trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I doubt that it is anywhere as big a problem as getting any intelligence to permeate into your skull.

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If that is true, why am I aware of this problem but not you?
Especially since it is basic chemistry?

Big fucking deal, I forget to post the link so sue me arsehole!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

You forgot.
Of course.
Why didn't I think of that, instead of assuming you were trying to pass off someone else's property as your own?
And, of course, the tip-off was that the passage you stole does not include any filthy language.
Thing is starting down the insanity road that leads to Deshian logic.

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I find it incredible that there still exist fiefs in England where there is no access to Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Education.
Where are you from, Millie? Are you a scouse? Do you hone your political skills at Anfield?
BV was banned by Mods United; the whole team gets a say on permanent bannings. I don't know the quorum number. Gring is at this venue; not the Mothership.


He wasn't permanently banned, dumbass gossip. Stick to your impotent groans to prove you're a bitch and your incessant up-sucking to every rightard you see to prove you are a justifiably lonely feeb who finds a lack of pride liberating in terms of living on your knees.
Tolerate intolerance now! Is that it? That woman and her husband are terrible racists. You can have 'em.

Demanding intolerance be tolerated is one of my favorite forms of Deplorable victimhood. Bertha is something of a racist, but she's mostly another rightard suck-up who has no problem slurping Old Lady Flush's ass for the cause. I kinda like Boobcat.
Thing is starting down the insanity road that leads to Deshian logic.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Of course, when it comes to sucking up, I don't think even ChlamydiaBear can measure up to Millie. Cowardly bitch is always grasping at Deplorable skirts, mostly asking them to join a meeting of the MeanGirls' club in his hide-from bunker.
Found a new avatar for anatta:

Saw a new story today that trumpies lobbied Congress to ease up on Russia sanctions. White House had no comment.

Nothing to see here, little lambs. Proceed to the shearing shed.