trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

IUPAC has changed the definition of STP from 273 K, 1 atm (101.3 kPa) to 273 K, 1 bar (100.0 kPa)]. Hence the molar volume of an ideal gas at STP has changed from 22.4 L/mol to 22.7 L/mol.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
Might also add that the volume of an ideal gas at normal temperature and pressure (NTP) has changed to 24.71 L/mol.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
The city of Seattle banned plastic bags and the paper bags come with a charge. So, yeah, next up is safe zones for junkies to shoot-up heroin while health professionals stand around watching...

I like watching gas bags. Like you. It's watching. If it were up to me you and your kids would watch the actual 'pre-fucking-bag' intake of drugs so you and your kids could experience the altered state. That altered state is either pharmaceutical or somewhere outside the government sanctioned that you hate or police state you LOVE to tell people to hate in YOUR mentality which is somewhere between, where you think it at or care, as apposed to where it IS. It's not going to change, welcome to reality ALL drugged for your convenience. Seriously, just stop and care. Care about something other than yourself, your life, your story. You can't. That' "Murica', Not The United States of America, that IS the problem.
You make me laugh considering you're the guy that tried to imply that there's a Moore's law for renewable energy.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

It's not even a "law," and it's flawed even in the context of the digital world.

You're a lazy thinker on this topic.
I like watching gas bags. Like you. It's watching. If it were up to me you and your kids would watch the actual 'pre-fucking-bag' intake of drugs so you and your kids could experience the altered state. That altered state is either pharmaceutical or somewhere outside the government sanctioned that you hate or police state you LOVE to tell people to hate in YOUR mentality which is somewhere between, where you think it at or care, as apposed to where it IS. It's not going to change, welcome to reality ALL drugged for your convenience. Seriously, just stop and care. Care about something other than yourself, your life, your story. You can't. That' "Murica', Not The United States of America, that IS the problem.

I prefer for people to shoot-up, OD, die, and not spend taxpayer money watching them do it.
Umm. Anatta is not wrong to point out that there is a conflict between what climate researchers are telling us about climate change, and their tendency to fly around the world to conferences etc.

And some of them (but not many, yet) have sworn off flying. Others try to use Skype etc to participate via internet whenever possible.

Nor is it limited to the researchers. In Bill McKibben's last book, he admitted that he was starting to feel guilty about doing so much traveling, given the GHG emissions involved. He justified it in terms of his climate activism, and he is not wrong about that, either--there is obviously a difference between flying several thousand miles just to lie on a beach, and flying that distance to attend a conference, give a speech, coordinate activist activities (all three of which I think McKibben is doing on a typical trip).

But, we need to begin walking the walk...literally, when shorter distances are involved.....

If getting somewhere quickly is not necessary, it is often possible to travel more slowly and in a much more environmentally responsible fashion. I think that the options for doing so will gradually expand over time.

Oh my, we're having the old "AGW is a hoax - just look at Al Gore's mansion - lol" debate again.

Let's make it a principled one. I'd offer: "Any and all carbon-emitting behavior or lifestyle that, if all did it, would cook the system, is permitted to no one." Fairness, of course, requires no less. With that, Gore is doomed. Interestingly enough, so are we, under the exact same standard, living in the Western world under billowing clouds of smoke, as we do.

Let's in a next step get to what you hinted at in the third paragraph. The principle, loosely formulated, could take the form: "Any and all behavior resulting in carbon emissions in excess of what's allowed by principle 1 may be justified in case it results in overall net carbon emission reductions, or contributes to the cause for such reductions."

I'd say, clumsily put as it is, it looks pretty solid, at least if we may apply a fairly simple utilitarian approach to climate change. With that, Al Gore is probably off the hook, as is McKibben, while we, the carbon hogs, are not. And that is why the finger-pointing during that "AGW is a hoax - just look at Al Gore's mansion - lol" debate is so pathetic. Agreed, of course, even while helping to save the earth, the requirement they reduce their carbon emissions still is valid. Oh, and let's make sure the next G-20 summit is attended by holograms, okay?

Now, we have agreed, years ago, that the rich are always going to enjoy a lifestyle more damaging than the rest, and that's not going to end, like, ever, and that it's egregious in its violation of the fairness principle. Their carbon hogging unjustly imposes on the rest the necessity to save more energy than we otherwise had to, just as their speedy transportation imposes slowness on the rest. All the more important is the imposition of a steadily rising carbon tax to make the biggest carbon hogs pay more, so as to reduce the inevitable unfairness.

BOMBSHELL: New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally—Not Hacked

Joshua Caplan Jul 9th, 2017 6:01 pm 426 Comments

A mysterious IT specialist, who goes by the name The Forensicator, published a detailed report that appears to disprove the theory that the DNC was hacked by Russia.

On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually appears on the “NGP VAN” 7zip file (the subject of this analysis). This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September 13, 2016.

Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.

Done locally, perhaps to a USB flash drive or over a LAN, eh?

BOMBSHELL: New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally—Not Hacked

Joshua Caplan Jul 9th, 2017 6:01 pm 426 Comments

A mysterious IT specialist, who goes by the name The Forensicator, published a detailed report that appears to disprove the theory that the DNC was hacked by Russia.

On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually appears on the “NGP VAN” 7zip file (the subject of this analysis). This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September 13, 2016.

Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.

Done locally, perhaps to a USB flash drive or over a LAN, eh?

Since this story doesn't confirm the Russian theory, it will go absolutely nowhere lol.

It amazes me that so many people treat cyber-evidence as rock solid, given the nature of such evidence. The FBI and the CIA had high confidence of Russian interference but the NSA had only moderate confidence of it. If the evidence is so great, why was the NSA circumspect about it?

It doesn't add up.
Since this story doesn't confirm the Russian theory, it will go absolutely nowhere lol.

It amazes me that so many people treat cyber-evidence as rock solid, given the nature of such evidence. The FBI and the CIA had high confidence of Russian interference but the NSA had only moderate confidence of it. If the evidence is so great, why was the NSA circumspect about it?

It doesn't add up.

FBI, CIA, and NSA have high confidence Putin ordered a wide-ranging campaign to influence the U.S. election. FBI and CIA with high confidence concluded this was engineered to help the Trumpy, NSA has only moderate confidence.

The only thing that doesn't add up here is your continued willful ignorance even though that matter had been debated, the falsehood debunked, and the text linked, repeatedly. Read that shit already, for comprehension if at all possible, and stop grazing rightarded propaganda sites that humiliate you by feeding you crappy nonsense to swallow.
The only thing that doesn't add up here is your [Darth Oma] continued willful ignorance even though that matter had been debated, the falsehood debunked, and the text linked, repeatedly. Read that shit already, for comprehension if at all possible, and stop grazing rightarded propaganda sites that humiliate you by feeding you crappy nonsense to swallow.
I believe you're underestimating the poster's attraction to humiliation.
FBI, CIA, and NSA have high confidence Putin ordered a wide-ranging campaign to influence the U.S. election. FBI and CIA with high confidence concluded this was engineered to help the Trumpy, NSA has only moderate confidence.

The only thing that doesn't add up here is your continued willful ignorance even though that matter had been debated, the falsehood debunked, and the text linked, repeatedly. Read that shit already, for comprehension if at all possible, and stop grazing rightarded propaganda sites that humiliate you by feeding you crappy nonsense to swallow.

I've waded through that document the first time it was posted and I saw a lot of 'maybe this or maybe that'---basically, speculation that would amount to circumstantial evidence in a court room.

High confidence in an assessment should only come with a Smoking Gun. Circumstantial evidence equates with moderate confidence.

Point the classroom to the Smoking Gun in that document, or concede that it only allows for moderate confidence. And this whole thing is a partisan witch hunt.

I'll be waiting.
I've waded through that document the first time it was posted and I saw a lot of 'maybe this or maybe that'---basically, speculation that would amount to circumstantial evidence in a court room.

High confidence in an assessment should only come with a Smoking Gun. Circumstantial evidence equates with moderate confidence.

Point the classroom to the Smoking Gun in that document, or concede that it only allows for moderate confidence. And this whole thing is a partisan witch hunt.

I'll be waiting.

Nice weasel, not a good one, but nice, and a "partisan witch hunt" by FBI, CIA, and NSA, thrown in for good measure. It's always good to be a victim of... something. And, you further demonstrate that you aren't man enough to retract your falsehood:

"The FBI and the CIA had high confidence of Russian interference but the NSA had only moderate confidence of it. If the evidence is so great, why was the NSA circumspect about it?

It doesn't add up."​

Imagine my disappointment.
So, there's no Smoking Gun in the link.

Did we have high confidence in the intelligence assessment that got us into Iraq?

But oh, this is different lol?
Why would they need too? This newfangled thing called teleconferencing is here. You can see in real time who you are talking to and everything!

Because, as has been pointed out before, teleconferencing has limits, including scale. I get a lot of it in my business. I can't see teleconferencing with 6 principals, 4 moderators and an audience of 60. If the discussion largely flows one way (instructional), yeah.....but if you are trying to forge an agenda with more than 8 or 10, videoconferencing loses its flava.
So, there's no Smoking Gun in the link.

Did we have high confidence in the intelligence assessment that got us into Iraq?

But oh, this is different lol?


Be honest......You were foursquare behind those claims, weren't you...

But that was different, right?

Now Scrub's deception, which you so eagerly enabled, is an indictment of all information you don't want to hear.