trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Can you explain how the planet went through several massive cooling and warming events long before man invented the gasoline powered engine?

The pinnacle of ignorance is achieved when liberal idiots arrogantly presume and declare that man is causing the planet to warm. Dunce.

The best scientists from all related disciplines in the world declared that only after years of dillgent hypothesis, observation, testing and modeling, consultation collaboration and carefully crafted publications. The pinnacle of ignorance is achieved by dumbshit southern and flyover lemmings who blindly parrot the ignorant right wing radio shows that exploit them in those God forsaken unwanted hellholes of uneducated white trash whose ideas for refinement and culture are giant balls of yarn and pig wresting and spitting competitions
The best scientists from all related disciplines in the world declared that only after years of dillgent hypothesis, observation, testing and modeling, consultation collaboration and carefully crafted publications. The pinnacle of ignorance is achieved by dumbshit southern and flyover lemmings who blindly parrot the ignorant right wing radio shows that exploit them in those God forsaken unwanted hellholes of uneducated white trash whose ideas for refinement and culture are giant balls of yarn and pig wresting and spitting competitions

This is a massive leftist lie snowflake.
There is no limit to what man can cause. After all, it is undeniable that man caused rightard dumb fucks.

Oh, okay, that too will be denied. By rightard dumb fucks.
As though man didn't cause acid rain, deforestation, species extinction, etc etc.

Yep; when lying liberals are caught being morons and liars, they deflect.

You really are a dupe; which explains why you're a constituent of the Party of the Jackass. :rofl2:
There is no limit to what man can cause. After all, it is undeniable that man caused rightard dumb fucks.

Oh, okay, that too will be denied. By rightard dumb fucks.

You're thin skin is showing snowflake. But I get it, its embarrassing to be proven an ignorant dumbfuck therefore, you feel compelled to lash out.

Note that all the paid rightard mouthpiece can do is nit pick. After all, he is a political journalist presenting a political piece. He presents the proportion of climate scientists accepting the consensus as 'most', or 76% of members of the US Meteorological Society. He is reduced to nit picking the size of the consensus, not whether it exists. The invincibly ignorant dumb fuck rightards will cling to this piece like a life ring, not realising it sinks them.

[US Meteorological Society] percent said that warming over the next century would be “very” or “somewhat” harmful,

And that's not even whether it exists, but how bad it will be. That AGW exists is taken as a given by the society. Must be a left wing conspiracy.
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Yep; when lying liberals are caught being morons and liars, they deflect.
So you're sticking to your story that man cannot affect climate even when the evidence has been presented he can affect his environment by removing entire forests and species [and causing holes in ozone layers by using hair spray, ffs]. Oh well, there's a reason invincible ignorance is the choice of rightard dumb fucks.
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There is no lack of scientific consensus that human activity emitted greenhouse gases are the primary driver of climate change. There is denial from mouth breathers depending on invincible ignorance as a debate tool.

I see you gave up on your analogy.

Humans are the primary driver of climate change? Really lol?

Behind of or ahead of the sun as the primary driver? What's the consensus on that?
Can you explain how the planet went through several massive cooling and warming events long before man invented the gasoline powered engine?

Here's a good essay summarizing the scientists' efforts to collect evidence for the earth's climate cycles, the daunting complexity of the problem, the difficulties identifying relevant data and periods, along with figuring out how the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

The pinnacle of ignorance is achieved when liberal idiots arrogantly presume and declare that man is causing the planet to warm. Dunce.

How does that advance the Truth Detector's cause?
I'd say the writers of the paper do. I mean, you do know what 'unprecedented' means, don't you? Ah, I think I may've found the problem...... might "say" that....but then, haven't you been wrong about everything you've said since you got here?.....