trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I'm here to educate and inform the good people on this forum about the raft of vicious dirty animals that recently invaded their space.
Careful asswipe, your preferred insults pertaining to others' children will make you disappear instantly.
And you wonder why I get on your case when you spout such hysterical emotion laden bullshit. Nothing bad climate wise is going to happen despite all your dire prognostications.

Here is something for you to think about, I have shares in a British company called AFC which is developing industrial scale fuel cells that produce electricity from hydrogen. Now a perfectly feasible way to provide storage for renewables is to use the intermittent electricity to electrolyse water and produce hydrogen which in turn could be fed to fuel cells like those manufactured by AFC. Cambridge and Glasgow Universities have already discovered a far cheaper way to produce the hydrogen as well using inexpensive catalysts. I frankly think that hydrogen powered cars make far more sense than electric cars anyway.

I truly think that 4th generation nuclear will come on-stream in the next couple of decades, so all in all the future is bright. I hope to live long enough to see that all you doom and gloom merchants are totally wrong about the future. If you really want to bloody worry then work out a way to slow down the rate of increase in population, that is the true elephant in the room not climate.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

I hope to live long enough to watch you swing by the neck for your constant lies.
How do you suggest this abundance of hydrogen be contained?
If you would like to know, DeviantTwitch, here's what actually happened:

Following the banning of several liberals, while filth like you repeatedly got away with sexually sliming other posters' children, and culminating in the unfair banning of BV, I organized a petition asking the mods generally to address our concerns regarding the mod Flacaltenn's actions. We got no response. As a result, several of us decided to look for a better place. There was no boycott or even any call for one. Some of us post at your safe place with regularity, some don't. In my case it is a combination of principle and the fact that when I look in over there it dominated by boring feebs like SPRAYIT and ChlamydiaBear, and Deplorables grooming each other from hide-from bunkers. I don't go there much now, mostly because it is boring.

You can share this with the other sucker groupies. Since you are a Deplorable, you can do this without getting in trouble for bringing up stuff from other places.

The only other liberal that was permanently banned was The Professional. Who had many violations, including data mining and publishing and distorting personal information gained offsite. And then tried to come back three times under different names, which is illegal.

As far as no conservatives being banned, perhaps none of us did anything that rose to the level of banning.
It's stupid. A lot of us have known who Narcissio is for quite a while. We've even read some of his published bullshit. The only problems it caused were in his fearful little mind.

Well, the under-bed dust bunnies did get in his nostrils and ears.
The only other liberal that was permanently banned was The Professional. Who had many violations, including data mining and publishing and distorting personal information gained offsite. And then tried to come back three times under different names, which is illegal.

As far as no conservatives being banned, perhaps none of us did anything that rose to the level of banning.

The conservatives are dull, authoritarian suck-ups, for a fact. No one is arguing that with you.
I see. So in your arrogant tiny mind that makes you exempt from the rules. Is that it?
Never read a rule against mocking a fearful crybaby constantly reminding the forum "they know who I am"...

He's threatened hiring professionals to get even so that's cool right?
So why, one must ask, are you here, and not there?
If you were a fisherman, I would call you 'The Incompleat Angler'.
[wink, wink, nudge, nudge.]

Half a dozen posts "here" is frankly bugger all. I just call you ...careful...I wouldn't want to be banned...lmao

I can't be true lol the story contradicts the first one lol but lol lol lol lol.
Hey pinhead lol have you considered lol using ten or twenty exclamation marks lol to insist your asserted inanity is truth lol?
Is there no end to the condescending cunts over there at USMB?

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
The only other liberal that was permanently banned was The Professional. Who had many violations, including data mining and publishing and distorting personal information gained offsite. And then tried to come back three times under different names, which is illegal.

As far as no conservatives being banned, perhaps none of us did anything that rose to the level of banning.

I did: TWICE!! I was a very naughty boy. Not permanent though. I wasn't that stupid. Though there was that forum where several lefties bandied together and had me permabanned. Sigh. I was a bad bad laddy!!

That's funny. All the worthless assholes are doubling up on usernames because they know they're going to get banned at some point.

Ain't gonna work, morons.