trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

The Republican White House closes press briefings to cameras. The president issues coarse, sexist insults to the hosts of a morning news show. We learn he allegedly threatened them with an unflattering story in The National Enquirer. He tweets a juvenile video of him “wrestling” a cable news network. Oh, and a guest on a “news” program he admires claims America has kidnapped children and used them to establish a secret colony. On Mars.
That’s all in the last few days. And it’s been a pretty average last few days. By next week there will be a new list, equally outrageous. This is reality now.
A party that once provided a sober conservative counterweight to the Democrats’ more liberal impulses has flat out lost its mind, given itself over to rage, fear, schoolyard taunts and bizarre conspiracy theories. Which leaves me impatient with those who frame our political divide as if the issue were that left and right had equally abandoned the center. No fair observer can believe that.

one side leans towards the truth

the other leans towards Russia
[h=2]Russia — the question that won't go away for the Trump White House and family[/h]David S. Cloud and Michael A. Memoli
The latest disclosure involves the president's oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and increases the political peril for the White House by drawing yet another family member into the public debate over Russia’s efforts to influence the 2016 election.

Tom, you don't know anything about anything.

You kept dropping "Moore's Law" around here like you thought it would just shut people up. I finally looked up the details of that one - it doesn't mean what you think it means. It's like "inconceivable" in 'Princess Bride.'

The jig is up on that one. You need to either read about it more, or just drop it.

Only because you keep making the inane comparisons between renewables and electronics. I have given up counting how many times you used the analogy of your PC, it is completely wrong but that doesn't stop you all the same.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
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I find it incredible that there still exist fiefs in England where there is no access to Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Education.
Where are you from, Millie? Are you a scouse? Do you hone your political skills at Anfield?

To use Rune's favourite expression, lick my balls. If you want to know those kind of details, you need to at least buy me dinner first before attempting to fuck me.

Sent from my iPhone 25S
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There was no month long expulsion, or any other sanction, discussed until I told your tool to cram his deal.

I invited him, and a second mod to canvass the group to determine whether or not I was the source of ANY info about private, or even in person.......I also offered to post a statement to all urging complete disclosure.

