trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Was the Meeting Between Donald Trump Jr. and The Russian Lawyer Really “Treason” or The “Smoking Gun” of Collusion?

Richard Painter, an ethics lawyer under former President George W. Bush, has declared that the meeting of Donald Trump Jr., with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have compromising information on Hillary Clinton during the campaign, “borders on treason.” Others have said that the disclosure could be the long sought after “smoking gun” on collusion and evidence of criminal conduct. I am afraid that I have to continue my record as something of a “buzz kill” on these stories. There is not a clear criminal act in such a meeting based on the information that we have. Moreover, it is not necessarily unprecedented.

There is no crime in listening to people who say that they have incriminating information on a political opponent, even a foreigner. Article III defines treason as “levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” To say that this type of meeting even borders on treason is quite a departure from the language and cases governing that crime.

Hyperventilating fools at the NY Slimes schnucker other fools.

Was the Meeting Between Donald Trump Jr. and The Russian Lawyer Really “Treason” or The “Smoking Gun” of Collusion?

Richard Painter, an ethics lawyer under former President George W. Bush, has declared that the meeting of Donald Trump Jr., with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have compromising information on Hillary Clinton during the campaign, “borders on treason.” Others have said that the disclosure could be the long sought after “smoking gun” on collusion and evidence of criminal conduct. I am afraid that I have to continue my record as something of a “buzz kill” on these stories. There is not a clear criminal act in such a meeting based on the information that we have. Moreover, it is not necessarily unprecedented.

There is no crime in listening to people who say that they have incriminating information on a political opponent, even a foreigner. Article III defines treason as “levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” To say that this type of meeting even borders on treason is quite a departure from the language and cases governing that crime.

Hyperventilating fools at the NY Slimes schnucker other fools.

Moreover, Jarod Trump testified that he only knew the person had something 'that could help his fathers campaign'. When asked about that, the person turned out to not have anything at all [or maybe it wasn't anything coherent?] but she went onto talk about the Russian adoption issue.

Over on Twitter, the snowflakes are convinced this is it, finally lol. They're a desperate bunch.
Sounds like we're talking about different people. In that case, never mind.

I am talking about the mod that read the Riot Act to the Manky Mongoose. He often changes his name so us old timers refer to him by his original name.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
I am talking about the mod that read the Riot Act to the Manky Mongoose. He often changes his name so us old timers refer to him by his original name.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

yeah. different mod. Anyway, I saw what you're talking about. Charitable, imo. Should have banned him outright.
Moreover, Jarod Trump testified that he only knew the person had something 'that could help his fathers campaign'. When asked about that, the person turned out to not have anything at all [or maybe it wasn't anything coherent?] but she went onto talk about the Russian adoption issue.

Over on Twitter, the snowflakes are convinced this is it, finally lol. They're a desperate bunch.

I can't be true lol the story contradicts the first one lol but lol lol lol lol.
Hey pinhead lol have you considered lol using ten or twenty exclamation marks lol to insist your asserted inanity is truth lol?
I hate to disappoint you, Chickenshit. But nobody cares what you dirty dumb leftist animals do. You're somebody else's problem now.

So why, one must ask, are you here, and not there?
If you were a fisherman, I would call you 'The Incompleat Angler'.
[wink, wink, nudge, nudge.]
I can't be true lol the story contradicts the first one lol but lol lol lol lol.
Hey pinhead lol have you considered lol using ten or twenty exclamation marks lol to insist your asserted inanity is truth lol?

Well, do you think you have something, finally lol?
BV peddled no information about anybody. DeviantTwitch is feeling so bad over getting caught being a dishonest snitch, he even comes over here to lie about his cowardly reliance on a biased mommy mod to protect him from snowllake bullies. Nobody believes him at his safe place, either.

BV was banned by Mods United; the whole team gets a say on permanent bannings. I don't know the quorum number. Gring is at this venue; not the Mothership.

yeah. different mod. Anyway, I saw what you're talking about. Charitable, imo. Should have banned him outright.
It's stupid. A lot of us have known who Narcissio is for quite a while. We've even read some of his published bullshit. The only problems it caused were in his fearful little mind.
So why, one must ask, are you here, and not there?
If you were a fisherman, I would call you 'The Incompleat Angler'.
[wink, wink, nudge, nudge.]

I'm here to educate and inform the good people on this forum about the raft of vicious dirty animals that recently invaded their space.
Same reason the sissy mod kept banning liberals but never did anything to your fellow trump fluffers. In this case, it was done when BV would not agree to a plea deal that would have let him off in exchange for letting the mod save face. It is the reason we are here and why a lonely Twitch like you follows us around. Well, that and you are not getting enough of the abuse you get off on at your safe place
LIAR!!!! I was booted TWICE totally unfairly of course; they were WRONG WRONG WRONG....though I did break the rules I suppose...


It's stupid. A lot of us have known who Narcissio is for quite a while. We've even read some of his published bullshit. The only problems it caused were in his fearful little mind.

I see. So in your arrogant tiny mind that makes you exempt from the rules. Is that it?
If you would like to know, DeviantTwitch, here's what actually happened:

Following the banning of several liberals, while filth like you repeatedly got away with sexually sliming other posters' children, and culminating in the unfair banning of BV, I organized a petition asking the mods generally to address our concerns regarding the mod Flacaltenn's actions. We got no response. As a result, several of us decided to look for a better place. There was no boycott or even any call for one. Some of us post at your safe place with regularity, some don't. In my case it is a combination of principle and the fact that when I look in over there it dominated by boring feebs like SPRAYIT and ChlamydiaBear, and Deplorables grooming each other from hide-from bunkers. I don't go there much now, mostly because it is boring.

You can share this with the other sucker groupies. Since you are a Deplorable, you can do this without getting in trouble for bringing up stuff from other places.

Pitiful. Fucking bloody PITIFUL. lmao
