trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Well, well, well, another one. Who'd have thought?

If you come across a post that seems to make sense, and contains no abuse/filthy language, you should investigate further.
There are two choices: 1) a progressive posted it, or
2) a regressive stole it from some one else.
WASHINGTON — Before arranging a meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer he believed would offer him compromising information about Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Jr. was informed in an email that the material was part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy, according to three people with knowledge of the email.
Don't panic if you don't see me tomorrow. Heading to the mountains to check out a lake I haven't visited yet. Bought a new Panther Martin spinner, some nightcrawlers, and some other minor tackle at Walmart today. Probably just spend one night.

Kind of excited because the monsoon season is active right now. Been a long time since I've camped during one of these storms that can be quite spectacular in the mountains. Bit of danger from lightening and bears and mountain lions and weirdos, but I will feel better knowing all the Deplorables here will be praying for me.

Bit of danger from lightening and bears and mountain lions and weirdos

Rest easy. Otis is in the Bahamas with his guides.
They're more fun than your ridiculous fishing stories.

Anyway, I recall that YOU got Otium banned from the forum before the other. And it got pretty ugly. After one of your little band got Rawley, of all people, banned for racism. And he's no racist.

So I find the revisionist history that you are all so pure and aren't "snitches" nothing but face-saving lies. To justify your running away.

It's OK. Your thread is boring because when it isn't deadly dull, it's nothing but personal insults.

I just post when the dishonesty goes wild and needs to be pruned back.

I just post when the dishonesty goes wild and needs to be pruned back.

Ah, NotBertha, you're a true humanitarian.
WASHINGTON — Before arranging a meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer he believed would offer him compromising information about Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Jr. was informed in an email that the material was part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy, according to three people with knowledge of the email.

So there's an email trail? Oh dear. The buffoon had lunch with Manafort that day and this all happened in Trumpy's Tower? Three top advisers to the buffoon had a meeting with a lawyer who was working to get the sanctions lifted on Russia so Putin would lift his ban on Americans adopting Russian kids? The story now is that is was all a regular thing to meet with anyone, even a Russian, who had dirt on Hillary, especially if the buffoon could pretend he didn't know it was going on?

Yeah. Nothing happened. They tried to collude with the Russians, but it didn't happen. That's why everyone forgot about it or specifically wasn't told about it until yesterday.
That's the ticket.
So there's an email trail? Oh dear. The buffoon had lunch with Manafort that day and this all happened in Trumpy's Tower? Three top advisers to the buffoon had a meeting with a lawyer who was working to get the sanctions lifted on Russia so Putin would lift his ban on Americans adopting Russian kids? The story now is that is was all a regular thing to meet with anyone, even a Russian, who had dirt on Hillary, especially if the buffoon could pretend he didn't know it was going on?

Yeah. Nothing happened. They tried to collude with the Russians, but it didn't happen. That's why everyone forgot about it or specifically wasn't told about it until yesterday.
That's the ticket.

So, you think they found collusion, finally lol?
[FONT=&quot]Remember that time when [insert name] from the Trump [Campaign/Cabinet/White House] went on that news show on [channel] to vehemently deny that they ever met with, spoke to, discussed or even knew any Russians.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Yeah, that was all a lie. Every day, it seems, reports are coming out about visits between campaign surrogates, Cabinet members and know, Donald Trump's own son.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]MSNBC put together this spiffy montage of Trump folks blasting the media for making up "FAKE NEWS" about Russia, that giant nothing burger, starring our favorite cast of criminals (and future inmates), such as:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Paul "Russian Mafia" Manafort
Donnie "Used Car Salesman" Trump, Jr.
Kellyanne "Sewer Rat Barbie" Conjob
Jefferson "I am not aware of that" Beauregard Sessions
Michael "Mother told me it didn't happen" Pence
Donald "Tiny Hands" Trump
and, of course,
Reince "Nothing Burger" Priebus[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Roll the clip, MSNBC.[/FONT]
Fifty-eight percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, according to a new Pew Research Center study. This marks a 45 percent increase from last year's study.

The Republican White House closes press briefings to cameras. The president issues coarse, sexist insults to the hosts of a morning news show. We learn he allegedly threatened them with an unflattering story in The National Enquirer. He tweets a juvenile video of him “wrestling” a cable news network. Oh, and a guest on a “news” program he admires claims America has kidnapped children and used them to establish a secret colony. On Mars.
That’s all in the last few days. And it’s been a pretty average last few days. By next week there will be a new list, equally outrageous. This is reality now.
A party that once provided a sober conservative counterweight to the Democrats’ more liberal impulses has flat out lost its mind, given itself over to rage, fear, schoolyard taunts and bizarre conspiracy theories. Which leaves me impatient with those who frame our political divide as if the issue were that left and right had equally abandoned the center. No fair observer can believe that.
So, you think they found collusion, finally lol?

Nope, all this proves is trump jr. was gonna try to collude with the Russians, not that the feeble-minded brat succeeded. In the latest development, there was a statement from the lawyer who now serves as the presidential press secretary, interesting days, where trump even throws his own kid under the bus now, saying only that daddy had no idea what his idiot spawn was up to.

Looks like trump is going to go for St. Raygun's mental incompetence defense.
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I confess that I seldom watch or listen to Hannity. He is a walking insult to intelligence to everyone but viewers of Faux Gnus. That said, he was really foaming at the mouth tonight, when I took a peek. He was lying faster than a trump on TWITter, squealing about the "Deep State" and the news media and a secret conspiracy of millions trying to make his trump Gawd look bad.

Looks like his truth allergies are really causing him major distress.