trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Nice deflection yet clearly I am correct in my assessment or you would have corrected me.
Thank you.

As to your link, it is hypothetical at best.

The simple truth of hydrogen is that we don't, at this time, have a cost effective means of storing hydrogen.

Even gold plated stainless steel cannot completely contain pressurized gaseous hydrogen, and that is the best we have to date.

I have high hopes that the hydrogen dilemma will someday be solved and the Norwegians are as likely as anyone to make good improvements so I welcome this attempt but sadly for your argument, their efforts prove nothing.

I really wish you would do at least minimal research before continuing on this failing path.

Your ignorance of the topic is beginning to bore me.

Beginning to bore you, holy fuck now you know how everybody feels about you.

There are many ways to store hydrogen including geologically in underground caverns, depleted oil/gas fields and salt caverns. We have been storing both natural gas and hydrogen for many years over here.

Sent from iPhone 25S Turbo
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Damn new folks. What the hell happened? You been here a couple of weeks, basically minding your own business. How the heck did you get demoted down here? I am not reading the entire thread to find out.......

I think a mod felt insulted.
[h=1]Fox's chief intelligence correspondent edited out mention of Russian government when quoting Trump Jr. emails[/h][h=2]A Fox host also praised Trump Jr. for "trying to make this as most transparent as possible"

One of Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherie Herridge's earliest reports on the new revelations regarding Donald Trump Jr.’s willingness to receive damaging information against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton from the Russian government edited out key parts of the email exchange that showed that Trump Jr. knew the information was indeed from the Russian government.

This is a story that makes clear nothing the current White House says can be trusted. Donald Trump Jr., who enthusiastically tried to work with Russians to upend the election, calledallegations that the Trump campaign would work with the Russians "disgusting” and “phony.” His father tweeted, as recently as May 12, that “the story that there was collusion between the Russians & Trump campaign was fabricated by Dems.”
These are acts that cast doubt on the basic patriotism of the current White House — a White House that takes, as its slogan, “America First.”
This is a story that reminds us that the last election was often dominated, and perhaps decided, by a crime — Russia’s theft of Democratic emails, which may or may not have happened with the Trump campaign’s support. And it refocuses our attention on the fact that Trump fired the director of the FBI in an attempt to end the investigation into that crime.
The generous interpretation, until now, was that this was all bumbling and idiocy and coincidence. Yes, the Trump campaign had a lot of strange meetings with Russians, and sure, it seemed to routinely forget them during congressional testimony and security checks, and of course, Russia intervened in the election to harm Hillary Clinton. But incompetence, we were assured, was the likelier explanation than conspiracy.
Not anymore.
And a little humor...

Amid all the buzz around the latest revelations it’s hard to keep track of the players without a scorecard. And once again, the guy with his head in the game is law professor Seth Abramson, in another of his incredible tweetstorms, pulling threads from all over to weave a coherent picture. And what an incredible story it is. (And if you stop reading before tweet #37, you stopped too soon.
[FONT=&quot]The CJR study, by scholars at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, at Harvard Law School, and the MIT Center for Civic Media, examined more than 1.25 million articles between April 1, 2015, and Election Day. What they found was that Hillary Clinton supporters shared stories from across a relatively broad political spectrum, including center-right sources such as The Wall Street Journal, mainstream news organizations like the Times and the Post, and partisan liberal sites like The Huffington Post and The Daily Beast.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]By contrast, Donald Trump supporters clustered around Breitbart — headed until recently by Stephen Bannon, the hard-right nationalist now ensconced in the White House — and a few like-minded websites such as The Daily Caller, Alex Jones' Infowars, and The Gateway Pundit. Even Fox News was dropped from the favored circle back when it was attacking Trump during the primaries, and only re-entered the fold once it had made its peace with the future president.[/FONT]
This is interesting. The 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to black Americans.

Ohio Cop Who Fatally Shot Walmart Shopper John Crawford III Won’t Be Charged

Crawford, 22, picked up a pellet gun while shopping in the Walmart toy section, prompting a 911 call from a customer who wrongly reported he was loading a rifle and pointing it at children.

Store surveillance video showed Crawford casually walking around the store with the toy gun in one hand while talking on his cell phone. A short time later, Crawford is seen being fatally shot by Williams.

I cannot see this ever happening in the US.

New Zealand lawmakers apologize for 100s of gay convictions

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — New Zealand lawmakers unanimously apologized Thursday for the “tremendous hurt and suffering” of hundreds of men who were convicted of homosexuality during the years it was treated as a crime.

Damn new folks. What the hell happened? You been here a couple of weeks, basically minding your own business. How the heck did you get demoted down here? I am not reading the entire thread to find out.......

You not getting Dropbear's e-mails?

Corrie (nee Millie) has been getting many....ask her to share....
This is interesting. The 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to black Americans.

Ohio Cop Who Fatally Shot Walmart Shopper John Crawford III Won’t Be Charged

Crawford, 22, picked up a pellet gun while shopping in the Walmart toy section, prompting a 911 call from a customer who wrongly reported he was loading a rifle and pointing it at children.

Store surveillance video showed Crawford casually walking around the store with the toy gun in one hand while talking on his cell phone. A short time later, Crawford is seen being fatally shot by Williams.

Black Lives Don't Matter. Ipso facto.