trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Several reasons.

One is, even assuming Russia meddled in the election, that doesn't mean it affected the outcome.

If Deplorables didn't think it would help, they wouldn't have spent so much time and effort catapulting what Putin wanted them to. There is also the point that the fact that they tried should bother someone claiming to be a patriotic American a great deal, as is the fact your feckless flabby leader has not only done nothing about it, he continues to suck up to his master.

I realize there are millions of butt hurt liberals that really, really, want that to be true, but their wishing doesn't make it so.

Yeah, that whole "butthurt" thing would look less silly, if you didn't also spend so much time claiming to be a victim of liberal snowflake bullies.

It's a pretty fantastic claim, if you think about it. Jeb!, Rubio, several other contenders along with the republican establishment couldn't affect the primaries and bend it to their will. But Putin did in the general election by defeating Hillary with cyber shenanigans?

That's a straw man so weak I can only assume it is a gratuitous insult to my intelligence, treating me as if I were no smarter than a Deplorable. First, I know Rubio, and he's no Putin. Second, Putin only had to put his finger on the scale sufficiently to where a few thousand votes in the upper Midwest allowed minority-rule to prevail.

Really lol? You have to be pretty gullible to buy that one.

Did you learn the Valley Girl giggle as dismissal in Debate Skool?

Secondly, the evidence isn't all that great. It would be better if they would look at the fricking server, but the DNC didn't want anyone but their own paid contractors [Crowdstrike] to look at it. To the non-gullible, that seems a tad sketchy.

You'll probably think I'm a deep stater, but I am not terribly impressed by your evaluation of such an investigation, as opposed to what actual experts think. Oh wait, I forgot they are part of the conspiracy, also.

Thirdly, it's hardly a secret the left will do ANYTHING to get Trump out of office.

Yeah, I was wondering when we'd get to how you all are victims of butthurt liberal snowflakes.

Mad Maxine Watters [Mad Max, get it lol?] advocates invoking mental instability as a means to impeach Trump. Let that irony settle in.

I prefer watching the irony of you defending trump by comparing him to Maxine fly over your head.

The Russian theory is first and foremost, a means for the left to subvert democracy and overturn an election. It's patently obvious; and, they are guilty of the very thing they accuse Vladie Boy of.

Bloody hypocrites.

Left is involved in a coup to overthrow the will of the minority? I think you crawled so high up on your portable cross of victimhood you got dizzy.

Make America deep state the butthurt liberal snowflake bullies Again!
You do not have the first hint of a beginning of a clue who did the IC assessment, and neither have your "sources". Really.

You have no clue about "deep state Russiaphobia".

You have no idea about "Brennan's hostility to Trump".

These are all "things" you are "seeing". Still, you have no clue as to the boundaries of what you (can) reliably know, and you are regularly transgressing these boundaries in your over-blown verbiage.

Now you're just being hysterical. Here's what I said in the post to which you responded:

"Does Biddle have every bit of insight, evidence, information that has contributed to the IC's assessment?"

I know he wrote it. It is, however, Greenwald's site, is editor's authority.

you are simply saying I am not writing my are down to calling me a nutter,
and using my editorializing as some reason I am not able to source my ideas.

I have no interest in proving to you those are my own ideas.
Because you don't dispute them, you are simply plcking them out to be argumentative without purpose
except to bolster your made up name calling charaterizations.

your posts are devolving to "nya nya weiner weiner" type insults. good for you.
I am calling into reasonable doubt the assessment was correct based on the hole you can punch in it -
primarily the technical analysis,

Based on your expertise in this field and not just catapulting something else you read on a rightard propaganda site, right?

but also the fact the NSA did not have high confidence.

Owl'd already caught you in that lie.

Yet we used this as a reason to adjust Russian policies.

Actually, your moron leader hasn't adjusted anything except maybe the angle from which he kisses Putin's ass.

i'm a skeptic.

You are a conspiracy theorist, and you catapult rightard internet crap uncritically.[/QUOTE]

I look at the history of the deep state, ...

As an unwise Deplorable regurgitator once said ... QED.
Rick Perry is ALMOST as dumb as FAILURE 43, but not as IGNORANT AND DUMB as FAILURE 45.

Per Twump's speech today in Poland...

"Ich bin ein Berliner" was replaced by "I am Putin's TOOL."

Twump voters should be rounded up and sent to the "internment camps" where the Japanese were sent during WWII to get their FUCKING HEADS STRAIGHT.
If Deplorables didn't think it would help, they wouldn't have spent so much time and effort catapulting what Putin wanted them to. There is also the point that the fact that they tried should bother someone claiming to be a patriotic American a great deal, as is the fact your feckless flabby leader has not only done nothing about it, he continues to suck up to his master.

Trump wants the US to be energy dominant and that helps exactly? Trump was in Poland just today and he was affirming our commitment to Article 5 of the NATO treaty, and encouraging Europe to move away from its dependence on Russian energy.

Sucks to be Putin, huh?

Ricky Tavy said:
That's a straw man so weak I can only assume it is a gratuitous insult to my intelligence, treating me as if I were no smarter than a Deplorable. First, I know Rubio, and he's no Putin. Second, Putin only had to put his finger on the scale sufficiently to where a few thousand votes in the upper Midwest allowed minority-rule to prevail.

If you think it's so easy to swing a national election why don't you try it. Get back with us when you have any luck.
Trump wants the US to be energy dominant and that helps exactly?

You could have warned me that you are allergic to honor and integrity.

Trump was in Poland just today and he was affirming our commitment to Article 5 of the NATO treaty, and encouraging Europe to move away from its dependence on Russian energy.

He was in Poland, because their half-a-dictator promised to bus in some applauders. And his remarks his handlers got him to make were demolished by trump's stumbling semi-coherency later.

Sucks to be Putin, huh?

Yeah, poor man has nobody but the president of the United States to help him sow divisions in western Europe, to downplay his continuing interference in western elections, to ignore him in bombing US allies in Syria and nearby, to put his justifiably fragile ego ahead of America in terms of doing anything about Putin's meddling, and to walk in to a meeting with an experienced and highly skilled manipulator with nothing but a belief he can wing it.

If you think it's so easy to swing a national election why don't you try it. Get back with us when you have any luck.

I am trying. I am handicapped, however, by the fact the other side has a monopoly on self-pitying suckers so gullible they believe a cloisterd, flabby, septuagenarian brat will protect them from the hordes of boogey men, while also providing a scapegoat in every pot.
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You could have warned me that you are allergic to honor and integrity.

He was in Poland, because their half-a-dictator promise to bus in some applauders. And his remarks his handlers got him to make were later demolished by trump's stumbling semi-coherency later.

Yeah, poor man has nobody but the president of the United States to help him sew divisions in western Europe, to downplay his continuing interference in western elections, to ignore him in bombing US allies in Syria and nearby, to put his justifiably fragile ego ahead of America in terms of doing anything about Putin's meddling, and to walk in to a meeting with an experienced and highly skilled manipulator with nothing but a belief he can wing it.

I am trying. I am handicapped, however, by the fact the other side has a monopoly on self-pitying suckers so gullible they believe a cloisterd, flabby, septuagenarian brat will protect them from the hordes of boogey men, while also providing a scapegoat in every pot.
I wonder what his ploy will be with Trump? Flattery, coupled with criticism of our press, Megyn Kelly Haters United, and Obama was a Loser Whine with cheese session?
You could have warned me that you are allergic to honor and integrity.

He was in Poland, because their half-a-dictator promise to bus in some applauders. And his remarks his handlers got him to make were later demolished by trump's stumbling semi-coherency later.

Yeah, poor man has nobody but the president of the United States to help him sew divisions in western Europe, to downplay his continuing interference in western elections, to ignore him in bombing US allies in Syria and nearby, to put his justifiably fragile ego ahead of America in terms of doing anything about Putin's meddling, and to walk in to a meeting with an experienced and highly skilled manipulator with nothing but a belief he can wing it.

I am trying. I am handicapped, however, by the fact the other side has a monopoly on self-pitying suckers so gullible they believe a cloisterd, flabby, septuagenarian brat will protect them from the hordes of boogey men, while also providing a scapegoat in every pot.

You stubbornly regurgitate your talking points.

Albeit articulately lol.
I wonder what his ploy will be with Trump? Flattery, coupled with criticism of our press, Megyn Kelly Haters United, and Obama was a Loser Whine with cheese session?

That would work. trump would give him all of Maryland to make up for that meanie Obama taking away the Russian's luxury compound. I'm guessing he will give a subtle reminder of the evidence he has on trump's money laundering for Russian cronies.
You stubbornly regurgitate your talking points.

Albeit articulately lol.

And, you are smart enough to rely on me for inspiration for an I-know-you-are.

I suppose I should concede that you have been more civil in our exchanges than I have been. I urge other liberals to recognize this, also.
Ah, zerohedge. That's about, like,

And you still don't understand that the NSA's moderate confidence pertains to another matter than "interference in the U.S. election" (high confidence, all), namely, "interfering to help Trump". These are different matters.

yes i get that. what I'm showing is it's a house of cards..what the INTERCEPT article is showing is the technical analysis is far from ironclad, in fact there are many alternative scenarios..

where do you suggest I go to for sourcing? The entire US govt ( IC leadership-Congress/US press ( fake and non-fake) are under the assumption our IC leadership is never wrong ( see Iraq) and is above politicization.

so my sources are limited, by they make good points . They show a perspective from the inside of how classified assessments are assembled, and they show how little facts are used in the non-Classified assessment.

I look at any source if the contents are credible..these are.
I have some quarter-pound Hebrew National hot dogs, a can of Hormel hot chili with beans, and a chunk of medium cheddar cheese. Time to prepare a gourmet supper. I'll check in from time to time.