleared it up nicely.
because it's all we have, and if you can impeach the public info ( and recall DNI was confident enough on the entire matter to write a non-Classified assessment)
you bring into question the entire matter..based on innate deep state Russiaphobia,and Brennan's hostility to Trump, and this convenient "cutout" character

The private security firms did the technical analysis.
what they relied on, and their conclusion HAD to be the basis for the IC 's intelligence analysis.
That's a really big point,not "point scoring" as it brings the entire IC assessment into question based on where they got their hacking analysis

You do not have the first hint of a beginning of a clue who did the IC assessment, and neither have your "sources". Really.

You have no clue about "deep state Russiaphobia".

You have no idea about "Brennan's hostility to Trump".

These are all "things" you are "seeing". Still, you have no clue as to the boundaries of what you (can) reliably know, and you are regularly transgressing these boundaries in your over-blown verbiage.

Greenwald didn't write that piece. here's the author's bona fides

Now you're just being hysterical. Here's what I said in the post to which you responded:

"Does Biddle have every bit of insight, evidence, information that has contributed to the IC's assessment?"

I know he wrote it. It is, however, Greenwald's site, is editor's authority.
That isn't what you said, when I impeached your source on the Nuland tape. You stamped your feet and tantrum-ed, "Is so! Is so! Is so!"
you were the Only Person In The World-that didn't get the Nuland intercept was real. You just kept shaking your tail frothing for proof it was such.

I am calling into reasonable doubt the assessment was correct based on the hole you can punch in it-
primarily the technical analysis, but also the fact the NSA did not have high confidence.
Yet we used this as a reason to adjust Russian policies

Oh right, you're a conspiracy theorist. You get to dismiss everything you don't like as part of the conspiracy and as proof the conspiracy exists. Are the "deep staters" connected to the Illuminati? Masons? Elks Club?
i'm a skeptic.I'm not a truther, or somebody that believes Fidel Castro killed Kenndey.

I look at the history of the deep state,and WHY it would be likely biased COMBINED with serious questinable
technical analysis done by private firms who have an INTEREST in ginning up malware.

You are a Democrat and a hopeless partisan..not someone i look to for objectivity.