trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

That's funny. All the worthless assholes are doubling up on usernames because they know they're going to get banned at some point.

Ain't gonna work, morons.

Having a bad day, Muchmoud?

Start over again. It's never too late to have a good day.
Moreover, Jarod Trump testified that he only knew the person had something 'that could help his fathers campaign'. When asked about that, the person turned out to not have anything at all [or maybe it wasn't anything coherent?] but she went onto talk about the Russian adoption issue.

Over on Twitter, the snowflakes are convinced this is it, finally lol. They're a desperate bunch.

Who is Jarod Trump?

In other news....

Preet Bharara

When pursuing a corrupt politician, mobster or murderer on strong FBI evidence, if he "vehemently denied it," we just dropped it usually. …
Birds of a feather, the former a Nazi snitch and authoritarian suck-up, the latter a bottom-of-the-barrel dummy, neither gifted with a hint of intelligence or integrity, but helplessly and haplessly driven by resentments, both. A match made in the gutter, the very bottom of it.

And what's the matter with you, Nazi? Trying to escape your OldeNazi username? I guess you get that from too much sucking up to cowards like Ricky the Chickenshit.
It's stupid. A lot of us have known who Narcissio is for quite a while. We've even read some of his published bullshit. The only problems it caused were in his fearful little mind.

What problems? He wasn't calling for Jewish DNA extermination, that was a mistake. He decided to switch up to Gypsy DNA extermination, all better now.
The only other liberal that was permanently banned was The Professional. Who had many violations, including data mining and publishing and distorting personal information gained offsite. And then tried to come back three times under different names, which is illegal.

As far as no conservatives being banned, perhaps none of us did anything that rose to the level of banning.

BV was not permanently banned. You are full of shit, Not Roberta.
A full day of believing Manafort, Kushner, and Trump, Jr., took a meeting with a Russian lawyer - without knowing with whom they were meeting - must be exhausting.
If you're not a career bureaucrat with a ass shaped like the seat of a swivel chair, you're right.

I am not a career bureaucrat with an ass shaped like the seat of a swivel chair.

I am retired and I am a housewife at present. And that's not what my ass is shaped like.
Birds of a feather, the former a Nazi snitch and authoritarian suck-up, the latter a bottom-of-the-barrel dummy, neither gifted with a hint of intelligence or integrity, but helplessly and haplessly driven by resentments, both. A match made in the gutter, the very bottom of it.

There's no button for 'Piquant'.
And what's the matter with you, Nazi? Trying to escape your OldeNazi username? I guess you get that from too much sucking up to cowards like Ricky the Chickenshit.

Just go away, cowardly snitch. As much as it sucks to be you, there really is no justification for fouling up more than one board at a time with your disgraceful presence.
Getting back to the OP, I am realizing that it bothers me when anyone even TRIES to speak about Trump as though he is a remotely normal person.

We've never had someone this unhinged & deluded as President, at least in modern times. People are too dismissive of his obvious pathologies as mere quirks or things that 'everyone does to an extent.'

There is something wrong with Trump. He shouldn't be leading any nation, much less America.