trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

To fill in my scorecard.

What a life you lead. Asking an anonymous poster what his opinion is on public education.

You're like one of those people who keeps tabs on nothing, right?

Next time, ask me why I support it or why you don't, or STFU and go back to the board you and ricky ticky ran from.
This is a lightly moderated board. Except, be familiar with rule 12b, from what I've read, this is the one rule that even a hint at breaking it gets you banned. Other than that, apparently you can take other board feuds here, have a few socks, but not too many etc.


Sent from my iPhone 25S Turbo
What a life you lead. Asking an anonymous poster what his opinion is on public education.
What self awareness you display, complaining about being asked questions anonymously while answering them anonymously.

If you want to give up your anonymity please don't let me stop you.
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Yeah? Here is my quote -- what is it now then, the sixth time you've read it? "I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?"

Quote the specific words in that statement that says there are four in number and they all wrote it?

Could you be any denser? And no, that's not a challenge but I suspect it won't deter you from proving it true.

1)......four Republican senators were cited by the news as proposing to vote against it......thus ""I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?" = 4

2) said "I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?" thus senators who were on the news helped write it = those 4 helped write it.....
What do you think that means? Highest values over what? 800,000 years was about 300ppm and now we're at about 400ppm?

I should think it obvious.....approximately every 150,000 years our planet ranges through a cycle of cooling and warming.......the last, around 125,000 years ago had a high temperature almost 2 degrees warmer than what we are experiencing.........

please explain to me how man-made global warming happened 150,000 years ago, 300,000 years ago and 450,000 years ago......

these measurements indicate that, at the beginning of the deglaciations, the CO2 increase either was in phase or lagged by less than ~1000 years with respect to the Antarctic temperature, whereas it clearly lagged behind the temperature at the onset of the glaciations.

do higher temperatures cause CO2 increases or do CO2 increases cause higher temperatures (the essence of lib'rul arguments about man-made global warming).........
The strong correlation between atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations and Antarctic temperature, previously described by Barnola et al. (1987), is confirmed by the extension of the Vostok ice-core record [...]

The extension of the Vostok CO2 record shows the present-day levels of CO2 are unprecedented during the past 420 kyr.

and from that you conclude human activity causes global warming?....../brillig......
1)......four Republican senators were cited by the news as proposing to vote against it......thus ""I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?" = 4

2) said "I turn on the news to find Republican Senators who helped write this stupid new healthcare law say they won't vote for it?" thus senators who were on the news helped write it = those 4 helped write it.....

That's made inference......hallucination?
....having consumed an image of yourself ....I'd argue delusion... psychosis apparently.....invincible ignorance means never having to admit you're wrong. Congrats.
I should think it obvious.....approximately every 150,000 years our planet ranges through a cycle of cooling and warming.......the last, around 125,000 years ago had a high temperature almost 2 degrees warmer than what we are experiencing.........

please explain to me how man-made global warming happened 150,000 years ago, 300,000 years ago and 450,000 years ago......

do higher temperatures cause CO2 increases or do CO2 increases cause higher temperatures (the essence of lib'rul arguments about man-made global warming).........

Can you explain the greenhouse effect?
they cant explain why they are still in Siberia

they post and post and post the lies they are ordered to post.

yet they are still in Siberia

they are just really shitty at what they do

So putin leaves them in Siberia
There’s no mealy mouthed truckling about what happened. The first episode opens with the voice of Lindsay Moran, a one-time clandestine CIA officer, declaring, “The agency was elbow deep with drug traffickers.”

Then Richard Stratton, a marijuana smuggler turned writer and television producer, explains, “Most Americans would be utterly shocked if they knew the depth of involvement that the Central Intelligence Agency has had in the international drug trade.”

Next, New York University professor Christian Parenti tells viewers, “The CIA is from its very beginning collaborating with mafiosas who are involved in the drug trade because these mafiosas will serve the larger agenda of fighting communism.”


First we learn about the CIA working with Florida mob boss Santo Trafficante Jr. in the early 1960s. The CIA wanted Fidel Castro dead and, in return for Trafficante’s help in various assassination plots, was willing to turn a blind eye to the extensive drug trafficking by Trafficante and his allied Cuban exiles.

Then there’s the extremely odd tale of how the CIA imported significant amounts of LSD from its Swiss manufacturer in hopes that it could be used for successful mind control. Instead, by dosing thousands of young volunteers including Ken Kesey, Whitey Bulger, and Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter, the agency accidentally helped popularize acid and generate the 1960s counterculture of psychedelia.

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. allied with anti-communist forces in Laos that leveraged our support to become some of the largest suppliers of opium on earth. Air America, a CIA front, flew supplies for the guerrillas into Laos and then flew drugs out, all with the knowledge and protection of U.S. operatives.

The same dynamic developed in the 1980s as the Reagan administration tried to overthrow the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The planes that secretly brought arms to the contras turned around and brought cocaine back to America, again shielded from U.S. law enforcement by the CIA.

Most recently, there’s our 16-year-long war in Afghanistan. While less has been uncovered about the CIA’s machinations here, it’s hard not to notice that we installed Hamid Karzai as president while his brother apparently was on the CIA payroll and, simultaneously, one of the country’s biggest opium dealers. Afghanistan now supplies about 90 percent of the world’s heroin.