trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Then their specific statements should be easy for you to dispute. Have at it.
Why should I bother, you have such an entrenched viewpoint that anything I say you will just ignore anyway? Of course climate alarmists will try to trash Richard Lindzen he is a genuine big beast with a long and distinguished career. It is a standard and, might I say, incredibly lazy tactic, adopted by CAGW alarmists. Here is a link to his CV, you might want to read that before saying anything else.
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Why should I bother, you have such an entrenched viewpoint that anything I say you will just ignore anyway? Of course climate alarmists will try to trash Richard Lindzen he is a genuine big beast with a long and distinguished career. It is a standard and, might I say, incredibly lazy tactic, adopted by CAGW alarmists. Here is a link to his CV, you might want to read that before saying anything else.

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Lazy tactic? Like throwing insults and running away from every question asked of you? Why do you bother, indeed.
[FONT=&quot]The self-declared dealmaker, who makes the best deals, issued an utterly nonsensical statement that showed that incoherent vacillating that we’ve come to expect from the doddering old man that is somehow our President:[/FONT]
Alexandra Scraggs: A weekend in Texas with ZeroHedge readers, Part 1 "The frontier mindset also clearly informed a speech by organiser Hedgeless_Horseman...

...who recommended using only catastrophic health insurance and negotiating directly with health providers for everything else. “We don’t want to be in the Obamacare pool with obese, drug addicted, perpetually pregnant people. I want to be in my own pool,” he said in his talk, which drew a bit too heavily on truck comparisons and used the phrase “debt slave” more than once. He also provided a five-page primer on industry jargon, the best places to find negotiated rates, and a form letter for communicating with the doctor’s office. So while many of his comments were unsavoury, they were fully consistent with the frontier thesis. He wasn’t trying to sell anything...

Going naked save for catastrophic, which you negotiate with your own insurance company by yourself as "your own pool" outside the regulatory framework works just fine—until you get diagnosed with heart disease, or liver cancer. Then good luck negotiating for catastrophic as "your own pool". Even an individually-negotiated "your own pool" catastrophic policy is worth very little over the long run without guaranteed annual reissue, tight ceilings on annual price increases, and some backstop that gives you a lifeline should your insurer go bankrupt or simply decide to exit the market.

If Hedgeless_Horseman is following his own advice, he's being stupid, and somebody is grifting him. But maybe he isn't following his own advice: Maybe he is expecting to be able to take advantage of the ObamaCare regulatory framework and run back under it in case he falls sick. Or maybe it is just a persona, a pose to begin with.

if it isn't a pose—if he is following his own advice—then somebodies have grifted him thoroughly for him to think that the big source of disutility in his people's lives is that of "be[ing] in the Obamacare pool with obese, drug addicted, perpetually pregnant people..."—then some people have grifted him pretty thoroughly. Just saying.

The nation’s mayors sent a strong message to the Trump administration: If the federal government won’t take the lead on fighting climate change, they will.

At their annual summit that concluded Monday, the bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors, which represents more than 1,400 mayors nationwide, passed several resolutions pushing back against President Donald Trump’s policies on climate change. It included a call to Congress and the president to commit to environmental initiatives such as the Paris climate agreement and the Clean Power Plan. The country’s largest coalition of cities also passed a landmark resolution supporting cities’ transitions to 100 percent renewable energy by 2035. The resolution was passed unanimously, the Guardian reported.

“If the federal government doesn’t act, it doesn’t mean we don’t have a national policy;the federal government doesn’t occupy the only place on this,” conference president and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu told The New York Times on Monday. “Mayors have to respond to circumstances. We have to keep moving no matter what.”