trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

In a world in which use of FFs is either rigorously proscribed, or even becomes simply impossible, at least in any real quantities, it may be the case that there are many fewer perks and toys for the rich. Which is to say, being rich may no longer be so attractive, in many respects. And at the same time, when the severe harm resulting from profligate use of FFs finally (...finally!!!) becomes crystal-clear to all, it is reasonable to expect that severe social censure, at least, will be earned by anyone who persists in such behavior.

This is part--but only part--of the argument that has lately become popular, to the effect that when we reach environmental sanity and a sustainable society, we will ipso facto have achieved a much higher level of equality.

With all due respect, that, I hold, is entirely delusional. Rather, there will be even more and bigger distinctions, as some currently middle-class items will become far more expensive, no longer within the reach of the middle class, but still accessible by the rich. That has not necessarily to do with FF use, which will at one time be patently over, but with electricity from a wide variety of sources becoming the main "fuel" we use, and, say, transportation being the crucial element no longer affordable by many. Travel over more than short distances may well be a luxury item by then. Of course, I cannot prove things either way, and it may even be that more egalitarian societies might become even more egalitarian, while for the U.S. of Plutocracy things look considerably worse. Inequality is caused by political decisions; they are not a fate. But, all that is just speculation, admittedly.
cable news:

Russian agent
Russian operative
Russian spy
Russian ties

all thrown around to seed doubt and cause political damge by innuendo.
Hell the entire NYTimes piece only mentions " ties to the Kremlin" and doesn't even attempt to define it.

This is fake news- it was some defense atty. ties are vague and undefined.
but the media damage by echo chamber of innuendo is all they care about.
The Russians characterize their meeting with trump as him accepting Putin's denials and acknowledging his role as Putin's bitch. Fearing their might be recordings of the meeting, the strongest denial the trumpistas can issue is what the Russians said was "not accurate."
cable news:

Russian agent
Russian operative
Russian spy
Russian ties

all thrown around to seed doubt and cause political damge by innuendo.
Hell the entire NYTimes piece only mentions " ties to the Kremlin" and doesn't even attempt to define it.

This is fake news- it was some defense atty. ties are vague and undefined.
but the media damage by echo chamber of innuendo is all they care about.

"Nothing to see here, folks. Baa along, little ovines."

Speaking of "fake news." TWITter-in-chief has found an intelligence agency he thinks he can trust. Moron swallowed a misleading story about Comey and classified information to TWITter an accusation Comey leaked classified information. Why? Did I mention he's a moron?
Grind, the mod in question, is best described as cruel but fair.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

With all due respect, you don't know fuckall about the mod in question. He did exactly what he was supposed to do.

This dirty bastard, BV should be banned from every forum in the universe for what he did.

Peddling personal information on the internet is a major no-no. IMO the fucker ought to be in jail.
We now have Jared's THIRD undisclosed meeting with Russians. This one, according to trump junior, was held with the promise the Russians would be giving Hillary dirt to junior, Kushner, and campaign manager Manafort.

Nothing to see here, folks, move along.
wobs, wow. One political opponent looking for dirt on another? Outrageous. Impeach! Proceed to your next nothingburger.
We now have Jared's THIRD undisclosed meeting with Russians. This one, according to trump junior, was held with the promise the Russians would be giving Hillary dirt to junior, Kushner, and campaign manager Manafort.

Nothing to see here, folks, move along.

this "dirt" you speak of wouldn't be actual emails sent between DNC operatives would it?
I'm just curious to this "ammo" that came shooting out of the get Hillary Gun
With all due respect, you don't know fuckall about the mod in question. He did exactly what he was supposed to do.

This dirty bastard, BV should be banned from every forum in the universe for what he did.

Peddling personal information on the internet is a major no-no. IMO the fucker ought to be in jail.

BV peddled no information about anybody. DeviantTwitch is feeling so bad over getting caught being a dishonest snitch, he even comes over here to lie about his cowardly reliance on a biased mommy mod to protect him from snowllake bullies. Nobody believes him at his safe place, either.
this "dirt" you speak of wouldn't be actual emails sent between DNC operatives would it?
I'm just curious to this "ammo" that came shooting out of the get Hillary Gun

Nobody knows, tranny boxer. Junior has not elaborated further on details of his attempt to collude with Russians to help daddy sucker rubes.

With that, Hillary’s claim was up and off.

Journalists highlighted the talking point on Twitter as they covered the debate. And the fact checks came rolling in. The New York Times, Politico, ABC News, Politifact and PBS all rated the claim as totally true the night of the debate. Before the night ended The New York Times was using Clinton’s number with authority in its reporting, saying in a debate wrap up that Trump had “refused” to acknowledge “the unanimous conclusion of America’s 17 intelligence agencies.”

The NY Slimes, Politico, ABC News, Politifact and PBS. There's your lineup of fake news outfits right there. With the Wash. Compost and CNN missing for some reason.
With all due respect, you don't know fuckall about the mod in question. He did exactly what he was supposed to do.

This dirty bastard, BV should be banned from every forum in the universe for what he did.

Peddling personal information on the internet is a major no-no. IMO the fucker ought to be in jail.
Well actually I do know a lot about Grind having been on this forum for quite a while. I think they are all pretty despicable with maybe one or two exceptions.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
BV peddled no information about anybody. DeviantTwitch is feeling so bad over getting caught being a dishonest snitch, he even comes over here to lie about his cowardly reliance on a biased mommy mod to protect him from snowllake bullies. Nobody believes him at his safe place, either.

Sure, liar. That's why the mod deleted his signature line and banned his stupid ass.

With that, Hillary’s claim was up and off.

Journalists highlighted the talking point on Twitter as they covered the debate. And the fact checks came rolling in. The New York Times, Politico, ABC News, Politifact and PBS all rated the claim as totally true the night of the debate. Before the night ended The New York Times was using Clinton’s number with authority in its reporting, saying in a debate wrap up that Trump had “refused” to acknowledge “the unanimous conclusion of America’s 17 intelligence agencies.”

The NY Slimes, Politico, ABC News, Politifact and PBS. There's your lineup of fake news outfits right there. With the Wash. Compost and CNN missing for some reason.

Probably not a good idea to bring up fact checkers to defend a trump they labeled the biggest liar in a field of 19 candidates. You guys really need a better filter on your parrotry.
Well actually I do know a lot about Grind having been on this forum for quite a while. I think they are all pretty despicable with maybe one or two exceptions.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Sounds like we're talking about different people. In that case, never mind.
Sure, liar. That's why the mod deleted his signature line and banned his stupid ass.

Same reason the sissy mod kept banning liberals but never did anything to your fellow trump fluffers. In this case, it was done when BV would not agree to a plea deal that would have let him off in exchange for letting the mod save face. It is the reason we are here and why a lonely Twitch like you follows us around. Well, that and you are not getting enough of the abuse you get off on at your safe place
Probably not a good idea to bring up fact checkers to defend a trump they labeled the biggest liar in a field of 19 candidates. You guys really need a better filter on your parrotry.

They forgot about the congenital liar's record, going back over decades, wobs. Thereby indicting themselves. :-)
If you would like to know, DeviantTwitch, here's what actually happened:

Following the banning of several liberals, while filth like you repeatedly got away with sexually sliming other posters' children, and culminating in the unfair banning of BV, I organized a petition asking the mods generally to address our concerns regarding the mod Flacaltenn's actions. We got no response. As a result, several of us decided to look for a better place. There was no boycott or even any call for one. Some of us post at your safe place with regularity, some don't. In my case it is a combination of principle and the fact that when I look in over there it dominated by boring feebs like SPRAYIT and ChlamydiaBear, and Deplorables grooming each other from hide-from bunkers. I don't go there much now, mostly because it is boring.

You can share this with the other sucker groupies. Since you are a Deplorable, you can do this without getting in trouble for bringing up stuff from other places.
If you would like to know, DeviantTwitch, here's what actually happened:

Following the banning of several liberals, while filth like you repeatedly got away with sexually sliming other posters' children, and culminating in the unfair banning of BV, I organized a petition asking the mods generally to address our concerns regarding the mod Flacaltenn's actions. We got no response. As a result, several of us decided to look for a better place. There was no boycott or even any call for one. Some of us post at your safe place with regularity, some don't. In my case it is a combination of principle and the fact that when I look in over there it dominated by boring feebs like SPRAYIT and ChlamydiaBear, and Deplorables grooming each other from hide-from bunkers. I don't go there much now, mostly because it is boring.

You can share this with the other sucker groupies. Since you are a Deplorable, you can do this without getting in trouble for bringing up stuff from other places.

I hate to disappoint you, Chickenshit. But nobody cares what you dirty dumb leftist animals do. You're somebody else's problem now.
Yesterday, trump spinners were defending the brilliance of trump cooperating with Putin on cyber-security. A few hours of watching his dumb ass being ridiculed even by his own party, and once again the Dear Leader throws his people under the bus, relying on the gullibility of his herd to claim he never thought what he was boasting about was a good idea.

Rightards say, "SSSSSssssssssssssllllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrppppppppppppppp."