trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?


Ok, upon investigation....fake! Damn.

Snopes sez:

The statement had currency because efforts by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a bill (popularly known as “Trumpcare”) repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (popularly known as “Obamacare”) were, at the time, reaching a fever pitch. The statement also echoed remarks made by a prominent backer of Trumpcare, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Alabama), who had gone on record as saying that “people who lead good lives” are healthier and less prone than others to have pre-existing health conditions. And it tapped into a popular conception of Mike Pence as someone who is overly pious and preachy.

The quote was entirely fabricated, however. There is no public record of Pence ever saying such a thing. Despite the inclusion of what appears at first glance to be a Fox News logo on the image macro, Fox News wasn’t connected in any way with its circulation.
The item first appeared on the Facebook page Fox News The Facebook Page, which is dedicated to lampooning Fox News and conservative politics in general:

It wasn't Pence, but a GOP rep said something very similar...

On the electric Twitter machine, for reasons known only to whatever pagan deity watches over this gang of grifters and fools, Junior had published the entire email chain, the contents of which, in any ordinary time, would have everybody involved being fitted for leg-irons, their room reservations at Leavenworth already booked. From The Guardian:

The emails show music promoter Rob Goldstone telling the future US president's son that "the crown prosecutor of Russia" had offered "to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father". Goldstone adds: "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump." Trump Jr replies 17 minutes later and welcomes the offer. "If it's what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer."

The email chain makes clear that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. Further, it also makes plain that not only Junior, but also Manafort and Kushner knew the campaign had done so because Junior was kind enough to forward the emails to them. He incriminated himself. He incriminated the other two. He made a lie out of practically everything that the Trump camp has said on the subject for over a year. He landed a clean shot below the waterline of his father's administration. Again, I thought of Nixon, standing behind a podium in the White House, while the tape from June 23, 1972 unspooled to an eager world, and then telling the assembled press corps, "See? It's just like I said. I'm not involved." It also was announced that Junior would appear with Sean Hannity on Tuesday night. I fully expected Junior to show up on the set dressed as an evil boyar from an Eisenstein film.

On the electric Twitter machine, for reasons known only to whatever pagan deity watches over this gang of grifters and fools, Junior had published the entire email chain, the contents of which, in any ordinary time, would have everybody involved being fitted for leg-irons, their room reservations at Leavenworth already booked. From The Guardian:

The emails show music promoter Rob Goldstone telling the future US president's son that "the crown prosecutor of Russia" had offered "to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father". Goldstone adds: "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump." Trump Jr replies 17 minutes later and welcomes the offer. "If it's what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer."

The email chain makes clear that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. Further, it also makes plain that not only Junior, but also Manafort and Kushner knew the campaign had done so because Junior was kind enough to forward the emails to them. He incriminated himself. He incriminated the other two. He made a lie out of practically everything that the Trump camp has said on the subject for over a year. He landed a clean shot below the waterline of his father's administration. Again, I thought of Nixon, standing behind a podium in the White House, while the tape from June 23, 1972 unspooled to an eager world, and then telling the assembled press corps, "See? It's just like I said. I'm not involved." It also was announced that Junior would appear with Sean Hannity on Tuesday night. I fully expected Junior to show up on the set dressed as an evil boyar from an Eisenstein film.

I like eating spotted dick but draw the line at yours, even lutefisk tastes better.

The hydrogen economy is about to take off, at least over here anyway!

No, tard.
Natural gas is primarily methane CH4
So you are going to displace 20% of an 80% mix?
Big fucking deal retard.
Let me know if something meaningful happens down the pipeline, 'cause this is just window dressing, about as productive (Not) as ethanol 10% in gasoline.

Damn, boy, at least read your own links.
Damn new folks. What the hell happened? You been here a couple of weeks, basically minding your own business. How the heck did you get demoted down here? I am not reading the entire thread to find out.......
No, tard.
Natural gas is primarily methane CH4
So you are going to displace 20% of an 80% mix?
Big fucking deal retard.
Let me know if something meaningful happens down the pipeline, 'cause this is just window dressing, about as productive (Not) as ethanol 10% in gasoline.

Damn, boy, at least read your own links.
You are seriously trying to tell me what natural gas is, really??? This is just one of many applications in the pipeline. Your fellow country men don't seem to have your pessimism regarding electrolysis using wind turbines. Funny how they don't seem worried about your bullshit about permeation and embrittlement.

Sent from iPhone 25S Turbo
Damn new folks. What the hell happened? You been here a couple of weeks, basically minding your own business. How the heck did you get demoted down here? I am not reading the entire thread to find out.......
Well much of it has bugger all to do with current events, it really ought to be in the War Zone.

Sent from iPhone 25S Turbo
From Frank Bruni's column today....

I wonder whether Ivanka actually factors into this. Among the Trump children, she always sopped up the most lavish praise from Dad and drew the most media fascination. She was cast as his secret weapon. Such a designation eluded Donald Jr. When he met with the Russian lawyer, was he clumsily trying to maneuver his way to greater utility, favor and relevance?

Fredo Trump
From Frank Bruni's column today....

I wonder whether Ivanka actually factors into this. Among the Trump children, she always sopped up the most lavish praise from Dad and drew the most media fascination. She was cast as his secret weapon. Such a designation eluded Donald Jr. When he met with the Russian lawyer, was he clumsily trying to maneuver his way to greater utility, favor and relevance?

Fredo Trump

Jr. would have been looked on with more favor if he had a pussy.

The Democrats zoomed into orbit; Tim Kaine even Went There in a big way. From CNN:

"We are now beyond obstruction of justice," the Virginia Democrat told CNN Tuesday. "This is moving into perjury, false statements and even potentially treason."

But by far the most interesting reaction came from Choirboy Mike Pence, the Vice President of the United States. His office put out a statement that was conspicuous in its tap-dancing. Pence, of course, has been all over television for a year denying that the Trump campaign knew anything about Russian ratfcking. He has decided on the modified limited blow-off route for the moment, via The Hill:

"The Vice President is working every day to advance the president's agenda, which is what the American people sent us here to do," press secretary Marc Lotter said in a statement. "The Vice President was not aware of the meeting. He is not focused on stories about the campaign, particularly stories about the time before he joined the ticket."

You are seriously trying to tell me what natural gas is, really??? This is just one of many applications in the pipeline. Your fellow country men don't seem to have your pessimism regarding electrolysis using wind turbines. Funny how they don't seem worried about your bullshit about permeation and embrittlement.

Sent from iPhone 25S Turbo

Nice deflection yet clearly I am correct in my assessment or you would have corrected me.
Thank you.

As to your link, it is hypothetical at best.

The simple truth of hydrogen is that we don't, at this time, have a cost effective means of storing hydrogen.

Even gold plated stainless steel cannot completely contain pressurized gaseous hydrogen, and that is the best we have to date.

I have high hopes that the hydrogen dilemma will someday be solved and the Norwegians are as likely as anyone to make good improvements so I welcome this attempt but sadly for your argument, their efforts prove nothing.

I really wish you would do at least minimal research before continuing on this failing path.

Your ignorance of the topic is beginning to bore me.

The Democrats zoomed into orbit; Tim Kaine even Went There in a big way. From CNN:

"We are now beyond obstruction of justice," the Virginia Democrat told CNN Tuesday. "This is moving into perjury, false statements and even potentially treason."

But by far the most interesting reaction came from Choirboy Mike Pence, the Vice President of the United States. His office put out a statement that was conspicuous in its tap-dancing. Pence, of course, has been all over television for a year denying that the Trump campaign knew anything about Russian ratfcking. He has decided on the modified limited blow-off route for the moment, via The Hill:

"The Vice President is working every day to advance the president's agenda, which is what the American people sent us here to do," press secretary Marc Lotter said in a statement. "The Vice President was not aware of the meeting. He is not focused on stories about the campaign, particularly stories about the time before he joined the ticket."

The first rat off the sinking ship.