trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Okay, ya got me. AGW is a world wide scam entered into by the world's governments in order to make US rightard dumb fucks buy climate scientists' lunches. It's a fair cop.

don't be ridiculous.......its a world wide scam entered into by the world's liberals in order to attempt to take control of world governments and buy liberal climate scientist's lunches.....
Seventy-six [US Meteorological Society] percent said that warming over the next century would be “very” or “somewhat” harmful

when seventy six percent of them were asked if global warming was triggered by human activity this time just like it did 150k years ago and 300k years ago, what did they answer?......
Here's a good essay summarizing the scientists' efforts to collect evidence for the earth's climate cycles

from your "good essay"
Our current situation was altogether different. The warming was not started by a small shift of sunlight, as in previous epochs. Our addition of gases to the atmosphere was initiating the process, with the temperature rise lagging behind the rise of gas levels. Emissions were climbing at a far swifter rate than anything in the Pleistocene record, so the lag was measured not in centuries, but mere decades.

I'm sorry, but that is patently absurd.......our current cycle started approximately 120,000 years ago and has followed the same pattern as the previous three cycles......(see the graph in said "good essay")......
Note that all the paid rightard mouthpiece can do is nit pick. After all, he is a political journalist presenting a political piece. He presents the proportion of climate scientists accepting the consensus as 'most', or 76% of members of the US Meteorological Society. He is reduced to nit picking the size of the consensus, not whether it exists. The invincibly ignorant dumb fuck rightards will cling to this piece like a life ring, not realising it sinks them.

[US Meteorological Society] percent said that warming over the next century would be “very” or “somewhat” harmful,

And that's not even whether it exists, but how bad it will be. That AGW exists is taken as a given by the society. Must be a left wing conspiracy.

I haven't been wrong yet; but you are in a major competition with the forums pet retard BucklyTard for asshat of the year award.
So you're sticking to your story that man cannot affect climate even when the evidence has been presented he can affect his environment by removing entire forests and species [and causing holes in ozone layers by using hair spray, ffs].

I am sticking to my story that the belief that man is causing the planet to warm is an arrogant laughably stupid claim that only the most gullible among us can buy into. The planet has cooled and warmed many times long before man came along....and will do so long after man is extinct. Our time on this planet in geologic terms amounts to a fraction of a second. The notion that man could do all this damage in a matter of years defies common sense, logic and anything remotely connected to reality.

Oh well, there's a reason invincible ignorance is the choice of rightard dumb fucks.

Yep; in loony liberal land, it makes perfect sense to cling to the idiotic notion that a modern economy can function on windmills and solar energy. Dunce.
Here's a good essay summarizing the scientists' efforts to collect evidence for the earth's climate cycles, the daunting complexity of the problem, the difficulties identifying relevant data and periods, along with figuring out how the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

How does that advance the Truth Detector's cause?

Who are you? Scientists cannot summarize the history of the climate.....they haven't been around long enough to do they GUESS....and THEORIZE and some, like the dumbfucks on the left, cling to the arrogant, presumptuous and moronic claim that MAN is capable of destroying the planet.

I cannot imagine being gullible enough given earths history to believe such tripe. But hey, if it keeps liberal snowflakes up at night, I am good with it. :rofl2:
Who are you? Scientists cannot summarize the history of the climate.....they haven't been around long enough to do they GUESS....and THEORIZE and some, like the dumbfucks on the left, cling to the arrogant, presumptuous and moronic claim that MAN is capable of destroying the planet.

I cannot imagine being gullible enough given earths history to believe such tripe. But hey, if it keeps liberal snowflakes up at night, I am good with it. :rofl2:

The moron of JPP has spoken...
Everyone take notice.
how many have YOU killed, chuckles......or do you just cheer for others to do it......

No Planned Parenthood abortions are financed by federal funds ya knothead. De-funding them will only limit necessary health care for many women and likely contribute to unwanted pregnancies for poor women causing much more of the stupid economic and social problems you're already whining about. Idiocy defines you.