trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

And yet the Republicans who have control of the government can't accomplish anything.

Oh, they do accomplish a lot. They're fouling up the place, and they'll not rest until the last remainder of dignity is eradicated, including the memory thereof. It's required for the Trumpy to bring down the job to his level, that is, in the muck of self-serving, egomaniac corruption. Turns out, there's a cheering crowd for the like.
And yet the Republicans who have control of the government can't accomplish anything.

They put an excellent conservative on the Supreme Court. And they reduced illegal entries at the border by over 60% simply by stating they would enforce immigration laws.

That's already more that that Obama shithead accomplished in 8 years.
Oh, they do accomplish a lot. They're fouling up the place, and they'll not rest until the last remainder of dignity is eradicated, including the memory thereof. It's required for the Trumpy to bring down the job to his level, that is, in the muck of self-serving, egomaniac corruption. Turns out, there's a cheering crowd for the like.

That's some real first-rate chickenshit sniveling there, Nazi. It's the one thing you're good at.
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Non answer
The surplus electricity from wind farms or solar PV farms if not used will have a negative value because it costs money to produce it but no one wants to buy, so store surplus electricity in the form of hydrogen gas. The surplus electricity is used for water electrolysis to generate hydrogen gas that can stored and when electricity is needed, then this hydrogen gas can be used as feedstock for the fuel cells to produce electricity. To answer your question about storage, what do you want hear? To me the obvious answer is to compress it and store in tanks, ready and available at a moment's notice to provide true dispatchable energy.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
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With all due respect, you don't know fuckall about the mod in question. He did exactly what he was supposed to do.

This dirty bastard, BV should be banned from every forum in the universe for what he did.

Peddling personal information on the internet is a major no-no. IMO the fucker ought to be in jail.

If any of the former residents here suspected so, I'd be here alone....

But you keep trying, mucky......btw, what's in this for you?
LIAR!!!! I was booted TWICE totally unfairly of course; they were WRONG WRONG WRONG....though I did break the rules I suppose...



There was no month long expulsion, or any other sanction, discussed until I told your tool to cram his deal.

I invited him, and a second mod to canvass the group to determine whether or not I was the source of ANY info about private, or even in person.......I also offered to post a statement to all urging complete disclosure.
The surplus electricity from wind farms or solar PV farms if not used will have a negative value because it costs money to produce it but no one wants to buy, so store surplus electricity in the form of hydrogen gas. The surplus electricity is used for water electrolysis to generate hydrogen gas that can stored and when electricity is needed, then this hydrogen gas can be used as feedstock for the fuel cells to produce electricity. To answer your question about storage, what do you want hear? To me the obvious answer is to compress it and store in tanks, ready and available at a moment's notice to provide true dispatchable energy.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Here. I gave the link to the site you plagiarized.
I mean, I know all of this about your views. Trump can't do much wrong in your eyes.

I don't know how to tell you this effectively, but you're just really deep in the koolaid. You don't have an ability right now to view Trump objectively, and a lot of your posture is just "dug in" to defend him against what you see as unwarranted attacks. Your entire viewpoint is just very clouded, and shouldn't be trusted - even by yourself.

I mean, I wasn't like that with Obama, at all. It's what I think we can start calling "Hannity mode." It's just purely partisan.

You have it backwards.

Trump could do nothing good in your eyes.
You have it backwards.

Trump could do nothing good in your eyes.
Yes that's it in a nutshell. Many realise that Trump could turn into a monster but these arseholes are motivated by irrational hate and loathing. It is truly astonishing just how juvenile and loony they have become.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
The surplus electricity from wind farms or solar PV farms if not used will have a negative value because it costs money to produce it but no one wants to buy, so store surplus electricity in the form of hydrogen gas. The surplus electricity is used for water electrolysis to generate hydrogen gas that can stored and when electricity is needed, then this hydrogen gas can be used as feedstock for the fuel cells to produce electricity. To answer your question about storage, what do you want hear? To me the obvious answer is to compress it and store in tanks, ready and available at a moment's notice to provide true dispatchable energy.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

So you are not aware of hydrogen permeation?
Why do think this obvious option isn't presently utilized?