trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

[h=1]Fox's chief intelligence correspondent edited out mention of Russian government when quoting Trump Jr. emails[/h][h=2]A Fox host also praised Trump Jr. for "trying to make this as most transparent as possible"

One of Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherie Herridge's earliest reports on the new revelations regarding Donald Trump Jr.’s willingness to receive damaging information against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton from the Russian government edited out key parts of the email exchange that showed that Trump Jr. knew the information was indeed from the Russian government.


and as I recall, Catherine is frequently cited as a credible source, by Slack Jawed Imbeciles.....
This is interesting. The 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to black Americans.

Ohio Cop Who Fatally Shot Walmart Shopper John Crawford III Won’t Be Charged

Crawford, 22, picked up a pellet gun while shopping in the Walmart toy section, prompting a 911 call from a customer who wrongly reported he was loading a rifle and pointing it at children.

Store surveillance video showed Crawford casually walking around the store with the toy gun in one hand while talking on his cell phone. A short time later, Crawford is seen being fatally shot by Williams.

always been a problem......consider the origins of The Black Panthers......made California reconsider "open carry".
You still poling your pole dancers!!!


And he has acted indignant, and angered , along with his Sancho Panza Wobbles, accusing me of al manner of improprieties , over the crass insinuation on my part, that he took his daughter to pole dancing classes as a high school extra curricular activity.

Sheesh. What a sick fuck he is.

With this "pole" business made clear, I urge everyone to note WHO is deemed "the sick fuck"....


I know you're a big fan.......Those are your good friends Native and Dropbear. And that was a 12 year old girl they were referring to.......and you will appreciate that she just scored a 5 on her Chem APs......
You are just not very bright, debating is pointless with you.

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If your car/bus runs off propane, LNG, or hypothetical liquid hydrogen, it can't be parked in a garage, a covered parking lot, or driven through a tunnel, due to the need for a pressurized vessel to store the fuel.

And he has acted indignant, and angered , along with his Sancho Panza Wobbles, accusing me of al manner of improprieties , over the crass insinuation on my part, that he took his daughter to pole dancing classes as a high school extra curricular activity.

Sheesh. What a sick fuck he is.

With this "pole" business made clear, I urge everyone to note WHO is deemed "the sick fuck"....


I know you're a big fan.......Those are your good friends Native and Dropbear. And that was a 12 year old girl they were referring to.......and you will appreciate that she just scored a 5 on her Chem APs......

It's fine, he's only talking about exterminating Gypsy DNA. That was the Nazi Punk, right?
It now appears that USMB DID, in fact, make my ban permanent - well after the fact.

This is curious, because one thing it effects is that I cannot access my correspondence with Flacal.........which is really, really good for flacal....

And he has acted indignant, and angered , along with his Sancho Panza Wobbles, accusing me of al manner of improprieties , over the crass insinuation on my part, that he took his daughter to pole dancing classes as a high school extra curricular activity.

Sheesh. What a sick fuck he is.

With this "pole" business made clear, I urge everyone to note WHO is deemed "the sick fuck"....


I know you're a big fan.......Those are your good friends Native and Dropbear. And that was a 12 year old girl they were referring to.......and you will appreciate that she just scored a 5 on her Chem APs......

And the Wobbles in question is Ricky....on whom these fine judges of character have seen fit to heap opprobrium.