trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Because I asked you, clueless bimbo.

Thanks for proving you don't know fuckall about it.

Do you go out in your boat to fish for red herrings? Here is a really promising hydrogen based technology being pioneered by CSIRO, an Australian company. It solves the transportation problem by converting it to ammonia which is far denser than hydrogen.


Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
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Do you go out in your boat to fish for red herrings? Here is a really promising hydrogen based technology being pioneered by CSIRO, an Australian company. It solves the transportation problem by converting it to ammonia which is far denser than hydrogen.


Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

So, Millie, you gooseschlepping twat.....explain how you feel "Obama divided us"?

Fucking imbecile....

Since Millie is hiding from me would someone please be so kind as to put this in her face?

Much obliged....
Fifty-eight percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, according to a new Pew Research Center study. This marks a 45 percent increase from last year's study.


when someone goes to maximum lie factor it means they have to hate educated people
That is what the GREAT SAGE EQUAL OF HEAVEN told me you disgusting lying maggot!!


You don't need an excuse to lie,'s coded in your Iron Guard genes.......or were your people Ustaše? Honed your dime dropping skills on local Jews, then when the shit hit the fan you sold out your own....

Isn't that why you find yourself in Sodomy Station, Queensland, prohibited from entering the US?
I'm having a blast watching you 'tards moan and groan. You 're the ignorant gift that keeps on giving.


Let me show you "Ignorant"...

Based on your vast knowledge of Trump's biz and how banks operate? Banks have a multitude of ways to protect their money, even against bankruptcies. Do any of you 'tards ever deal with facts? Ever?

with that intro, you KNOW what follows will be spectacular....

That's stupid, IO. Given the opportunity virtually any bank would do biz with Trump. Bank money is very expensive for real estate developers and comes with very short strings. As always you lead with your vast ignorance and your equally vapid comrades salute it anyway. Pathetic.

Do the words "capital stack" mean anything to you, Bluff?

Do you have any idea what one looks like for a large piece of real estate?

Let me be perfectly clear, and your buttbarnacles greggah and millie, are MORONS!

Let me show you "Ignorant"...

Based on your vast knowledge of Trump's biz and how banks operate? Banks have a multitude of ways to protect their money, even against bankruptcies. Do any of you 'tards ever deal with facts? Ever?

with that intro, you KNOW what follows will be spectacular....

That's stupid, IO. Given the opportunity virtually any bank would do biz with Trump. Bank money is very expensive for real estate developers and comes with very short strings. As always you lead with your vast ignorance and your equally vapid comrades salute it anyway. Pathetic.

Do the words "capital stack" mean anything to you, Bluff?

Do you have any idea what one looks like for a large piece of real estate?

Let me be perfectly clear, and your buttbarnacles greggah and millie, are MORONS!
You're gonna get some devastating "groans" for that!
If President Trump follows through on his threat to impose tariffs on steel imports, expect to see an immediate response from the European Union — including retaliatory tariffs on, of all things, bourbon.
This may seem an oddly disproportionate choice. Everyone needs steel; bourbon, on the other hand, is just a hipster fad and a good-ole-boy mainstay, right?

In fact, a punitive tariff on bourbon and other American whiskeys would be both a symbolic and a substantive body blow — a strike at a unique American product that is enormously popular overseas. Should the tariff dominoes fall, it will be a case study in the shortsightedness of a supposedly “America first” trade policy that, in the end, hurts Americans the most.
Fifty-eight percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, according to a new Pew Research Center study. This marks a 45 percent increase from last year's study.


'Cause being uneducated and having no markable skills has worked out so well for them.
You don't need an excuse to lie,'s coded in your Iron Guard genes.......or were your people Ustaše? Honed your dime dropping skills on local Jews, then when the shit hit the fan you sold out your own....

Isn't that why you find yourself in Sodomy Station, Queensland, prohibited from entering the US?

Are you still being intimate with pole dancers?


Let me show you "Ignorant"...

Based on your vast knowledge of Trump's biz and how banks operate? Banks have a multitude of ways to protect their money, even against bankruptcies. Do any of you 'tards ever deal with facts? Ever?

with that intro, you KNOW what follows will be spectacular....

That's stupid, IO. Given the opportunity virtually any bank would do biz with Trump. Bank money is very expensive for real estate developers and comes with very short strings. As always you lead with your vast ignorance and your equally vapid comrades salute it anyway. Pathetic.

Do the words "capital stack" mean anything to you, Bluff?

Do you have any idea what one looks like for a large piece of real estate?

Let me be perfectly clear, and your buttbarnacles greggah and millie, are MORONS!

Do your proclivities still extend to pole dancers?

Are you still being intimate with pole dancers?


For the locals who don't get the inside joke, this is your Deplorable ChlamydiaBear making a sexual reference about a poster's daughter, because after sucking up to every rightard within range of his prehensile lips and impotent "groan"ing at liberal posts to prove what a bitch he is, that's all the justifiably lonely little freak has got.

Bend over and welcome him to you with open ass cheeks.
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Getting ready to go spend the night in the mountains. Extrapolating from the current tendencies, I figure I will miss 3.7 trump incompetencies and 2.6 pieces of evidence of collusion with Russia.

there are the critical people who were fired. We now know that Trump asked Comey to drop the Flynn investigation and when he refused to do so, he was fired. Sally Yates was fired immediately after she informed the White House that Flynn was compromised with the Russians because of his lies. And as Martin noted yesterday, Preet Bharara was fired in the midst of investigating the Russian mafia’s money laundering case that involved*Natalia Veselnitskaya.