trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Here's a good essay summarizing the scientists' efforts to collect evidence for the earth's climate cycles, the daunting complexity of the problem, the difficulties identifying relevant data and periods, along with figuring out how the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

Good link. Thanks.

Highly unlikely however, any of these pinheads get past the second paragraph.
Seems the most clever thing they've done is choose an appropriately self-revealing, oxymoronic moniker.

You mean like "TrumpTards" and "orangetweet?" You're too big of an idiot to comprehend the irony of leftist dumbfucks like you whining about being petty, being lied to or bitching about oxymoronic monikers. :rofl2:

"Trumptard" and "Orangetweet" are oxymorons?

Better look up "oxymoron", moron.

Dear moron; I see your reading comprehension is lacking as badly as your vocabulary, intelligence and ability to comprehend the OBVIOUS. The statement was "Oxymoronic moniker" by a fellow leftTard.

Time to get your empty head out of your ass dumbfuck! :rofl2:
Dear moron; I see your reading comprehension is lacking as badly as your vocabulary, intelligence and ability to comprehend the OBVIOUS. The statement was "Oxymoronic moniker" by a fellow leftTard.

Time to get your empty head out of your ass dumbfuck! :rofl2:

You're serious aren't you?

It's pretty sad when not only can you not comprehend what I wrote, but you don't even understand your own words.

I can see why you focus exclusively on insulting others, rather than attempting to make a point. Sorry I bothered to reply. My bad, eh?
Scientists cannot summarize the history of the climate.....they haven't been around long enough to do they GUESS....and THEORIZE [...]

You haven't read the article, and you cannot understand what science in the field of climate has accomplished over the last almost two centuries, but you postulate they had to be personally present to figure it out, with supreme confidence.

Nicely done, "Truth Detector".
If you were hoping that the populist buffoon from the campaign trail would keep some of the promises he made to his base, you can stop now.

Trump is not for his base; he's not for anyone. He's a corporatist, and he will continue letting corporations make decisions that his White House is either too lazy or too incompetent to make, to the detriment of Americans, whether they voted for him or not.
The POTUS, among many other accomplishments, has absolutely ruined the Democratic Party. They are in tatters and going nowhere fast.

I'm thinking you're one of the smartest and mature rightards on this site. Glad you've joined this thread.

Here, pull my finger.