trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

So far, it doesn't look like more than half a brain will be required.

Again are you going to tell that story to the University that you want to send your kids to? Explaining that the money that you do not have to send your kids to school really makes you happy?
so you're long on lip but short on brains........we've already got a bunch of those.......are you going to bring some liberal posters who could pose a challenge?.....

I can see by the way you avoided any substance to go simply for an impotent hiss-and-spit that Deplorables here also rely on a lack of self-awareness as a life-sustaining defense mechanism.
Again are you going to tell that story to the University that you want to send your kids to? Explaining that the money that you do not have to send your kids to school really makes you happy?

My daughter is done with college and works as an economist in DC. Oh, and this is likely to come as a shock to one who chose inheritance as a career, but it is possible for people to go to college without mommy and daddy paying for it.
Again are you going to tell that story to the University that you want to send your kids to? Explaining that the money that you do not have to send your kids to school really makes you happy?

I'm a lot more pedantic and not as much fun to read as Ricky, but just to elucidate what we all prolly know instinctively anyways....the first $10,000/year or so, yes, that brings happiness. Hell, it brings sanity. The second $20k brings some more happiness, but not as much. And so on, asymptotically downward, until the difference between e.g. $350k and $360k is trivial.

So anyone who begins to understand this should not shed any tears when billionaires are taxed more heavily.

And that is quite separate from the issue of rampant inequality, and how it makes all of us--even the very well-off among us--miserable:

The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger Kindle Edition
by Richard Wilkinson (Author), Kate Pickett (Author)

The Broken Ladder: How Inequality Affects the Way We Think, Live, and Die Kindle Edition
by Keith Payne (Author)
are you unhappy?......sad.....

I was quite unhappy after trump's election. But then, I thought about the 2020 election and how it is even more important than 2016 was. 2020 is a redistricting year. We need a liberal tsunami to counter the gerrymandering that has resulted in rightard minority rule. Who better to inspire such a tsunami than Putin's flabby bitch?
Okay, I was looking at some stuff on how this place works, but now I really gotta do some chores. DBacks play the Rockies in an hour and a half. I might be back then to play as I watch.